again, what part of "no matter the cost" don't you understand?
I understand you perfectly well. So don't come in here with bullshyt claims to be concerned about lives and posting anecdotes while refusing to engage the actual stats. You're a gun nut who wants absolutely no restrictions on guns for felons or anyone else, no matter what the cost. Full stop.
such as vehicles. a vehicle ban would result in millions less casualties a year but there's no appetite for one outside of fringe circles because americans know that this is the price to preserve the freedom of movement, which pales in importance to the freedom to defend oneself.
Breh just claimed that freedom of movement "pales in importance" to ability to purchase guns without restrictions, as if banning cars wouldn't immediately cause the economy to collapse cause folk couldn't get to their jobs, their schools, their family, the hospital, etc.
public polling shows that every year the number of people holding your views decrease, you are on the wrong side of both morality and history.
What disingenuous bullshyt, your "no restrictions on guns at all" stance is held by a TINY fringe in the USA and even smaller numbers elsewhere, but you're gonna try to cite public opinion now?
i link an example of a woman being killed because of these laws and you say it's bullshyt?
You made up one anecdote and your claim that she was "killed because of these laws" was 100% speculative. You don't have the slightest proof that she would have successfully defended herself with a gun if she would have gotten one

you've never known a woman who's been stalked before?
YES, a friend of mine from school was murdered by her ex-boyfriend stalker. He showed up at a party and shot her threw the open front door past 4 people. HIS ability to get a gun easily is what got her killed and her having a gun couldn't have done jack shyt cause he fired without warning and no one could stop him in time, certainly not her. They tackled him immediately afterwards and he's in jail but she's still dead.
have conversations like this way too often, your kind would keep women like my friend terrorized and vulnerable... for what?
The # of women armed is always going to be VASTLY outweighed by the # of men armed and the # of women shot and killed by armed men is always going to be FAR higher than the # of women protected.
Let's take a quote from one of the studies I linked that you clearly didn't read or even give a shyt about:
Most strikingly, they found in a recent study that people who lived with a handgun owner were seven times as likely to be shot and killed by a spouse or intimate partner. Eighty-four percent of those victims were women.
the ccw list gets leaked to the new york tabloids every few years, why don't you go look it up and count how many black names are on there? it's only cops, rich whites, and the politically well connected, but you knew that already and are lying again.
Your previous claim was that white people had no problem getting a gun in New York. Now you're moving the goalposts to "rich whites and the politically well connected". And I'm the one who was lying? You already knew you were on some bullshyt - it's hard as hell to get a gun in NYC unless you have clear cause or connections, no matter what your race.
so cause i don't like talking about my ancestry or generational trauma it didn't happen and never happened to anyone.
You "don't like talking about it" yet dropped it in a moment with a stranger to try to prove something on the internet? Never once in a decade did you share ANY of those details about your background on here, but suddenly you have an intricate series of events that perfectly align to prove your case....except you can't even tell us what country or decade your unlikely Hollywood story happened in?
I can't debate with ghosts. You're a gun nut and gun nuts famously distort events to make guns look like the hero whenever they can. Either cite what you're talking about or it will be ignored
you're right, "breh," there's never been a genocide in africa, or asia, or europe, and there's none going on right now. only white american hands could type some shyt like this.
I said the exact opposite, liar, when there are genocides the genocide will happen REGARDLESS of whether there are guns or not. Genocides happen in countries completely loaded with guns all the time, claiming that gun confiscation is necessary to precede genocide is proven bullshyt.
and i'm honest about being a zealot, why aren't you? you're actually MORE pro-gun than me, you just want them concentrated solely in the hands of our soon-to-be white nationalist government and rich white elites. you love racist/sexist/ableist/classist/ageist diktats, people like you were kapos during the holocaust and will be kapos if white supremacists ever seize power in america.
Literally EVERYTHING you say about me there is a lie. You come off as a nut just making shyt up, if you knew jack shyt about me you wouldn't make up these bullshyt narratives.
Notice that I linked numerous studies and confirmed history in my previous post and you could counter NONE of it. Just dropped a couple anecdotes without proof and threw in your fringe ideology and figured that was a wrap.