Why did you break with your ex?


AKA Chief Green Leaf
May 13, 2013
Because she said she was gonna stop fukking me till we got married, this bytch actually thought she was gonna put a gun to the p*ssy and i was gonna go along with that dumbass plan. It'd be like if i told her i was gonna stop giving her affection till we got married, that bytch would flip the fukk out :heh: and a note to all women, this is a perfect way to make a nikka leave you with the quickness no matter how much it hurts


AKA Chief Green Leaf
May 13, 2013
Gonna catch shyt for this, but fukk it. She put on too much weight and wasn't attracted to her anymore.

I would have hung in there, but she wasn't doing anything to lose it. I took it as her not caring about looking sexy for me.

My mind started drifting something serious towards other chicks. Instead of cheating I dipped. She was perfect in every other way, but I would always think about how big she would be after kids and shyt like that. I couldn't handle that.

It was pretty shallow and I'm not proud of it. I keep myself in shape, partially for her. The fact she wasn't willing to do the same took all desire for her out of me.

Bruh you got together with that chick with one of the (unsaid) stipulations being how she looked. Sounds like she let herself go and thought you wouldn't care. bad mistake for her :manny:


May 9, 2012
She switched up after we got into a physical altercation :slapfight: during the last month of her pregnancy. After the baby was born, she wasnt the same person. Too much disrespect. I tried to give it one more go cuz shes a beautiful dark skinned woman and makin $60k at 23 is :whew: but I'm in Atlanta. I dont need someone who is ungrateful and disrespectful (including to my fam). Plain and simple.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
She was married.... First taste of heart break in my life. Ladies ruin good dudes early on and then scream niccas ain't sh1t when they were apart of what made him a monster when he was green.

Yeah cause men never do this. :troll:


May 3, 2012
The one that meant the most to me...my first so-called "real" relationship/love:lupe: This bytch was super crazy and dramatic, supposedly molested (told me this on like the second time we hung out without me even alluding to any conversation of the sort:upsetfavre:), supposedly got beat up by her husband she ran away from her family with for nothing:upsetfavre:, adopted, claimed to have finished a nursing program in a year because she had a connection with her family doctor:russ: (avoided questions on the topic of why she didn't work as a nurse:upsetfavre:), supposedly had a stolen identity, and just a ton of other :duck: and sob stories. Keep in mind that she was only 19. All in all - she was basically your average Puerto Rican chick. :pachaha:Ohhh she told me some good shyt - and I made myself believe it like the kid that I was. :snoop: She played me with a finesse that only her advantage of being a cumdumpster for years prior would have allowed. Compared to me, of course, with a couple of my little bullshyt High School flings. :wow:This bytch managed to cheat on me, crash my car, lie to my face constantly, get me to move in with her and pay most of the rent, and a bunch of other shyt I won't even get into.:snoop: Man, I was such a sucker. :wow: So young and naive :wow: But I was so in love.:wub: Anyway, I would break up with her like every other day and finally a time came when she didn't want to get back together. So I guess I technically "broke up" with her but then she wouldn't take me back :heh: I was a mess for like a year and made a fool of myself on multiple occasions by begging for her back while she was getting smashed by several dudes on the regular (she was obviously telling me that she wasn't). This is by far the lowest point I have ever reached in my life and the biggest lesson I have ever learned.:to: After I got over it, picked myself up, and got my confidence back - I was a changed man. I now realized how women really operate most of the time and began winning.:banderas: Every relationship since then has been a cakewalk - win or lose. :manny:

Mine is similar to this. But she made me break up with because she was too afraid to do it. Guess it was easier on her that way. She didn't want to admit that she cheated and got pregnant by some highschool nikka. I kinda miss that Slut


May 6, 2012
My high school sweetheart gave the best head and had the best body with the big booty. She was sexy as hell and would suck it on command, and did I mention she deep throated and swallowed! She was also book smart as she went to an ivy league school here in NYC. However, all through senior year of HS and throughout college, she was mentally unstable. I was in lust/love with that girl as I did not notice at first, but she wanted me to always be next to her (literally) as she did not have any friends, or family. It was cool at first because I was hitting that almost everyday in her dorm room, car, subway platform, you name it. She would be over my parents house on weekends and I would bang her out even more. Things were great but five years passed like a blur and I noticed I was not happy but I sugar coated because all the sex I was getting. I did not hang out with my friends or family because she would get crazy jealous I was not with her. Also, it was not fun being with someone who literally had no friends, she always thought someone was out to get her. She played the race card constantly (I am latin and she is black), for example if we went out to dinner and the server was a white/latin girl I knew that I was not gonna have a good time because if the server looked at me and not her while taking our order then the server was racist. I had grown up and got tired of the pu$$y so I realized that I wanted someone that was not selfish and someone who had a normal social life. So I finally had the balls to break up with her (break up story is epic, will leave it for another day) and have never been more happy to be drama free.


Dec 11, 2012
My high school sweetheart gave the best head and had the best body with the big booty. She was sexy as hell and would suck it on command, and did I mention she deep throated and swallowed! She was also book smart as she went to an ivy league school here in NYC. However, all through senior year of HS and throughout college, she was mentally unstable. I was in lust/love with that girl as I did not notice at first, but she wanted me to always be next to her (literally) as she did not have any friends, or family. It was cool at first because I was hitting that almost everyday in her dorm room, car, subway platform, you name it. She would be over my parents house on weekends and I would bang her out even more. Things were great but five years passed like a blur and I noticed I was not happy but I sugar coated because all the sex I was getting. I did not hang out with my friends or family because she would get crazy jealous I was not with her. Also, it was not fun being with someone who literally had no friends, she always thought someone was out to get her. She played the race card constantly (I am latin and she is black), for example if we went out to dinner and the server was a white/latin girl I knew that I was not gonna have a good time because if the server looked at me and not her while taking our order then the server was racist. I had grown up and got tired of the pu$$y so I realized that I wanted someone that was not selfish and someone who had a normal social life. So I finally had the balls to break up with her (break up story is epic, will leave it for another day) and have never been more happy to be drama free.

nikka its 7:30am....

you wrote all that,you might as well finish it off..:russ:

Unless your going to the dominican parade...

The women are going to be looking:wow::wow: