Yup. Because this is the cloth I’m cut from which is obviously foreign to you
I’m sorry, but you are smart enough to know that the NBA is viewed as being synonymous with being black. The attacks to the league have made it very apparent. So was some clown to throw the league under the bus as a black man to benefit himself, I’m going to call him out.
I just bust out laughing
So, wasn’t that so called ‘cloth’ you’re cut from sullied when yall jumped on and continue to jump on another BLACK MAN for his opinion?!?
And what’s even worse is, as a black man, your lack of knowledge. He said ‘
I love the US, at times’. That was everyone’s context clues that he’s not aiming at the NBA , he’s aiming at American hubris and arrogance in general. It’s a balance I’d assume we all understand: being American but understanding how fukked up America is, no?
What is the title of that clip?
Americans refering to ‘world champions’ is bigger than the NBA, it’s about America hubris. So not only did you catch feelings out of place, you don’t even understand the totality of that statement. As you’re standing up for a league who’s teams are
95% white owned,
arenas 100% white owned, managed by a
white commissioner, over a team that won (Nuggets) who is
white owned,
white coached, and who’s best player was white and majority of roster was foreigners and mullatos.
And then have the audacity, the unmitigated gaul to evoke the late great Don Cornelius in your bullshyt. Ngga take that shyt down