one minute all these dudes have certs and 6 figure jobs and audis and benz, saving 500 a paycheck. Something looking funny in the light 

So i recently got a nice bonus at work and i'm feeling generous. I usually would donate to the site but since its been made clear that this is not a black site i figured it would be better to just give it to a random coli member.
So that's it. Just tell me why you think you deserve the cash. No sob stories please as they will be ignored. If you have a legitmate need, or even a funny story i'll check it out. Best story wins.
No strings. Winner will be determined in 1 week from today. Money to be sent via paypal. If you don't have a paypal account you're not eligible. Sorry.
Oh yeah, there are a few terms to be eligilble:
1. A poster of reputable standing - anyone with rep less than -100 will not be considered.
2. Supporter - Must have at least donated once to Freeloaders will not be considered.
3. Must dap and rep this post
4. Member for at least 1 year.
5. Must have a Paypal account
Anyways. Let the best man/woman win.
Ogugwa deserves de money for de free music i have supplied. on request i will mek a dedication song for you now for 200 dollas o
*entas da booth*
*entas da booth*
*entas da booth*
I give great phone sex sessions....
Damn , I had a really good story too.
It was a story about how I was beating off over the face of my ex's mom while she was sleeping with her mouth open and snoring.
My ex was late coming home so to be an a$$hole for making me wait I violated her sleeping mom.
Mom never awoke while in mid jerk and I stopped when I started to feel tingling, put it back in my pants and tiptoed in the hallway holding in my laughter.
oh the thought of what woulda happened if she did open her eyes in mid jerk.
*entas da booth*
Funny, but honestly a bit disturbing...