the methodology of this "study" is stupid as hell, it:
- assumes every mass shooting had armed bystanders at the ready, there's no way of knowing how many guns are present at a scene, or if an armed citizen chose not to act
- assumes every mass shooting took place in an area which permits carry, when in reality almost every single one took place in a gun-free zone
- includes incidents from jurisdictions like nyc/nj/hi/etc. which debar all non-leo of the right to bear arms
- excludes all incidents which were stopped by an armed citizen before they escalated to a mass shooting
- uses a tortured definition of "active shooter attacks" without defining it beyond "we excluded gang shootings", they're definitely doing some sort of endpoint massaging on their data
- ignores that 64/249 attacks (26%) were stopped by citizens when only 1% of the population carries daily:
Objectives. To determine the frequency of loaded handgun carrying among US adult handgun owners, characterize those who carry, and examine concealed carrying by state concealed carry laws. Methods. Using a nationally representative survey of US adults in 2015, we asked handgun owners (n = 1444)...
of those 64, it's safe to assume that the 42 who didn't shoot the attacker would have used a gun if they had one, who the hell uses a melee weapon when they have a ranged one available lmao? if anything that makes the case that more people should carry, it would increase the effectiveness of those who chose to fight back unarmed and failed.
as a side note this has to be the first gun article the nyt's run in weeks without glenn thrush on the byline, it always amused me that they gave a sexual abuser the assignment to advocate for prohibition when they're exactly the type of people who want their victims unarmed.