Why Breaking Bad had to end the way it did (SPOILERS)

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
I think jesse not dying(again) is just them pleasing his fanbase (again) :comeon:

everything else i agree on. I said the same thing about Declan a month ago


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I think they mostly ended it right. some things could've been different. like I would've had Mike kill Lydia when he had the chance. and Walt take over everything not just cooking. he said he was in the empire business so he should've been controlling the methamphetamine or whatever it's called supply also and not relying on her. it's true that declan was killed too soon or just in a wrong way. Todd did that for Lydia, Walt did the things he did for skylar, Jesse always had a female that controlled his emotions, it's like they all let their women's control their actions. I would've had declan and his crew be at war with the nazis over the meth territory with neither side knowing that Walt was the meth supplier. he could've been like the Greek in the wire and jesse as his right hand. I think spiros was his name. I also think they should've waited till last episode of 5a for him and hank to face off. the family was fine living and Elliott and Gretchen too. rest of the deaths didn't surprise me.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I think you are not realizing just how greedy Hank was as well.

Remember when Jesse was pouring all that gasoline on Walt's house? He specifically told Jesse that they should get Walt together, but when the plan was starting to come out he had no problem with letting Jesse possibly getting killed when they met Walt.

As far as calling for backup? I guess you can make that argument, but when you are outnumbered by so much and have your partner killed almost immediately your first instincts is to get cover. You have to remember at the very start of Ozymandias Hank was already shot right at the start...the whole thing took seconds. Jesse calling it in? First of all Jesse isn't the brightest guy in the world and second, I am not sure if he still has the Hello Kitty phone in his pocket.

I already said I got Hank's angle re: catching Walt/similar selfish ambition, that still does go past survival (You see Wal was quick to call for help). But nah, as a cop, you get to cover and you immediately call for back up in that situation. Hell, his cover was his truck, the horn is right there. Even if that wasn't the case, what he forgot his phone? Nope, that was ruled out woth him showing Walt the pic upon arrest. And Gomez's death wasn't shown to being THAT immediate either. Both parties was shooting for a good minute (and I don't mean literally). Hell, they could've started calling soon as they saw the trucks pulling up.


May 7, 2012
I did not post this in the "How would you end breaking bad" thread because I wouldn't change how it ended, just a small detail that I explain down below.

Make sure you realize that there are some major story points being told in here. If you have not watched the whole series then it might be best to save this thread and revisit it later. This is MY take on Breaking Bad and I would like to have a healthy conversation about this show.

Alright, so Jesse lives. There are some people who are upset about the “predictability” of the show, but I think this is the only way Breaking Bad could have ended and here is why.

Jesse – Jesse was saved because he was the only one that could be “saved” he was the only character in the show who had any emotion left in him. Was he a flawed character? Yeah he was, but it’s also a shot by the writers to reward that humanity and that raw emotion Pinkman had. I hold him ultimately responsible for the way the last 4 episodes play out, but I think that was the point in it all. Jesse was not a robot for the money, the job, the lifestyle. He was a kid who didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life and in the finale they showed a glimpse of where he could see himself in the future if he ever got away from the Nazis.

The Nazis – Some people are wondering why the Nazis would not search Walt’s car upon entering the house. If anyone remembers “Ozymandias” Uncle Jack asked “What does that fancy phone of yours say” about the location when they were trying to find Walt’s money. Now granted, one might say that they went through the effort of searching Walt all over and even check for wires, but in their eyes a car sitting outside does not pose a threat to them? If Walt would have had a weapon on him it might have raised some suspicion, but he was clean. Is it a little messy? Yeah, but still a believable scenario IMO. Plus like @GoldenGlove pointed out, they didn't even check for Jesse under the car in the desert after that shootout they had with Hank and Gomie.

Hank – I know some won’t agree with this, but I think Hank was just as bad as Walt in terms of dedication to his job/craft. Family was an afterthought as long as the job gets done. The split in Walt’s family was an afterthought for him as he wanted to make sure he was able to catch “Heisenberg”. He was willing to sacrifice Jesse in Rabid Dog just to have it on “Video Tape” if Walt did decide to kill Jesse right in the meeting place they had set up. He was greedy and wanted the credit, why not let the DEA know that he has Walt "Dead to Rights" well I tell you why, because he probably wanted to prove everyone that was doubting him wrong and in the end it cost him his life.

Todd – Todd getting killed by Jesse was the only way this could have worked. It had to be a personal killing and glad it was done by hand. Todd was clueless and at the end when he looked out the window proved how out of touch the kid was with reality, his whole crew got killed and was absolutely amazed at what “Mr White” was able to pull off.

Lydia – Was a stone cold killer and ruthless business woman who is just about the numbers and time commitments. She did not buy Walt’s story about the new cooking method and did not care that Jesse was basically a slave to the Nazis cooking up batch after batch. She called Todd right after to see if the job was done. Mike was right about her all along.

Marie, Skyler, and Flynn – In the end I think Skyler is relieved that she doesn’t have that weight of Walt doing all of this for the family (even though he really did at first). Marie was just as lost as Hank IMO and even in the final conversation we hear, she takes great pleasure in thinking that she knows how the DEA would catch Walt over anything else. I let her slide a little more than Hank because she is legitimately concerned about Skyler, Flynn, and Holly, but the way she acted these final episodes was a bit much. It gives reasoning as to how Marie and Hank would be married...they are from the same mold.

About Flynn? All I have to say is :ufdup:, I hope you don’t get a single dollar of that money and have to work hard for every bowl of cheerios you eat after your 18th birthday.

There is one problem I have with the show and IMO Brock had to die for all of this to be justified, in the end Jesse is all upset about the possibility of Brock dying. Does he have a right to be upset about what Walt did? Sure, but it would have added much more weight if the kid died to give the ride to the finish more substance. At the end of the day the entire chain of events started because a kid got sick, if it would have been that the kid died? Man that would have been terrible, but I would be able to understand Jesse’s actions. It brings me back to the flawed character argument and that is probably why he had to live.

I think they played Declan in the show as well. This dude is supposed to be the competition to Gus/Walt and gets killed off just like that? It gives the Nazis more weight, but I still hold the belief that if this guy is able to string up the kind of cash for 1,000 gallons of methylamine that he would have a bit more power than THAT. Dude went out like a bum. Tuco was tougher to dispose.

What happened to Huell? Probably irrelevant, but it would have been nice to see one last shot of him either leaving the house or dead in there somehow. I know it would have been impossible for anyone else to get to him since Hank and Gomie are dead, but whatever.

Despite those 2 beefs I have with the final 8, this is probably my favorite show of all time. I can’t recall a “bad” episode in the entire 62 episode run.

I would love to hear some responses because I have never spent this much time watching a show. I must have watched every episode at least 5 times.

I agree with almost everything you said especially about Hank and Marie. Although I disliked Marie's character more than Hank. For one she was a hypocrite , she was willing to let Skylar go to jail over that gift she stole and wouldn't apologize at 1st. How are you a booster and going to judge Walt for cooking meth, :heh: what are you a more righteous criminal :rudy: plus don't forget she was willing to let Skylar take the fall with Walt at 1st before they blackmailed them with that tape. :pacspit: Marie

As for Hank he was just as bad as Walt, no if ands or buts about it. Walt didn't want Hank to get killed in “Ozymandias” and was willing to turn himself in rather than what went down. The same can't be said for Hank he wasn't willing to cut Walt any breaks or even hear his side of the events same as Marie. You also can't forget the case was closed by his superiors and 90% of the tactics he used to try and catch Heinsenberg were illegal, plus whooping Walt's ass in "Blood Money" and Jesse's in season 3 being over zealous.

And Skylar I think the last ep showed that even through all that went down she still cared for Walt and really loved him. She could have ratted him out when she was on the phone with Marie and not given him the 5mins he wanted for closure. Plus you could see how she still felt for him when he saw Holly for the last time. As much of a scumbag that Skylar seemed throughout the series she did actually care for Walt but protecting her kids was 1st priority.

On point but I still disagree with this Jesse had emotion and he should have lived b.s

Jesse should have died just for being ungrateful he literally owed his life to Walt a couple of seasons ago and has been nothing but a crying whining baby who couldn't control his impulses

Or we going to forget this is the same dude who schemed up selling meth at a rehab meeting???

The passes he gets are crazy
You guys all think similar to me . I been saying since part 1 of season 5 poisoning Brock wasn't enough to make Walt be a villain like they would keep saying . all the stuff he did when compared to say Gus , mike , Nazis was understandable . Jesse on the other hand just kind of came off like loser , Walt was willing to Give up his money to save hank and he was going to turn himself into the dea in New York while Jesse big plan was to burn down his house ? :dwillhuh: Jesse could of went to the real cops or dea and ratted once Todd killed the kid or even tell on Walt once he was and about Brock but he didnt he just acted like a petulant child . He looked up to mike a disgraced cop who was a drug kingpins muscle like mike wasn't 10x the killer and monster Walt was . Hank was bad too he let anger cloud his good judgment and part of it was he got outsmarted by mild mannered Walter white
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Apr 30, 2012
I already said I got Hank's angle re: catching Walt/similar selfish ambition, that still does go past survival (You see Wal was quick to call for help). But nah, as a cop, you get to cover and you immediately call for back up in that situation. Hell, his cover was his truck, the horn is right there. Even if that wasn't the case, what he forgot his phone? Nope, that was ruled out woth him showing Walt the pic upon arrest. And Gomez's death wasn't shown to being THAT immediate either. Both parties was shooting for a good minute (and I don't mean literally). Hell, they could've started calling soon as they saw the trucks pulling up.
I am not sure calling and getting through to 911 in that scenario would have helped much because then he would have had to verify his credentials to get him that backup he would be requesting. Hell if it was that easy I would call in and be like "Yeah this is Officer Liquid requesting backup from the fanboys in the arcadium, hurry up"

Radio would be direct contact and would have had to give them direct coordinates to the location. If he had his radio I might be willing to change my stance a bit, but not through a cell phone...just not enough time for all that.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I am not sure calling and getting through to 911 in that scenario would have helped much because then he would have had to verify his credentials to get him that backup he would be requesting. Hell if it was that easy I would call in and be like "Yeah this is Officer Liquid requesting backup from the fanboys in the arcadium, hurry up"

Radio would be direct contact and would have had to give them direct coordinates to the location. If he had his radio I might be willing to change my stance a bit, but not through a cell phone...just not enough time for all that.

Man, if you make a phone call to the cops with obvious heavy artillery gun-fire going on in the background, I doubt they'd treat it so lightly....well, at least not coming from a white person, lol! And thru his cell phone, he could've called folks that he had tighter connects too anyways, rather than just some random police dispatcher. His phone also could've given them direct location to where they were last at as well, (GPS fool:stopitslime:). And I mentioned already that he was behind his own truck, to which I'm sure the police radio was in. Is it that hard to reach a hand in there and grab it, whilst otherwise being pretty much covered behind the vehicle? Nah man, it's just that was a most glaring loophole that just cannot be filled outside of the typical "suspension of belief" angle, lol!


Apr 30, 2012
Man, if you make a phone call to the cops with obvious heavy artillery gun-fire going on in the background, I doubt they'd treat it so lightly....well, at least not coming from a white person, lol! And thru his cell phone, he could've called folks that he had tighter connects too anyways, rather than just some random police dispatcher. And I mentioned already that he was behind his own truck, to which I'm sure the police radio was in. Is it that hard to reach a hand in there and grab it, whilst otherwise being pretty much covered behind the vehicle? Nah man, it's just that was a most glaring loophole that just cannot be filled outside of the typical "suspension of belief" angle, lol!
You want him to do a whole lot of thinking in about 2 minutes while moving out of the way of heavy gunfire. Even if he were to get through to a dispatcher, the chances of them hearing him through all of that would be slim to none.

He did have a split second to call after all the shooting stopped, but then he would be a sitting duck with no weapon/ammo while Uncle Jack was about to take his soul like Shang Tsung. Guy was finished breh.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
You want him to do a whole lot of thinking in about 2 minutes while moving out of the way of heavy gunfire. Even if he were to get through to a dispatcher, the chances of them hearing him through all of that would be slim to none.

He did have a split second to call after all the shooting stopped, but then he would be a sitting duck with no weapon/ammo while Uncle Jack was about to take his soul like Shang Tsung. Guy was finished breh.

He's a cop. It's SOP. He's trained for this man.

Once again, cops here gunfire like that in the background, they'd at least suspect something was up. They way they handled the whole ordeal, the nazis got away scott-free.

And Walt is known to him to being THE bigshot meth dealer, he didn't consider for a sec. that he wouldn't have any goons ready to meet them? The fukk!?


Apr 30, 2012
He's a cop. It's SOP. He's trained for this man.

Once again, cops here gunfire like that in the background, they'd at least suspect something was up. They way they handled the whole ordeal, the nazis got away scott-free.

And Walt is known to him to being THE bigshot meth dealer, he didn't consider for a sec. that he wouldn't have any goons ready to meet them? The fukk!?
This is where the greed thing comes up again. People were saying the same thing about Walt when he got that text from Jesse about that fake barrel with money.

"Walt is too smart"
"Hank is trained for this man"

Greed won over both of them, they wanted all the credit and thought about things through later. Walt did it several times in the show. Hank was also so obsessed that he let Walt slip right under his nose throughout the whole series...he became so obsessed with the case that he stopped looking at it as other detectives would.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
This is where the greed thing comes up again. People were saying the same thing about Walt when he got that text from Jesse about that fake barrel with money.

"Walt is too smart"
"Hank is trained for this man"

Greed won over both of them, they wanted all the credit and thought about things through later. Walt did it several times in the show. Hank was also so obsessed that he let Walt slip right under his nose throughout the whole series...he became so obsessed with the case that he stopped looking at it as other detectives would.

Walt being fooled was legit.
Hank nor Gomez calling for backup was not. The end.

And I wouldn't consider Hank's obession as being why Walt slipped under his nose. Walt was otherwise so very clever and off-the-radar when dealing with Hank or any other feds really.


Apr 30, 2012
Walt being fooled was legit.
Hank nor Gomez calling for backup was not. The end.

And I wouldn't consider Hank's obession as being why Walt slipped under his nose. Walt was otherwise so very clever and off-the-radar when dealing with Hank or any other feds really.
Nah, I am not buying that because I still think that by the time Hank got comfortable behind the truck he was already shot and Gomie dead.

I will have to watch those two episodes again because I think you are giving them more time than they really had.

Also why is 2 minutes for Hank more than enough time to come to his senses, but Walt driving across New Mexico a couple of miles to realize that he might be set up not throw up a red flag?


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Nah, I am not buying that because I still think that by the time Hank got comfortable behind the truck he was already shot and Gomie dead.

I will have to watch those two episodes again because I think you are giving them more time than they really had.

Also why is 2 minutes for Hank more than enough time to come to his senses, but Walt driving across New Mexico a couple of miles to realize that he might be set up not throw up a red flag?

Cuz Hank is supposed to be a trained professional, that's why. He's head of the DEA for crying out lot. Everything about how Walt handled situations always showed that he lacked experience/training within the field.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
You guys all think similar to me . I been saying since part 1 of season 5 poisoning Brock wasn't enough to make Walt be a villain like they would keep saying . all the stuff he did when compared to say Gus , mike , Nazis was understandable . Jesse on the other hand just kind of came off like loser , Walt was willing to Give up his money to save hank and he was going to turn himself into the dea in New York while Jesse big plan was to burn down his house ? :dwillhuh: Jesse could of went to the real cops or dea and ratted once Todd killed the kid or even tell on Walt once he was and about Brock but he didnt he just acted like a petulant child . He looked up to mike a disgraced cop who was a drug kingpins muscle like mike wasn't 10x the killer and monster Walt was . Hank was bad too he let anger cloud his good judgment and part of it was he got outsmarted by mild mannered Walter white

Powerful post I hadn't even thought it this deep but yeah dead on Jesse got away with a lot, he ain't come off as bad cause he was either simping or crying every other scene


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
I think everything ended about as good as you could have done it. There were so many shocking moments leading up to it that they pretty much handled everything already. Jesse had to live IMO.

I see the series from Walts POV and through that the only thing he did that truly made me not like him was kill Mike. Hank and Marie if they cared at all for Skyler and the kids would've pumped the brakes on going after Walt so hard cause once Walt was found out everything they owned would be gone (hence them living in the PJs on the last ep). They were both selfish.

:wow: this thread. Can't wait till the series collection is on my doorstep next month.

up in here

May 9, 2012
Yeah Jesse had to live in order to redeem Walt. I'm not saying Jesse was innocent at all, but he was the only one who really knew all the dirt that Walt had done so he needed to be the one to judge Walt. Him not killing Walt signified that Walt wasn't the monster that people believed him to be. But if Walt had killed Jesse than Walt would have had no redemption