I guess clyde was the slightly better player but a.i. was more transcendent and was looked at as that dude. good debate though.
The only ppl I have in front of AI is Kobe and Jordan
i can never decide which player is better between the two in their primes. Sometimes i be like "DREXLER ALL DAY" and then then like a day later its like "IVRESON! HE GOT DAT MVP"
at the end of the day. they are pretty much even i guess
-Iverson has the scoring titles
-The more noteworthy accomplishments "game 1 vs LA"
-Drexler as the championship as a second option tho was still top 10 player that year
-3 Finals appearances
-Could have won an MVP if it wasn't for Jordan
This guy below AI?
he didn't even make the All-Star team that year