Think about what you guys are saying, Batman would never use full force against an opponent so as to kill them
Wolverine is basically immortal in all your "opinions" and would regenerate lightning fast

, so..

what's stopping Batman from goin all out and blowing up the whole fukking city block on his ass then hacking this old ass nikka to pieces. Sure he'll regenerate after a while but do so.. in a cell
And setting the explosives aint prep time, Batman already got it set up like in the movie for those special situations. Throw in the additional shyt here and there like tear gas, battarangs (what ever the fukk that shyt call

) and the other mess he keeps in that utility belt like some some super anti-regeneration aids injection shyt and you know who gonna come out on top
Yall just need to face it, Wolverine is just a old ass chronic ass alcoholic bum that lives on his past accomplishments and doesn't have the focus to fukk with the seriousness that Batman operates under on a daily basis
Check mate, niccas, check mate