Why are black men the only minorities who get berated for not voting democrat

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Black men and specifically FBA men are targeted by white supremacy so you deserve some shame if you vote Republican BUT the manner in which ignorant Black men are shamed is unhealthy.


Aug 6, 2012
Simple both parties are wings of the same bird,
There are other things beside voting in politicians that can be on the ballot that can effect you at state/ local level like Ballot measure.:manny:
In the United States, a ballot measure is a law, issue, or question that appears on a statewide or local ballot for voters of that jurisdiction to decide.

Most of the laws governing ballot measures are state laws as there is no federal ballot measure process. This means the process for ballot measures varies depending on the state.

This page provides an overview of the different types of ballot measures in the U.S. The different types of ballot measures can be grouped based on their origins.

There are citizen-initiated ballot measures, in which people collect signatures to place an issue on the ballot.
There are legislative ballot measures, in which legislators vote to place a statute or constitutional amendment on the ballot.
While citizen initiatives and legislative referrals are the most common types of ballot measures, there are also automatic ballot referrals, constitutional convention-referred amendments, and commission-referred measures.


Nov 1, 2015
Simple both parties are wings of the same bird,


GOP and Dem Intern Class Photos Show Diversity Differences



Nov 1, 2015
Symbolism....:francis: ...nothing has changed for us as a collective since then... And folks gonna fall for the SAME shyt all over again...
Labor Market, Income and Poverty

The unemployment rate for African Americans peaked at 16.8 percent in March 2010, after experiencing a larger percentage-point increase from its pre-recession average to its peak than the overall unemployment rate did. Since then, the African-American unemployment rate has seen a larger percentage-point decline in the recovery, falling much faster than the overall unemployment rate over the last year.

The real median income of black households increased by 4.1 percent between 2014 and 2015.

The President enacted permanent expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which together now provide about 2 million African-American working families with an average tax cut of about $1,000 each.

A recent report from the Census Bureau shows the remarkable progress that American families have made as the recovery continues to strengthen. Real median household income grew 5.2 percent from 2014 to 2015, the fastest annual growth on record. Income grew for households across the income distribution, with the fastest growth among lower- and middle-income households. The number of people in poverty fell by 3.5 million, leading the poverty rate to fall from 14.8 percent to 13.5 percent, the largest one-year drop since 1968, with even larger improvements including for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and children.

The poverty rate for African Americans fell faster in 2015 than in any year since 1999. While the poverty rate fell for across all racial and ethnic groups this year, it fell 2.1 percentage points (p.p.) for African Americans, resulting in 700,000 fewer African Americans in poverty.

African American children also made large gains in 2015, with the poverty rate falling 4.2 percentage points and 400,000 fewer children in poverty.


Since the start of Affordable Care Act's first open enrollment period at the end of 2013, the uninsured rate among non-elderly African Americans has declined by more than half. Over that period, about 3 million uninsured nonelderly, African-American adults gained health coverage.

Teen pregnancy among African-American women is at an historic low. The birth rate per 1,000 African-American teen females has fallen from 60.4 in 2008, before President Obama entered office, to 34.9 in 2014.

Life expectancy at birth is the highest it’s ever been for African Americans. In 2014, life expectancy at birth was 72.5 years for African-American males and 78.4 for African-American females, the highest point in the historical series for both genders.


The high school graduation rate for African-American students is at its highest point in history. In the 2013-2014 academic year, 72.5 percent of African-American public high school students graduated within four years.

Since the President took office, over one million more black and Hispanic students enrolled in college.

Among African-Americans and Hispanic students 25 and older, high school completion is higher than ever before. Among African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian students 25 and older, Bachelor’s degree attainment is higher than ever before. As of 2015, 88 percent of the African-American population 25 and older had at least a high school degree and 23percent had at least a Bachelor’s degree.

Support for HBCUs

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for funding more than $4 billion for HBCUs each year.

Pell Grant funding for HBCU students increased significantly between 2007 and 2014, growing from $523 million to $824 million.

The President’s FY 2017 budget request proposes a new, $30 million competitive grant program, called the HBCU and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Innovation for Completion Fund, designed to support innovative and evidence-based, student-centered strategies and interventions to increase the number of low-income students completing degree programs at HBCUs and MSIs.

The First in the World (FITW) program provided unique opportunities for HBCUs to compete for grants focused on innovation to drive student success.

In 2014, Hampton University received a grant award of $3.5 million.

In FY 2015, three FITW awards were made to HBCUs, including Jackson State University ($2.9 million), Delaware State University ($2.6 million) and Spelman College ($2.7 million).

While Congress did not fund the program in fiscal year 2016, the President’s 2017 budget request includes $100 million for the First in the World program, with up to $30 million set aside for HBCUs and MSIs.

Criminal Justice

The incarceration rates for African-American men and women fell during each year of the Obama Administration and are at their lowest points in over two decades. The imprisonment rates for African-American men and women were at their lowest points since the early 1990s and late 1980s, respectively, of 2014, the latest year for which Bureau of Justice Statistics data are available.

The number of juveniles in secure detention has been reduced dramatically over the last decade. The number of juveniles committed or detained, a disproportionate number of whom are African American, fell more than 30% between 2007 and 2013.

The President has ordered the Justice Department to ban the use of solitary confinement for juveniles held in federal custody. There are presently no more juveniles being held in restrictive housing federally.

My Brother’s Keeper

President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative on February 27, 2014 to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential.

Nearly 250 communities in all 50 states, 19 Tribal Nations, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico have accepted the President’s My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge to dedicate resources and execute their own strategic plans to ensure all young people can reach their full potential.

Inspired by the President’s call to action, philanthropic and other private organizations have committed to provide more than $600 million in grants and in-kind resources and $1 billion in low-interest financing to expand opportunity for young people – more than tripling the initial private sector investment since 2014.

In May 2014, the MBK Task Force gave President Obama nearly 80 recommendations to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by young people, including boys and young men of color. Agencies have been working individually and collectively since to respond to recommendations with federal policy initiatives, grant programs, and guidance. Today, more than 80% of MBK Task Force Recommendations are complete or on track.

Advancing Equity for Women and Girls of Color

In 2014, the Council on Women and Girls (CWG) launched a specific work stream called “Advancing Equity for Women and Girls of Color” to ensure that policies and programs across the federal government appropriately take into account the unique obstacles that women and girls of color can face. In fall 2015, CWG released a report that identified five data-driven issue areas where interventions can promote opportunities for success at school, work, and in the community.

This work has also inspired independent commitments to advance equity, including a $100 million, 5-year-funding initiative by Prosperity Together—a coalition of women’s foundations—to improve economic prosperity for low-income women and women and girls of color and a $75 million funding commitment by the Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research—an affiliation of American colleges, universities, research organizations, publishers and public interest institutions led by Wake Forest University—to support existing and new research efforts about women and girls of color.



Mar 11, 2022
Do you expect a woman to sleep with a man she’s not attracted to for the rest of her life? Do you think most attractive black men prioritize a woman’s personality, and qualities, and marry women who they aren’t attracted to? People date on their level. There aren’t enough men on attractive women’s level, and that’s across all races. And you can find plenty of white women on social media complaining about men, and how unhappy they are in their marriages. They don’t say white men, but you know who they are talking about.

No marriage is lasting without a healthy sex life. A woman does not get pleasure every single time she has sex. Relationships have ups and downs. Each person is going to annoy the other person. And if that physical attraction isn’t there, it’s not going to work.

Do you think every woman should give every man who approaches her in a gentleman like manner a chance, regardless of his appearance?
posters like him like to insinuate that all the 'good looking' men are terrible, and all the the ugly, 'average', men are all gentlemen and upstanding men...which is simply false....it's dirty macking at its core and women know this.....


Aug 23, 2019
Do people who ask these why are black _____ the only _____ hanging around other groups of people enough to make these observations?


Mar 11, 2022
I never said that women should be expected to marry ugly men. The point is a lot of attractive BW pass on men who are 6s or 7s in looks, have Grant Hill personalities and/or they’re under 6ft tall but have good character while trying to get with men who are tall with swag who aren’t marriage minded. Then when they hit 30 or 35 and lack marriage-minded options, they’re complaining about the lack of good men.
how do you know these men have great personalities and character??....if you as a man don't date men, you have no idea how men are when operating with women.....the coli is always the expert on 'good' men while claiming to be straight....LoL

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
Because Black Women are the most loyal group to the Democratic Party and our community is a Black Matriarchy

I’d say before the 60’s, black men was the head of the household. What happened between then and now?
Do we blame our fathers, the white man, rap or black women?

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
I only see black male entertainers/public figures with c00n tendencies get called out. And it’s usually because they act like all black people who vote democrat are sheep.
The truth is, all black people who vote democrat ARE sheep but what is the alternative? Republicans outright HATE minorities and wish America was back in the 50’s.
If Black and Brown became its own party or voting block, that’s over 120M+ people that can hold politicians accountable.
Of course you need donation money and actually have to vote.
The lesser evil will always be the democrats unfortunately.