Of course it matters for both parties....Friends of mine (men) are in the high dozens or over 100, and that should be a red flag, disqualification.....But, girls who barely have 7 will overlook that, which says a lot about their sexuality, and how they view women and themselves. Having a good judge of character and being perceptive is important, all the girls I fukk with, are nowhere near these kind of numbers. A girls in her mid 20's, or early 30's, should have a healthy sexual life, and experiences, why not? That shouldn't be an issue.
A lot of these things are guys really hung up on archaic and outdated beliefs from religion and earlier culture, the Madonna complex. A women is either a whore, or a virgin. And that's an unhealthy viewpoint. She's human. She's had sex, it's not all that serious. Obviously, certain sex acts, and numbers will be an issue...because that goes to character, personality, and healthy self esteem vs. women who degrade themselves sexually because of their lack of self worth....
Friends of mine, are controlling, obsessive, paranoid, possessive with women, and it's all based in this way of thinking. This goes to gender roles and misogyny, and it's a repressive part of society.