I was caught red handed speeding through a school zone. I was looking up traffic lawyers and curiosity got the best of me. How is it that traffic lawyers can just get your ticket tossed? I started googling and thought what the hell. I'm going to fight the case myself pro se and see what happens. I'm a little obsessive about shyt so I spent like a month looking up traffic laws and ways to beat a traffic case. I had a whole binder full of arguments and questions to ask the cop about the case. Questions around how he tuned his radar, if he could remember if there were any metal objects around that could have impeded the device, I had multiple pictures of the scene that showed things that could have impeded the radar, manuals of the radar that shows the correct way it must be tuned and questions validating if he operated it or not. I even had maps printed that showed the speeding sign and where I was pulled over so I can verify if the cop could truly remember and if he didn't then how could the court know he was telling the truth. I was UBER prepared.
My first court date the cop didn't even show up. This was my first line of defense because I always heard that if the cop doesn't show up then the case is automatically showed up. I moved to dismiss the case and the judge was like "naaaah I'm going to grant a continuance to give the cop a chance to show up at the next date"
Me: "I object!" (lmao) "If it was me who didn't show up I highly doubt the court would show me any reprieve"
Judge: "Actually I would. Continuance granted"
So the next court date comes around and the cop actually shows up. He gets on stand and I start grilling the shyt out of em, going through my all the arguments and stuff I had from my binder. He was so flustered. The prosecutor was looking in bewilderment like.
The cop was PISSED. Like how dare this n*gger come in here questioning me and how I did my job. At the end the judge said she literally have never seen someone defend themselves so well in a traffic case and that she was really impressed....then she found my black ass guilty.
Afterwards the cop, still visibly upset came up to me arguing about how he actually didn't do anything wrong and how I was wrong blah blah blah. I just laughed at him and said man I know I was speeding. I just did this shyt cause I didn't have much better else to do and wanted to see how it works. This pissed him off even further. I shook his hand and laughed. I held my head high that I defended my self from the evil system even though I lost. I never felt so American.