I would pick my dog over anyone but a black child.
This is a cac reveal thread . I see you OPStranger lol that is not even a question I do not put animals lives over humans.
Trying way too hard here
You really don't wanna go down this road breh
I could easily ask you who would you save, YOUR spouse/child/family member or someone else's?
Reality is subjective, I can value my pet over someone else's without being a narcissist
But that's still on the human to human pecking order. You're just using your own understanding of those two humans to make a decision quicker. But an animal wouldn't register that kind of emotion even a little bit if it was yours.
For instance the thought process would still work if you were saving say your mailman and a stranger. Now you're choosing between two people and one you have some distant connection with. You're comparing the wrong thing here. No one would look at you sideways if you chose your mother over a stranger because as you're choosing you're using the only thing that makes them unequal in your eyes which is their connection to you. It doesn't work that way with a pet because a human and an animal are unequal from the very beginning and you wouldn't even think twice to save it if it wasn't yours.
Tbh no. No you can't.
How is a pet unequal from a human
shyt in most cases a pet is superior to a human
A dog or a cat never lied to me, cheated me, beat me, berate me, disappointed me, shyt talked me, stole from me, threatened me
Dogs and cats never did shyt to me...can't even think about doing me wrong...it's not in their DNA
So if I am saving my dog or whatever...I am saving a species that never did shyt to me
The idea human beings have some sort of moral primacy over other lifeforms is silly
Other animals never dropped atomic bombs or committed genocide or mass rape....
Dolphins ain't ever thought about how to exterminate whales
im saving the stranger every timemake it simple OP
gun to the head of a stranger and another to your pet... you HAVE to choose one to save... who is it
You see, your entire perspective is designed and surrounded on you fam. What they personally do or say to you. That's what I mean by our devotion to animals displays subtle unhealthy traits. We're not talking about humanity as a whole here, but one specific human to one specific animal. They're worth to a greater society is absolutely unequal and the only way to normalize them is to do what you did. Ascribe additional value to the animal based purely on how they make you feel or think not a true pecking order that has anything tangible to it.
That's wrong, dog. And borderline sociopathic thinking.