why you hating Reb!? she was on 227!!!!
Flo Jo won hte silver in the 1984 200 meters tho
she shaved .7 second off her time which was the world record
They checked her body when she died and found nothing abnormal to suggest she used roids.
I'm sorry, I just believe that she roided. Her body developed ridiculously and she suddenly obliterated records.
She went from a cute middle of the pack racer with long nails to half horse.
it's this simple
I'm sorry man but I just dont condone accusing people without proof. That's a slippery slope that can lead to all kinds of craziness. And where do we draw the line?
Thats why i was so pissed about the media accusing the little chinese girl of cheating this morning. It's one thing to be suspicious. It's another to flat out accuse someone. Until the person does somemething to show they are unworthy of it you OWE them the benefit of a doubt.
they = doctors and scientistsShe was long retired when she died.
What the hell are they going to find?
IF Ben Johnson were to keel over now, they'd find roid in his system going back to 88?they = doctors and scientists
you =reb who are neither. Just saying
IF Ben Johnson were to keel over now, they'd find roid in his system going back to 88?
I didnt say they found roids, I said they found nothing abnormal with her organs. No extra mass or anything. Her body was apparently normal for an athlete at her age.
So it didn't disprove that she wasn't on roids.
So what's the use of even bringing that up? She was long retired when she passed.