If you ain’t read HP, you pulling stuff out your butt. X Men have powers that may kill wizards, wizards have spells that automatically kill if it hits you. How you gonna stop a killing curse as a mutantHow you gonna stop a spell from turning you into a rat? How you gonna stop the cruciatus curse from torturing you until they merk you? How you gonna catch them when all wizards can teleport like Nightcrawler? All wizards can freeze you like Bobby. Turn you into stone. Stop you from moving. All wizards can erase your memory. Make you vanish into thin air. Explode you. Slice you up. It’s too many
spells they can get into.
and most of those are what we know/were told, imagine what's really in those forbidden books in the library.
shyt, what if the students started making horcruxes, the mutants would have to actually find what they were to finish off the person