Why are some women happy with not having a title?


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Not "boyfriend" but not casual.

...b-b-b-but why not give him the "title"?
Isn't that what this thread is about?

Why would a man be happy with not having a title?

Casual to me means you're dating and possibly having sex with others.

Yeah, this is where we disagree. That's not what it means to me.

I'm not going to make time to kick it with someone who has a list of woman he's trying to get to know.

How do you know he has a "list of woman" on deck unless you discuss that with him?

We may see the process of "dating" differently.
Yours seems more of an open call or audition and mines is more of trial and error.

No - I would say mine is a combination of both of those things.

I feel that exclusivity and general commitment are basic levels of respect that someone you're dating deserves, not something they should have to earn.

I feel that going on a date with someone is not the same thing as "dating" them.
Any confusion here is compounded by the fact that a lot of people don't agree on what is exactly "a date".
Therefore, any ambiguity on this kind of thing should be cleared up with communication...
...what I mean is, people need to agree on this kind of thing, which means they need to not be scared
to have this talk with someone to see where they stand.



Jun 23, 2012
...b-b-b-but why not give him the "title"?
Isn't that what this thread is about?

Why would a man be happy with not having a title?

Yeah, this is where we disagree. That's not what it means to me.

How do you know he has a "list of woman" on deck unless you discuss that with him?

No - I would say mine is a combination of both of those things.

I feel that going on a date with someone is not the same thing as "dating" them.
Any confusion here is compounded by the fact that a lot of people don't agree on what is exactly "a date".
Therefore, any ambiguity on this kind of thing should be cleared up with communication...
...what I mean is, people need to agree on this kind of thing, which means they need to not be scared
to have this talk with someone to see where they stand.


I usually talk with someone for a bit before actually hanging out with them in person. I'm talking 3-6 weeks at least. It gives you a chance to see what their schedule and personalities is like, imo. Most guys will cornily text you good morning when you first meet so I try to schedule the in person date when that falls off. I'm not going to hang out with a guy if he hasn't hit certain points via conversation. So to me, date one plus any date after that is considered "dating". Dating to me is exclusive but it's not necessarily commitment. I will only date one guy at a time, but that doesn't mean I think he's the man I will marry.

The level after dating for me is commitment. That means not only are we dating exclusively, but we may start to see some long term companionship in the works.


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
A.) She has a sidedude/sidechick

B.) She has low self esteem and feels like she is unworthy of a whole man