Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Parents, teachers and the state are all to blame
Parents dont care
The teachers dont care
The state doesnt care
They figure heck, if they fail in school they can fill up a prison so it all works out well in the end for the demons.
Or heck i have a life and work im to stressed to deal with this homework stuff
Or heck, the parents dont care and the kid is bad, why should i care. Have fun in prison, see how funny you are then, kid
If they really cared the obvious solution would be to put forth stronger tutoring initiatives to make sure that no child is truely left behind and meets the standards of educational excellence. That wont happen though because from the top down, no one truly cares
This is why the people that are doing well and creating widening gaps between rich and poor are the people who have the resources to make sure their children get the best educational services or put their feet on their childs neck every evening to ensure he has a proper education. These trained people then go on to make money with basic education that everyone should have and essentially become overlords.
A fish stinks at the head.
Its so demonic, friend.
Parents dont care
The teachers dont care
The state doesnt care
They figure heck, if they fail in school they can fill up a prison so it all works out well in the end for the demons.
Or heck i have a life and work im to stressed to deal with this homework stuff
Or heck, the parents dont care and the kid is bad, why should i care. Have fun in prison, see how funny you are then, kid
If they really cared the obvious solution would be to put forth stronger tutoring initiatives to make sure that no child is truely left behind and meets the standards of educational excellence. That wont happen though because from the top down, no one truly cares
This is why the people that are doing well and creating widening gaps between rich and poor are the people who have the resources to make sure their children get the best educational services or put their feet on their childs neck every evening to ensure he has a proper education. These trained people then go on to make money with basic education that everyone should have and essentially become overlords.
A fish stinks at the head.
Its so demonic, friend.