Why are men so petty when it comes to female appearance?


Dec 30, 2013
Honestly, it doesn't really bother me because I'm used to being a little taller than guys I went to school with and shyt. I mean we spend most of our lives sitting so what diff does it make standing beside a person for a few minutes or whatever.

I went out with a guy a few times, he's about 5'4 and I felt a little odd ONLY because I had to bend to hug him but besides that we clicked, he got my sense of humor so that's that really mattered lol.

Oh it matters. How come u keep going in dates with shorter guys? Also did they seem weirded out by it, even if u weren't


Aug 15, 2014
Oh it matters. How come u keep going in dates with shorter guys? Also did they seem weirded out by it, even if u weren't

Because why not? I'm not going to turn down a potential connection due to height. Unless it's like midget size then even I have my limits :whoa: hahah. Most aren't, they always say "oh I've dated a 5'10 before, doesn't bother me". I swear the two or three said that same shyt. I really hope they don't feel weird out tho. :lupe:

damn, i just couldn't do it. :mjcry:

No offense to short guys though. :whoa:

Honestly I've been living a lie, I thought I was 5'6 so like when I'd meet people they would seem like really small but then I realized I'm actually 5'8 so that's why they're so small, I'm tall as fukk :ohhh::dead:

I used to be like you but then I fell in lust. My ex was 6 feet but I got a soft spot for average sized guys.

Solo ✧✦✧

King of the eXoticals. "FIRsT and LAst wARNiNg"
Dec 2, 2014
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Some people are more picky than others and don't like certain stuff. I hate certain looks like strangely colored hair, too many piercings and extreme type of looks in general. Seeing stuff like that makes me not notice their attractiveness because I hate the added stuff.


Nicki Minaj looks way better here to me than she did with the blonde hair and exaggerated look that she had in the past.

The choice in hair is just preference to me. Not every guy is going to like every hair style equally.


Aug 29, 2014
Pretty much. The feminists lied to u brehette. Girls look prettier wearing girl clothes.
In my opinion, to me their just clothes. They don't change the person that much. You either like that person or you don't. In that sense, clothes don't really matter.

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
It matters at first. Her style helps u know whether she's crazy or not. But when ur deep in a relationship there's nothing sexier than ur lady walking around ur house barefoot in ur jersey with no draws on, no make up.


Dec 30, 2013
damn, i just couldn't do it. :mjcry:

No offense to short guys though. :whoa:

U always felt this way?

It's not offensive for u to have a preference I just hate how girls have to go out of their way to shyt on short guys. Cuz that makes other women look at short guys like :patrice:

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
U always felt this way?

It's not offensive for u to have a preference I just hate how girls have to go out of their way to shyt on short guys. Cuz that makes other women look at short guys like :patrice:

Yeah but I'm pretty tall, I'm 5'8.

I don't go out of my way to shyt on shorter guys or anything like and I don't agree with it when other women do it. :mjcry:

ben anderson

Sep 25, 2014
:mjlol::camby:hahaha get real. As a person who has been on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to attractiveness, you women are a lot worse. when i was fat and ugly, i was quiet, awkward, and "weird" to women. no matter what i did or said would matter. No matter how caring and nice( genuinely not that fake nice guy act) i would act towards women i was always labeled a creep. All because i was ugly. and it's not like i wanted to best looking girl in school with the best body. I even went after girls in my own "league". turns out instead of actually dating a guy that is on their level, they rather be cum rags for top notch dudes who just needed a nut. they knew their role tho. Im not ashamed to admit, back in my ugly fatty days i would stay up hours on end at night just thinking. thinking about getting my first girlfriend. All the things we'd do together, all the places id take her, how nice id treat her. just wishing, hoping, and praying one day i got the chance to do it.95 pounds lighter and i was a completely different person. girls telling me how much they liked me, but didn't know if i felt the same:stopitslime:. everything i said was magically funnier for some reason, girls always trying to touch me or get me to notice them. Hell its fukked up, but even my mom started treating me different. always inviting me out to places with her to show me off to her friends( when she would tell me to stay home before, or go somewhere without inviting me), being nicer to me in general. Forget about all that treating women like queens bullshyt. im strictly pumping and dumping you sloores. Am i bitter, and damaged?:yeshrug: maybe.


Aug 29, 2014
:mjlol::camby:hahaha get real. As a person who has been on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to attractiveness, you women are a lot worse. when i was fat and ugly, i was quiet, awkward, and "weird" to women. no matter what i did or said would matter. No matter how caring and nice( genuinely not that fake nice guy act) i would act towards women i was always labeled a creep. All because i was ugly. and it's not like i wanted to best looking girl in school with the best body. I even went after girls in my own "league". turns out instead of actually dating a guy that is on their level, they rather be cum rags for top notch dudes who just needed a nut. they knew their role tho. Im not ashamed to admit, back in my ugly fatty days i would stay up hours on end at night just thinking. thinking about getting my first girlfriend. All the things we'd do together, all the places id take her, how nice id treat her. just wishing, hoping, and praying one day i got the chance to do it.95 pounds lighter and i was a completely different person. girls telling me how much they liked me, but didn't know if i felt the same:stopitslime:. everything i said was magically funnier for some reason, girls always trying to touch me or get me to notice them. Hell its fukked up, but even my mom started treating me different. always inviting me out to places with her to show me off to her friends( when she would tell me to stay home before, or go somewhere without inviting me), being nicer to me in general. Forget about all that treating women like queens bullshyt. im strictly pumping and dumping you sloores. Am i bitter, and damaged?:yeshrug: maybe.
I don't consider someones weight or face to be a "petty superficial" change, A lot of times those are things you cannot change or are extremely hard to change.

I'm talking about very minor stuff, like hair, clothes, and accessories. Those things that are extremely fleeting and don't have that much drastic change. However, some men act like they are world changing.

Where as men criticize and judge women for things like weight, breast size, face, ass size, etc on top of the petty cosmetic scrutiny. Don't tell me men don't do this, there are hundreds of threads on this site doing that and millions of unhealthy advertising directed to women, and thousands of years of female body mutilation.
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Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
:mjlol::camby:hahaha get real. As a person who has been on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to attractiveness, you women are a lot worse. when i was fat and ugly, i was quiet, awkward, and "weird" to women. no matter what i did or said would matter. No matter how caring and nice( genuinely not that fake nice guy act) i would act towards women i was always labeled a creep. All because i was ugly. and it's not like i wanted to best looking girl in school with the best body. I even went after girls in my own "league". turns out instead of actually dating a guy that is on their level, they rather be cum rags for top notch dudes who just needed a nut. they knew their role tho. Im not ashamed to admit, back in my ugly fatty days i would stay up hours on end at night just thinking. thinking about getting my first girlfriend. All the things we'd do together, all the places id take her, how nice id treat her. just wishing, hoping, and praying one day i got the chance to do it.95 pounds lighter and i was a completely different person. girls telling me how much they liked me, but didn't know if i felt the same:stopitslime:. everything i said was magically funnier for some reason, girls always trying to touch me or get me to notice them. Hell its fukked up, but even my mom started treating me different. always inviting me out to places with her to show me off to her friends( when she would tell me to stay home before, or go somewhere without inviting me), being nicer to me in general. Forget about all that treating women like queens bullshyt. im strictly pumping and dumping you sloores. Am i bitter, and damaged?:yeshrug: maybe.

so you're bitter because people weren't attracted to you when you were unattractive?

genuinely nice people don't turn into a$$holes just because they don't get what they want out of people. a$$holes show their true colors once they realize pretending to be nice doesn't work.

this is one thing I'll never understand about men, you guys ignore the women you aren't attracted to and go after the women you're attracted to but get mad when it's done to you.

ben anderson

Sep 25, 2014
so you're bitter because people weren't attracted to you when you were unattractive?

genuinely nice people don't turn into a$$holes just because they don't get what they want out of people. a$$holes show their true colors once they realize pretending to be nice doesn't work.

this is one thing I'll never understand about men, you guys ignore the women you aren't attracted to and go after the women you're attracted to but get mad when it's done to you.
clearly you didn't read. im not here to argue with you lady.

ben anderson

Sep 25, 2014
I don't consider someones weight or face to be a "petty superficial" change, A lot of times those are things you cannot change or are extremely hard to change.

I'm talking about very minor stuff, like hair, clothes, and accessories. Those things that are extremely fleeting and don't have that much drastic change. However, some men act like they are world changing.

Where as men criticize and judge women for things like weight, breast size, face:what:?, ass size, etc on top of the petty cosmetic scrutiny. Don't tell me men don't do this, there are hundreds of threads on this site doing that and millions of unhealthy advertising directed to women, and thousands of years of female body mutilation.