It's true that the most violent black on black crime is over petty disputes.
By and large these are not crimes of survival. It's pure nikka shyt 9 times out of 10.
If this type of violence was rooted in poverty, then black girls would kill each other at the same rate that black boys do.
The fact that they don't, suggests that it has something to do with the way black boys are socialized.
This is one of many reasons to reject rigid constructs of masculinity. But nobody wants to hear that, cause that's "ghey"or "feminismz"
Black people socialize their boys to be violent, plain and simple. This is true whether fathers are present or not.
Blacks should fight for jobs for the youth, increased access to mental health care and behavioral therapy, things that are proven to significantly reduce violent crime. But ultimately, to create peaceful communities, people have to socialize their children differently. I don't know exactly what that entails, but that's clearly the biggest factor.
Lastly, it's inaccurate to call it gang violence. Kids don't join gangs anymore. Not the structured type that we had in the 80s and 90s, anyway. The violence is between neighbors in segregated areas where blacks have few interactions with whites. Hence, criminals in those areas are not racially conscious.