What would a 45 year old Bully Ray do at that time that 47 year old HHH wasn’t already doing and better?
Bubba is in every facet better than cripple ache in singles in ring and on the mic and as an actual onscreen character.
As a matter of fact.
We can compare bubbah carrying a product suffocated by hogan and cripple ache having all the cards in his favor.
In short or long term as a babyface, tweener and long term swerve heel program.
Not to mention was better in the attitude era with less screen time and ecw and wwe as well.
We can compare what work was better with a love interest and the top brass's daughter.
Where let that bytch cry is arguably the greatest heel swerve reply in modern wrasslin historh
Oh then again.
No you can not.
As you not a smart and have no rants to speak on.
To authenicate you know wtf you talkin about tho.
So unless you got rants on this period and you do not.
Well stfu trying to act like some authority and we all know you do not know wtf you talembout at all whatsoever.
Art Barr