Who was that breh that kept saying...

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Landscape has not changed. People are buying more consoles today than they did in the past when mobile gaming wasn't a thing.

Nintendo had no losses to cut with the 3ds it was a VERY successful device and continues to be very successful despite mobile gamings popularity.

The switch is a response to the 3ds success, not the success of mobile games.

Both can be true at the same time. :what:

Again, we can talk all day about our personal observations, but numbers don't lie. The money in mobile gaming and the expanding install base of mobile games is only going to further fragment the hand-held market. The landscape HAS changed....because 5 years ago this was not a real conversation. Mobile games weren't making billions of dollars. And again, nowhere did I say consoles were going away AT ALL. Point to a post where I said that...please. Because you keep arguing a point that I never even attempted at making. But if you think that Sony, MS and Nintendo don't have a grasp on the fact that new, mobile tech has come into the industry and made billions of dollars you are a fool.

The 3DS is also the only real handheld out there, of course it sells well. That's part of my point. If Nintendo doesn't announce the successor to the 3DS this year its an indicator that they are looking past the handheld space. And if Nintendo gets out of it...its a dead market. And all that talent goes to the Mobile games market...simply because of the form factor of the medium.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Both can be true at the same time. :what:

Again, we can talk all day about our personal observations, but numbers don't lie. The money in mobile gaming and the expanding install base of mobile games is only going to further fragment the hand-held market. The landscape HAS changed....because 5 years ago this was not a real conversation. Mobile games weren't making billions of dollars. And again, nowhere did I say consoles were going away AT ALL. Point to a post where I said that...please. Because you keep arguing a point that I never even attempted at making. But if you think that Sony, MS and Nintendo don't have a grasp on the fact that new, mobile tech has come into the industry and made billions of dollars you are a fool.

The 3DS is also the only real handheld out there, of course it sells well. That's part of my point. If Nintendo doesn't announce the successor to the 3DS this year its an indicator that they are looking past the handheld space. And if Nintendo gets out of it...its a dead market. And all that talent goes to the Mobile games market...simply because of the form factor of the medium.
I think if no 3DS successor is announced its because that they are in fact just going to go all in on switch and switch successor as an all on one device to stop fragmenting their user base/studios. I predicated that was their plan a long time ago on here but I was unsure after switch was fully announced wether they were in fact deading a strictly mobile device.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
I think if no 3DS successor is announced its because that they are in fact just going to go all in on switch and switch successor as an all on one device to stop fragmenting their user base/studios. I predicated that was their plan a long time ago on here but I was unsure after switch was fully announced wether they were in fact deading a strictly mobile device.

Either way, it would be them removing themselves from the handheld market totally.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Both can be true at the same time. :what:

Again, we can talk all day about our personal observations, but numbers don't lie. The money in mobile gaming and the expanding install base of mobile games is only going to further fragment the hand-held market. The landscape HAS changed....because 5 years ago this was not a real conversation. Mobile games weren't making billions of dollars. And again, nowhere did I say consoles were going away AT ALL. Point to a post where I said that...please. Because you keep arguing a point that I never even attempted at making. But if you think that Sony, MS and Nintendo don't have a grasp on the fact that new, mobile tech has come into the industry and made billions of dollars you are a fool.

The 3DS is also the only real handheld out there, of course it sells well. That's part of my point. If Nintendo doesn't announce the successor to the 3DS this year its an indicator that they are looking past the handheld space. And if Nintendo gets out of it...its a dead market. And all that talent goes to the Mobile games market...simply because of the form factor of the medium.
You clearly have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Again there is no damn "handheld market" if there's only one player.

Mobile gaming was making billions back in 2012 when 3DS released and in that time while mobile gaming was increasing 3DS sold like crazy. If mobile was eating away at the success of Nintendo handhelds then 3DS wouldn't be the success that it is.

The games on DS, 3DS, are very different then the games that sell on mobile. The developers that work on 3Ds games are very different than the developers that work on mobile games. When mobile devs have tried to put mobile games on handheld/console they don't sell well. When console/handheld devs have tried to put their games on mobile, those games have failed as well. They are two very different markets. If Nintendo does not make a new DS, then those devs will continue to put their games on console/pc where they always have.

You clearly don't have a good understanding of what you are talking about. Just running with that 40 billion number without understand any context surrounding it.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
You clearly have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

Again there is no damn "handheld market" if there's only one player.

Mobile gaming was making billions back in 2012 when 3DS released and in that time while mobile gaming was increasing 3DS sold like crazy. If mobile was eating away at the success of Nintendo handhelds then 3DS wouldn't be the success that it is.

The games on DS, 3DS, are very different then the games that sell on mobile. The developers that work on 3Ds games are very different than the developers that work on mobile games. When mobile devs have tried to put mobile games on handheld/console they don't sell well. When console/handheld devs have tried to put their games on mobile, those games have failed as well. They are two very different markets. If Nintendo does not make a new DS, then those devs will continue to put their games on console/pc where they always have.

You clearly don't have a good understanding of what you are talking about. Just running with that 40 billion number without understand any context surrounding it.

Breh, if people spend money on ANYTHING it is a market. It is just not a competitive one. Can you go a buy Vita? Yes?...then there is a market. Its not a damn command economy where the government mandated there is only ONE handheld you could EVER buy. Again, it is your understanding of economics failing you here.

Also, consider that the 3DS was already an established platform, with one of the biggest names in not just gaming but brand awareness in general. Give it ultra powerful IP's on the platform like Pokemon and bam we can milk damn thing for nearly 10 years. Also, the market was not as sophisticated for mobile games, on top of that you take all that brand awareness AND a new platform and yeah the 3DS was going to sell like gangbusters. Lastly, the 3DS came out in 2010, breh...you know what some of the top phones were in 2010?



These didn't have the power to run some of the worlds better games...in fact...games were lucky if they made past 20 or 30 MILLION. In 2010-2011, 9 games did that...
9 games make at least $20 million on the Appstore in 2011 - Gamesbrief

Mobile games now are racking in BILLIONS. And as I illustrated earlier can make millions in a DAY.

And Nintendo put things on PC? :laff: shut up.
Nintendo says it has no interest in putting its games on PC | PC Gamer

And because talent is currently working on a platform doesn't mean they don't change to another. If that was the case you wouldn't have designers, artists and programmers that can work on multiple consoles in a career. I said NOTHING about porting 3DS games to Mobile. I did say that the talent that WAS working on the 3DS could easily move over to mobile games studios and work...especially considering the money will be there for them to grab.

Here is the point.

1. Consoles aren't going anywhere, but the rise of mobile games and Nintendo's investment in the Switch will cause some shifts in how consoles are supported in the future.
2. If Nintendo steps out of the handheld market, an already sparse market in terms of competition, then Mobile games will fill that void.
3. If Mobile games continue to grow at their current rate, the handheld market may not even matter in the long run.

I have no idea where ya'll pulled "consoles will die" out of those three points. So again, stop arguing points I'm NOT trying to make.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Madden is a multiplatform game though. it's not on PC for various reasons, but it could be
It was, its not for a specific reason, with that huge userbase the game never sold well which would be impossible if PC gamers as a whole were real gamers. They on some different shyt, then they'll make threads on overwatch tournaments while posting 30x in it by themselves :francis:

But what happened to u speaking in one liners motherfukker
They bushed the thread so I figure they figured that would be bad for business :smugbiden:
My argument is based on The fact consumer spending habits have changed and that these consoles will not have the legs of previous generations and I standby that, which is why I said,let's wait until the end of the gen.

If people want to make a point and say I Was wrong,fine,wait until the End Of the gen Instead of Being desperate For Daps.

Posting PS4 numbers in relation to ps2 is irrelevant because ps4 will not sell like ps2 did. Unless someone thinks it will. And if they do,they should say so so i can up it in a few years and laugh .
It will EASILY surpass ps2, ps2 sold like it did because of the disc read error issue they bullshytted on, then lost a worldwide class action lawsuit over it

Just wondering when you historians are going to account for that. I was working at Funcoland at the time it launched and watched it myself as ps2's was stacked in the back, to the ceiling in two rows.

This went on the entire first year+, only mildly got better as the years went on. Why you think everybody had ay least 2 ps2's. Like, don't omit the very reason why I hate Sony in the first place :birdman:
I've been saying this exact same thing since Wii u was still alive and people had hope for it,and since ps4 and xbox one were breaking records for fastest selling.

And I've said this entire time,just wait until the gen is over because my point can't be proven right or wrong until then.
So don't look at data because it doesn't make your point brehs :mjlol: And you think pointing to Wii-u sales tells the story while ignoring Wii and switch sales :wtf:

But hey, you're a great poster on the force...
Except my entire point is based around where we end up,not how how fast paced it sold :mjlol:

Xbox one was out pacing 360, how's that going for them :mjlol: I made that same point then and people got in their feelings about it just like you are now.
How is it going for them :usure:

Just like Sony last gen, whoever is not winning isn't releasing numbers. Sony wouldn't talk about psn numbers either. Yet you never, shyt, you guys still can't say Xbox360 won last gen :laff: we all know Sony manipulated the ps3 numbers last gen, perception amongst fanboys is crucial (reason why ps4 is leading in sales is because of perception at launch)

Now while you guys act like ps4 is doubling, tripling Xbox in sales places that keep track (albeit incomplete data) never have ps4 doubling monthly totals. Since you don't see them posted that's what fanboys will come up with. PUBG meanwhile selling like hotcakes :ufdup:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Breh, if people spend money on ANYTHING it is a market. It is just not a competitive one. Can you go a buy Vita? Yes?...then there is a market. Its not a damn command economy where the government mandated there is only ONE handheld you could EVER buy. Again, it is your understanding of economics failing you here.
If there's only one player than it is that players market.

If there was only one kind of pop we wouldn't call it a "pop market" we'd just talk about Pepsi sales. And if Pepsi sales continued to rise we wouldn't be talking about how the pop market is shrinking cause people are buying more juice these days.

Your entire premise is preposterous:mjlol:

"Handheld market"= 3DS

3DS= successful as fukk no matter what mobile did or didn't do.

Also, consider that the 3DS was already an established platform, with one of the biggest names in not just gaming but brand awareness in general. Give it ultra powerful IP's on the platform like Pokemon and bam we can milk damn thing for nearly 10 years. Also, the market was not as sophisticated for mobile games, on top of that you take all that brand awareness AND a new platform and yeah the 3DS was going to sell like gangbusters. Lastly, the 3DS came out in 2010, breh...you know what some of the top phones were in 2010?



These didn't have the power to run some of the worlds better games...in fact...games were lucky if they made past 20 or 30 MILLION. In 2010-2011, 9 games did that...
9 games make at least $20 million on the Appstore in 2011 - Gamesbrief

Mobile games now are racking in BILLIONS. And as I illustrated earlier can make millions in a DAY.
And as mobile games sold more Nintendo 3DS sold more. The sales of either market did not effect the other.

Majority of the games on 3DS can be found on console/pc NOT mobile. Why aren't those devs putting their games on mobile now?

And because talent is currently working on a platform doesn't mean they don't change to another. If that was the case you wouldn't have designers, artists and programmers that can work on multiple consoles in a career. I said NOTHING about porting 3DS games to Mobile. I did say that the talent that WAS working on the 3DS could easily move over to mobile games studios and work...especially considering the money will be there for them to grab.
It's not about the talent of the devs. It's about the buying trends of the market.

The mobile market looks for free/cheap games that can be played in seconds.

3DS devs concentrate on making more robust experiences and charging $30-$60 for them.

Mobile gamers will not pay $30-$60 for a game.
3DS gamers look for more robust experiences than what's on mobile.

Mobile devs concentrate on monitization and getting a small amount of money from a lot of people.
3DS devs concentrate on getting a lot more money from less people.

The markets and therefore design philosophy is very different.

As you just said devs work on multiple platforms all the time. Why aren't 3DS devs putting their games on mobile right now?

Here is the point.

1. Consoles aren't going anywhere, but the rise of mobile games and Nintendo's investment in the Switch will cause some shifts in how consoles are supported in the future.
2. If Nintendo steps out of the handheld market, an already sparse market in terms of competition, then Mobile games will fill that void.
3. If Mobile games continue to grow at their current rate, the handheld market may not even matter in the long run.

I have no idea where ya'll pulled "consoles will die" out of those three points. So again, stop arguing points I'm NOT trying to make.

1. Was said 10 years ago. Didn't happen. Both consoles are outpacing their predecessors RIGHT NOW in the midst of mobiles rise. PS5 and X1-2 will be in line with what they are now.

2. No. As explained above. Those games are already on PC/console and will continue to be. You won't see $30-$60 full console/3DS style games finding success on mobile. They've already tried. It doesn't work.

3. This is the only reason you are holding on to calling the 3ds a "handheld market" so whatever Nintendo decides to do you can say "look see how the handheld market has changed"

fukk outa here buddy:mjlol:
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Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
If there's only one player than it is that players market.

But I thought it wasn't a market? :sas2:

They said MOBAs wouldn't work in mobile, look at Vainglory. They said drivers wouldn't work in mobile, Asphalt killed that. RPG wouldn't work in mobile? Knights of Pen + Paper (and like a million others) killed that, you said a 3DS game wouldn't work on mobile, Layton's Mistery Journal killed that. A shooter wouldn't work? Dead Trigger killed that. Console RPGs wouldn't work? Every Final Fantasy up to 8 is available on iOS and Android. People have robust games on mobile and they play (and buy) them. And while the 3DS may offer a much more "gamer" experience and truthfully DOES have the better game, that talking point is tired and old and proves you have no operational knowledge of the mobile games market as a whole.

I don't even play games on my phone and these are all clear examples. This rhetoric you spitting around mobile games is the same tired trope people been saying for ten years, and over that ten years mobile games been getting better and more sophisticated and making loads more money. :camby:

But your're right mobile gamers don't want to pay $50 because the market hasn't MADE them pay $50. iOS says they have a full blown exclusive Pokemon and yes people will buy the fukk out of it at $15 or $50.

It doesn't matter what the design philosophy is the platform works and it makes companies MONEY. Weather it be microtransactions or single purchases.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
yall sure put up a good fight to keep a system that fukks over consumers :salute:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
But I thought it wasn't a market? :sas2:

They said MOBAs wouldn't work in mobile, look at Vainglory. They said drivers wouldn't work in mobile, Asphalt killed that. RPG wouldn't work in mobile? Knights of Pen + Paper (and like a million others) killed that, you said a 3DS game wouldn't work on mobile, Layton's Mistery Journal killed that. A shooter wouldn't work? Dead Trigger killed that. Console RPGs wouldn't work? Every Final Fantasy up to 8 is available on iOS and Android. People have robust games on mobile and they play (and buy) them. And while the 3DS may offer a much more "gamer" experience and truthfully DOES have the better game, that talking point is tired and old and proves you have no operational knowledge of the mobile games market as a whole.

I don't even play games on my phone and these are all clear examples. This rhetoric you spitting around mobile games is the same tired trope people been saying for ten years, and over that ten years mobile games been getting better and more sophisticated and making loads more money. :camby:

But your're right mobile gamers don't want to pay $50 because the market hasn't MADE them pay $50. iOS says they have a full blown exclusive Pokemon and yes people will buy the fukk out of it at $15 or $50.

It doesn't matter what the design philosophy is the platform works and it makes companies MONEY. Weather it be microtransactions or single purchases.
Now ask yourself why those mobile games have a clear difference in design philosophy than console games in the same genre?:francis:

Why aren't console devs just putting their games on mobile right now?