The lines between the 3 are becoming increasingly blurred... but I'll name some specific problems stemming from govt. handling.Which part of the "state" are you blaming? Just the Federal government? State government? Local government? The latter two play a bigger role in how schools are run then the feds.
1. Decisions are made by those far removed from the classroom.
2. Uniformity. The one size fits all model the state uses has been proven sub-optimal time and time again.
3. Forced education.This is gonna be a rough one on this board, but i dont think kids should be required to got to school...
4. Guaranteed money. Pay has been divorced from performance.
5. Politics. Promising to throw money at the issue is an easy way to win votes, without addressing the issue.
6. Over emphasis on test results.
7. Disparity between schools(though I see no fix for this)
8. Lax curriculum
I could go on...