Why are Men Becoming More Feminine

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
competition isnt encouraged anymore.

boys/men thrive on competition....its being taken away from schools by overprotective mothers.

Yeah, competition and creativity is frowned upon these days. Wonder why we have no more good shows in prime time networks? No more good quality cartoons? No more originality in movies? cause of creativity, which was led by bold men who break the rules to challenge the norm.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012

:snoop: So desperate for white vajay that he's willing to put up with being degraded like that. At the very least he could have fired something back at her.

just disgusting

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Yeah, competition and creativity is frowned upon these days. Wonder why we have no more good shows in prime time networks? No more good quality cartoons? No more originality in movies? cause of creativity, which was led by bold men who break the rules to challenge the norm.
If you need to be encouraged to compete you were never competitive to begin with.

Society has nothing to do with it.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
If you need to be encouraged to compete you were never competitive to begin with.

Society has nothing to do with it.

That shyt has to be taught to young boys at the toddler stage. Thanks to single mothers, there isn't a way to teach them or to hone their skills very much.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
That shyt has to be taught to young boys at the toddler stage. Thanks to single mothers, there isn't a way to teach them or to hone their skills very much.
No it doesnt. The 2013 NBA MVP grew up w/no dad. Obama grew up with no dad. Bill Clinton grew up with no dad. My dad's dad was illiterate, basically never around and didn't encourage him at all... my dad busted his ass and pulled himself out of rural Ghana to become a doctor in America. I know plenty of people who are competitive and from single mother homes. You are just talking out of your ass. The competitive spirit is either in you or it isn't. You nikkas need to stop blaming society for your personal shortcomings.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
nikkas feel inadequate and wanna blame society instead of manning up and becoming the men they want society to build them to be :smh:

Society aint got shyt to do with being a damn p*ssy. Real men don't need validation from society

If you need to be encouraged to compete you were never competitive to begin with.

Society has nothing to do with it.

No it doesnt. The 2013 NBA MVP grew up w/no dad. Obama grew up with no dad. Bill Clinton grew up with no dad. My dad's dad was illiterate, basically never around and didn't encourage him at all... my dad busted his ass and pulled himself out of rural Ghana to become a doctor in America. I know plenty of people who are competitive and from single mother homes. You are just talking out of your ass. The competitive spirit is either in you or it isn't. You nikkas need to stop blaming society for your personal shortcomings.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
No it doesnt. The 2013 NBA MVP grew up w/no dad. Obama grew up with no dad. Bill Clinton grew up with no dad. My dad's dad was illiterate, basically never around and didn't encourage him at all... my dad busted his ass and pulled himself out of rural Ghana to become a doctor in America. I know plenty of people who are competitive and from single mother homes. You are just talking out of your ass. The competitive spirit is either in you or it isn't. You nikkas need to stop blaming society for your personal shortcomings.

Its not personal shortcomings of any sort. Sure you got Bron or Obama doing great things, but there are thousands, if not millions, of young boys out there that will never get that chance to build that competitive spirit constructively because of this kind of society today.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Its not personal shortcomings of any sort. Sure you got Bron or Obama doing great things, but there are thousands, if not millions, of young boys out there that will never get that chance to build that competitive spirit constructively because of this kind of society today.
Bron + Obama did great things in the same society you claim is holding everyone back. There are definitely systematic issues that I think are outside the scope of this thread. But bottom line, if you need to be encouraged to compete, you're not competitive, and no outside force can make you competitive.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
And if a generation is raised to be weak minded, with grossly low attention spans, needing constant stimulation, instant gratification, and are trained to be open to feminine leaning androgynous behavior...

I'd say the media has a pretty easy fukking job. Walk outside look at young men and you will see that they are doing pretty well w their mission.

Bron + Obama did great things in the same society you claim is holding everyone back. There are definitely systematic issues that I think are outside the scope of this thread. But bottom line, if you need to be encouraged to compete, you're not competitive, and no outside force can make you competitive.

So You Using The Exception As The Norm. You Saying A Lack Of Male Leadership In The Home has No Affect In A Young man'S Life. :beli:

So You Saying That Traits Like Leadership Are Not Taught But Born With.

You Know What Don't Even Bother Answering that :snoop:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
So You Using The Exception As The Norm. You Saying A Lack Of Male Leadership In The Home has No Affect In A Young man'S Life. :beli:

So You Saying That Traits Like Leadership Are Not Taught But Born With.

You Know What Don't Even Bother Answering that :snoop:
No I never said that u clown

I am saying that as far as being a leader and a competitor, you have to want that. Nobody can "teach you" that. And if you need somebody to then you will never be a leader or competitor. Thats your fault. Those guys aren't exceptions they are just easy + famous examples. There are plenty of dudes who grow up in less than ideal situations to become leaders and competitors. So nikkas really have no excuse.


May 4, 2012
nikkas in here throwin around the feminine card but what makes you nikkas masculine?

nikkas in here driving cars they cant name and asking their dads to change the oil or fix the broken sink in their homes but callin rappers gay because they wear tight clothing :usure:

nikkas in here with no skills period talkin about being feminine. When Z-Day pops off and your family is depending on you to lead them to survival, and all your ass knows how to do is hit up Jiffy Lube to get the oil change on your Kia and McDonalds for dinner, what are you gonna tell your wife and children when they look to you with teary eyes and say "what are we gonna do??"

You gonna be able to tell them that they stand just as good a chance on their own as with your "leadership"?


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Yeah, competition and creativity is frowned upon these days. Wonder why we have no more good shows in prime time networks? No more good quality cartoons? No more originality in movies? cause of creativity, which was led by bold men who break the rules to challenge the norm.

This also has a lot to do with being conformists, which is basically taking less chances, and I think that women tend to be less prone to taking risks (the whole "looking for security" thing). So there might be something there too.

No it doesnt. The 2013 NBA MVP grew up w/no dad. Obama grew up with no dad. Bill Clinton grew up with no dad. My dad's dad was illiterate, basically never around and didn't encourage him at all... my dad busted his ass and pulled himself out of rural Ghana to become a doctor in America. I know plenty of people who are competitive and from single mother homes. You are just talking out of your ass. The competitive spirit is either in you or it isn't. You nikkas need to stop blaming society for your personal shortcomings.

But in this case, does that mean that the competitive spirit is "nature" as opposed to "culture"? That sounds very deterministic doesn't it? I personnaly think it's more "culture" and the environment...

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
But in this case, does that mean that the competitive spirit is "nature" as opposed to "culture"? That sounds very deterministic doesn't it? I personnaly think it's more "culture" and the environment...

I think its a mix. You look at MotoGP for example, most of the riders, especially the top riders, are from Spain because Spain has a culture that grooms and coddles riders from pre-school age. So those guys get a head start on riders everywhere else who have to fight and scrap to get the skills and seat time. But then I am sure there are plenty of Spanish kids whose parents force them to race even though they don't really want to. And for the last 10 years or so the championship winners were mainly Italian and Australian. So in some cases you can have nature and nurture fighting each other, or people overcoming difficulties to become champions.

But again, you look at Lebron, yes he was groomed a bit, yes he has the raw talent, but at the end of the day he wants to compete. He could have not played basketball at all; he could have half-assed it; he could have got caught up in crime etc but he put basketball first. And you know what... when people see that you are serious and take initiative, the "culture" begins to work in your favor rather than against it.

Im not saying the world is perfect or that the system doesn't have any share of the blame for how society is today. But at the end of the day, IMO being a "real man" (whatever the fukk that means) means taking control of your life and not getting discouraged by little shyt. Any nikka who spends more time crying about how society wouldn't let him be a man instead of working at being a man in the first place will NEVER be a real man. Real men are self made, not "groomed". Real men don't wait for opportunity, they make it. Real men welcome challenges instead of crying about them. It's that whiny defeatist attitude that is killing "manhood", but that shyt is nobody's fault but the people who adopt it


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I think its a mix. You look at MotoGP for example, most of the riders, especially the top riders, are from Spain because Spain has a culture that grooms and coddles riders from pre-school age. So those guys get a head start on riders everywhere else who have to fight and scrap to get the skills and seat time. But then I am sure there are plenty of Spanish kids whose parents force them to race even though they don't really want to. And for the last 10 years or so the championship winners were mainly Italian and Australian. So in some cases you can have nature and nurture fighting each other, or people overcoming difficulties to become champions.

But again, you look at Lebron, yes he was groomed a bit, yes he has the raw talent, but at the end of the day he wants to compete. He could have not played basketball at all; he could have half-assed it; he could have got caught up in crime etc but he put basketball first. And you know what... when people see that you are serious and take initiative, the "culture" begins to work in your favor rather than against it.

Im not saying the world is perfect or that the system doesn't have any share of the blame for how society is today. But at the end of the day, IMO being a "real man" (whatever the fukk that means) means taking control of your life and not getting discouraged by little shyt. Any nikka who spends more time crying about how society wouldn't let him be a man instead of working at being a man in the first place will NEVER be a real man. Real men are self made, not "groomed". Real men don't wait for opportunity, they make it. Real men welcome challenges instead of crying about them. It's that whiny defeatist attitude that is killing "manhood", but that shyt is nobody's fault but the people who adopt it

It's funny that you use Lebron as an example, because imo he actually avoided competition by teaming up in Miami and we all saw those last games as a Cavs against Boston, didn't really seem like a great competitor out there.

Anyway yeah I think it's a mix, but I kind of agree that context plays a big role: I know that soem schools in Belgium don't even give grades now because they want...to avoid competition between students, and a huge emphasis is put on consensual solutions. Which can sometimes work, sometimes not. But obviously that will guide some kids in one direction rather than an education system that is based on competition. I see the difference in France where the system of "concours" (tests in which for example only the top 100 get to enter this or that masters) is more wide-spread than in Belgium, and French people have a more competitive spirit than Belgians (which is why some see them as a$$holes :pachaha:). Of course there are other factors too.

But I also think that competition is not per se a masculine trait (woman are very competitive among them, for different things and in different ways). And if being a "real man" is taking control of your life, I know a lot of women who are more "real men" than men :manny:

Guess the answer is, as often, somewhere in between nature and nurture