Why Can't Gang Bangers Get It Through Their Head, That They Are Doing The Job Of White Supremacists

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
I really cant. But it doesnt change the reality that they have to go one way or the other.

But its going to take the law abiding citizens in these communities to shut the shyt down. Form militias and take these fukks out when they start acting up. Look at detroit. Mother fukkers are starting to arm themselves because they see no one else is coming to the rescue against these idiots.

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Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
I think a lot of you are oversimplifying the problem, depending on the area or the time you grew up, being immerssed in traditional gang banging can affect your life differently.In this current time, I think traditional gang banging slowed down, but I do see new clicks and pseudo gangs emrging, which still bring the same affect and polarizing of the community. To me, if you do dirt with usual cohorts or click ,that could be labeled gang activity. I don't see it stopping, just slowing down, blacks are not obtaining better education or an increased income in this country at all.

I have no problem with it stopping,but come with something practical, may of these young kids have flipped the script on banging cause its still a MINDSET that parlays that shyt.

lions can wait until their prey is dead first, but it's more efficient to kill them while they are healthier and full of life.

Those nikkas could theoretically get jobs, but it's far more efficient for them to take from nikkas who already have it.

that's not me giving them a pass because i do not condone the behavior at all, it's simply the reality

It depends, many lions would prey on the weakest out the herd but that doesn't mean don't scavenge dead, thats more of a hyena thing. What you are actually doing here by saying them nikkas could get jobs but its more effecient for them to take ,it has no basis in reality really.Simply because they do run great risks everytime they hit a lick and bangers are not pulling a jack every day of the week. Paralelling that with what lions do is fallacious,first of all lions need prey to survive,bangers don't always prey on to make ends meat or make a come up.

im a square in the hood who does public work where im in the hood working

Being a humble person with a genuine spirit goes a long way...

Giving someone your ear for 2 minutes without judging goes a long way...

Having a dismissive attitude towards people who are in bad positions in life has never been me..:yeshrug:

But you do understand that some people do need to move away from people if they are caught up in some shyt.Especially after the fact , its dangerous and many of the bangers themselves wouldn't give a fukk about your well being. I see nothing wrong with some one else who is in the hood struggling worrying about their well being especially after they are taking another route. If you are not faced with this, maybe you grew up in the suburbs or gentrfication of your hood has taken affect.

How old are these nikkas:patrice:

Im 27..nikkas in my range who are in gangs, the majority of them are doing what they do on the side...

Even the nikkas in the younger range are doing they thing on the side..

there are exceptions to everything, but its mostly the real young nikkas that are on that shyt

Exactly what I suspected , ain't such thing as part time banging or doing what they do on the side.When its on , you got to let them nikkas go on the ride themselves.Maybe its the age difference or where you at cause I can't see what you are saying.

I agree with this 100%

this is exactly how others are fighting white supremacy in other countries right now.

This is why I think you have wishful thinking syndrome bruh, if you just said nikkas are doing it to survive, then how all of sudden are you going to give an ultimatum if they don't stop?The fact of reality its a big problem that can't just cease easily. The other thing that is wishful thinking what do you mean how others are fighting white supremacy in other countries?Its only getting worse from what I've seen.
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Feb 2, 2015

The feds are hittin nikkas with the rico law all the time

As far as black girls killing each other, they have vaginas...they learn at a young age how to get that bread:francis:

Maybe so but they call anything a "gang" nowadays. I'd call them crews because, for the most part, they don't require initiations, rules. etc. If law enforcement sees you on social media in pictures with someone who committed a crime, you're considered a gang member and they'll try to get you charged too.

Drug wars and robberies for money are somewhat understandable, and they do occur...but for the most part the killing is over nikka shyt not money. It's a lot of "hypermasculine" posturing.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
It depends many lions would prey on the weakest out the herd but that doesn't mean don't eat dead, thats more of a hyena. What you are actually doing here by saying them nikkas could get jobs but its more effecient for them to take it has no basis in reality really.Simply because they do run great risks everytime they hit a lick and bangers are not pulling a jack every day of the week. Paralelling that with what lions do is fallacious,first of all lions need prey to survive,bangers don't always prey on to make ends meat or make come up.

getting a job requires going to work and getting paid on a set date, it also requires discipline and taking orders from an authority figure, many of the types who fall victim to the lifestyle have little discipline, they want money now, and they don't like authority figures, therefore it's more efficient for them to catch someone slipping and take their money, high risk? yes, but it doesn't take much effort and it can net them money that would have required hours and hours of actual work, in an instant. bangers don't always prey to make ends meet, many of them leech off of family members to supplement them. Gang bangers who have chosen not to go the legit route and work for a living must survive somehow, and it's usually illegally.

This is why I think its wishful thinking, if you just said nikkas are doing it to survive, then how all of sudden are you going to give an ultimatum if they don't stop?The fact of reality its a big problem that can't just cease easily.

my reply was in response to this post:

Well for one, since we advocate for self defense, we need to get these youth, which mainly is the primary age group, to form their gangs into self defense fronts, show them that they are part of a terrorist organanization by default and this is not how "gangs" were in the beginning, gangs were used and have been used for protection throughout history.

If they don't agree or conform, then we need to remove them by all costs and by any means necessary, because they are a Trojan Horse..........:ufdup:

which suggests that we give these gang members tools to redirect their energies in a different direction, of course we'd have to offer more than just self defense, but if we've offered them viable alternatives and they still choose to engage in behaviors that are destroying our communities, then they MUST be destroyed, and publicly to discourage others from continuing this behavior, public hangings have proven to be very effective both here and abroad at shaping behaviors.

The other thing that is wishful thinking what do you mean how others are fighting white supremacy in other countries? Its only getting worse from what I've seen.

In other countries, people fighting against western imperialism will kill anyone working on behalf of western imperialism (directly or passively), including but not limited to family and friends because being a member of an oppressed group and helping your oppressor is tantamount to treason. Being a Black gang member and oppressing other Black people is treasonous, if they are given viable alternatives and choose not to take them, they should be sentenced to death, this kind of action can only be taken place once there are viable alternatives for people who've chosen this lifestyle, it wouldn't do much good to start killing gang members today because there are a bunch more lined up to take their spots.


Feb 2, 2015
Study: Summer Jobs Reduce Violent Crime Among Disadvantaged Youths

University of Pennsylvania criminologist Sara Heller oversaw the study, which took place in 13 high-violence schools in areas of Chicago. 1,634 students participated in the summer of 2012. Almost all of them were minorities, and more than 90% were on free or reduced lunch. 350 students were randomly assigned to 25-hour per week summer jobs, another 350 were given 15-hour per week jobs along with 10 hours of social-emotional learning classes "aimed at teaching youth to understand and manage the aspects of their thoughts, emotions, and behavior that might interfere with employment," and the remaining students carried on with their lives as normal. Jobs were paid at the Illinois minimum wage and lasted 8 weeks.

With the help of the Chicago Police Department, Heller observed arrest data for the duration of the study and 13 months after. Arrests for violent crime decreased 43% among the two treatment groups compared to the control group. Property and drug-related crimes slightly increased, but the differences were statistically insignificant."


How One California City Began Bringing Its Murder Rate Down-Without Cops

"Kevin Muccular is on the streets of Richmond, one of the most violent cities in California, nearly every day. He’s a tall, heavyset African-American man who makes his presence known at community events with a navy blue hat emblazoned in silver with the name of his organization—the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS)—which is devoted to ending street violence, one shooting at a time. His work is dangerous. “We are here at risk; every day we are at risk,” says Muccular, whose official title is Neighborhood Change Agent.

Richmond is a city where a retaliatory shooting has broken out during Sunday church services and a 16-year-old student was gang-raped at a high school dance. Drive-bys have long been part of life here, evidenced in part by the bullet holes that dot houses near the railroad tracks dividing Richmond’s rival neighborhoods.

Muccular and his co-workers at ONS tackle the problem of shootings and retaliatory murders with an approach that seems counterintuitive. While other cities are busy flooding high-crime areas with squads of armed police officers, who spend their days stopping, frisking and arresting young men for minor infractions, the ONS team seeks out high-risk Richmond residents—and offers them mentors and financial support.

ONS defines high-risk as young men—as old as 25 and young as 13—who have likely been involved in previous homicides and shootings. The organization then asks them to sign up for an eighteen-month program called an Operation Peacemaker Fellowship. Over a year and a half, fellows develop and follow a “life map”—concrete steps they’ve laid out to build a different kind of life. In exchange for an agreement that they will put their guns down, ONS helps them reach those goals, with assistance that includes a monthly stipend of up to $500 in the final nine months of the program for fellows who are following through with their plans. They also connect fellows to job opportunities and social services."



Feb 2, 2015
getting a job requires going to work and getting paid on a set date, it also requires discipline and taking orders from an authority figure, many of the types who fall victim to the lifestyle have little discipline, they want money now, and they don't like authority figures, therefore it's more efficient for them to catch someone slipping and take their money, high risk? yes, but it doesn't take much effort and it can net them money that would have required hours and hours of actual work, in an instant. bangers don't always prey to make ends meet, many of them leech off of family members to supplement them. Gang bangers who have chosen not to go the legit route and work for a living must survive somehow, and it's usually illegally.

my reply was in response to this post:

which suggests that we give these gang members tools to redirect their energies in a different direction, of course we'd have to offer more than just self defense, but if we've offered them viable alternatives and they still choose to engage in behaviors that are destroying our communities, then they MUST be destroyed, and publicly to discourage others from continuing this behavior, public hangings have proven to be very effective both here and abroad at shaping behaviors.

In other countries, people fighting against western imperialism will kill anyone working on behalf of western imperialism (directly or passively), including but not limited to family and friends because being a member of an oppressed group and helping your oppressor is tantamount to treason.
Being a Black gang member and oppressing other Black people is treasonous, if they are given viable alternatives and choose not to take them, they should be sentenced to death, this kind of action can only be taken place once there are viable alternatives for people who've chosen this lifestyle, it wouldn't do much good to start killing gang members today because there are a bunch more lined up to take their spots.

This applies to people fighting against terrorist too. Some Nigerian guy had his nephew executed because he was working on behalf of Boko Haram. I'm not opposed to executing/destroying gang members but vigilantism can present its own set of problems. It should only be employed as a method of last resort.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
This applies to people fighting against terrorist too. Some Nigerian guy had his nephew executed because he was working on behalf of Boko Haram. I'm not opposed to executing/destroying gang members but vigilantism can present its own set of problems. It should only be employed as a method of last resort.

if you refuse to stop destroying the community after you've been given good alternatives, then you've reached the end of the line, it's time cut losses.


Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
getting a job requires going to work and getting paid on a set date, it also requires discipline and taking orders from an authority figure, many of the types who fall victim to the lifestyle have little discipline, they want money now, and they don't like authority figures, therefore it's more efficient for them to catch someone slipping and take their money, high risk? yes, but it doesn't take much effort and it can net them money that would have required hours and hours of actual work, in an instant. bangers don't always prey to make ends meet, many of them leech off of family members to supplement them. Gang bangers who have chosen not to go the legit route and work for a living must survive somehow, and it's usually illegally.

Not true many of the bangers have to follow the shotcaller who says what needs to be done. And if they in county or the pen, they going to be told what to be done,by CO or the progam they roll with.

my reply was in response to this post:

which suggests that we give these gang members tools to redirect their energies in a different direction, of course we'd have to offer more than just self defense, but if we've offered them viable alternatives and they still choose to engage in behaviors that are destroying our communities, then they MUST be destroyed, and publicly to discourage others from continuing this behavior, public hangings have proven to be very effective both here and abroad at shaping behaviors.

Where have they used hangings to stop banging abroad. You do understand that it ain't just going to stop like that cause nikkas is always going to click up,especially in this new age,when nikkas aren't joining the traditional gang in numbers. And nikkas don't not have enough gall to crack down and disencourage prospect bangers out there. I really think you have a lot of wishful thinking going on your end.

In other countries, people fighting against western imperialism will kill anyone working on behalf of western imperialism (directly or passively), including but not limited to family and friends because being a member of an oppressed group and helping your oppressor is tantamount to treason. Being a Black gang member and oppressing other Black people is treasonous, if they are given viable alternatives and choose not to take them, they should be sentenced to death, this kind of action can only be taken place once there are viable alternatives for people who've chosen this lifestyle, it wouldn't do much good to start killing gang members today because there are a bunch more lined up to take their spots.

Again oversimplifying,in 3rd world countries many militarized and grassroots groups are gangs and beef with all kind of factors,some of which are authroity and other militarized groups. Like I said, what you said is just not dealing with reality , I got fambam that comes from the 3rd world so I know.

Being a black gang member doesn't necessarily mean you are oppressing people. but its a very toxic thing to get into that can lead to the detriment of people around you.You just said yourself (in paraphrasement) that some bangers are products of their circumstances.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Its not "just entertainment" :snoop: rap is built around "keeping it real". Stop it
There is a constant debate in hiphop....whether rappers should live their lyrics.Opinions vary, but one thing all folks that participate in that debate agree upon, rap is a form of entertainment. Just like the other forms of entertainment, a lazy thinker will be more susceptible to conditioning, than a person who maintains perspective that this art form is entertainment. And that there's a scumbag in a corporate office that more likely not listen to hiphop, but my fav rapper kisses their azz in order eat. Which counters these jason terminator bourne lifestyles that these rappers' music promote

So it is a two way relationship. A kid trying to idolize a rapper, while ignoring the story of a different rapper either going broke or shot dead for trying to live the lifestyle in their music, is as much to blame as the rapper trying to blur the lines between in booth and out of booth actions

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
madness, insanity, live in profanity
then some punk claimin they understandin me?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Send them gangs to fight actual terrorists, like ISIS and Boko Haram. Make them feel the wrath of terrorism, after what they done to their communities.