Who created this lie that white people like dark skin better than black men?


Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
Black feminists or IR enthusiasts created this to use as a smokescreen to disguise their own self hate and psychological issues revolving around their ethnicity. Comments like this are an attack and propaganda against black people and should be treated as such.:snoop:

Anyone whos going around talking this bullshyt needs to be put on blast


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
Pointing out how others treat their women badly does not erase the fact that black men don't treat their women in the most favorable way.& I will always speak on colorism. :stopitslime: It's not like i'm out here exclusively dating "other," nor do I hold any race of men on a pedestal.
You clearly do not value black men, and yes you do put white men on a pedestal under the guise that they "Treat their women better" and you had that white man/black woman couple's picture on your hard-drive. You clearly long for their attention and affection and wish to wash your hands of the black community via breeding your blackness out.


All Star
May 12, 2012
You really believe that huh? If you want to c00n then do it but stop spreading bullshyt thats going to further divide black men and women. Im a dark skinned male who has faced colorism but you dont see me caping for white folks and putting down black women. I love my black women of all shades. Your ignorant as fuk and blacks who think like you are the worse thing to happen to black unity...male or female
You will say anything to erase the shame.No other race of man sh*ts on their women like black men do,FACT.

I'm going to keep on speaking on it regardless of who I'm with.I am a dark skin woman myself. :what:


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
You really believe that huh? If you want to c00n then do it but stop spreading bullshyt thats going to further divide black men and women. Im a dark skinned male who has faced colorism but you dont see me caping for white folks and putting down black women. I love my black women of all shades. Your ignorant as fuk and blacks who think like you are the worse thing to happen to black unity...male or female
Exactly dude. She says she's in a black feminist course. Well honey do you know where Feminism came from and WHY IT WAS MADE? @WHIPPEDCream have you heard of #Gamergate ?


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
:leon:you guys are still at it....and its 32 pages of c00nin and making folks look like fools:francis:

Either way:popcorn:


Jun 21, 2012
:francis: "light skin men masculinity"
:whoo:actually in my experience dark skin men have a monopoly on masculinity in the black community. Light skin men seem to always get the fuccboi sferiotypes. Although you are right about light skin men being seen as "moving up the ladder".

Maybe in regards to sports and entertainment. Or maybe if he's built like Terry Crews

In my opinion, the average dark skinned male is not preferred to the average brown skinned or light skinned male based simply on color.

This is especially true if the light skinned male has the "Jeremy Meeks" look (i.e. light skinned, blue eyes, neck tattoos, and with the ultra masculine thuggish appeal)
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♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
You clearly do not value black men, and yes you do put white men on a pedestal under the guise that they "Treat their women better" and you had that white man/black woman couple's picture on your hard-drive. You clearly long for their attention and affection and wish to wash your hands of the black community via breeding your blackness out.

Never have I put white men on a pedestal.& I also remember seeing that picture on LSA,the only reason I remember it is because I tried to google her headband & earrings. :mjlol: & I do not "wish to breed my blackness," out.I'm not out here intentionally looking for "other."If it happens it happens.

You really believe that huh? If you want to c00n then do it but stop spreading bullshyt thats going to further divide black men and women. Im a dark skinned male who has faced colorism but you dont see me caping for white folks and putting down black women. I love my black women of all shades. Your ignorant as fuk and blacks who think like you are the worse thing to happen to black unity...male or female

I'm not the one that's dividing black men & women my dear.Black men did that and continue to do that when they make songs with lyrics such as "beautiful black women I bet that b*tch look better red," or "I can't stand no black ass b*tch," for the world to see how they truly feel about their kind.They "divide,"black men and black women when they tell black women they "look pretty to be dark."That's what THEY do.


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
Maybe in regards to sports and entertainment. Or maybe if he's built like Terry Crews

In my opinion, the average dark skinned male is not preferred to the average brown skinned or light skinned male based simply on color.

This is especially true if the light skinned male has the "Jeremy Meeks" look (i.e. light skinned, blue eyes, neck tattoos, and with the ultra masculine thuggish appeal)
:manny:i guess black women are catching up to black men when its comes to c00nin for a mate



"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
When you say black people comes first that translate to black men come first.It's been observed by many whether you want to wake up to it or not.Why do you think that one black woman wrote an article saying she will not march for Eric Garner?

I did read that nonsense. I also read the majority of people cauterwauling her as a divisive fool, which is what she is. What fool would choose not to march for her own? That's her father, brother, son, etc. If black men are targeted for racial prejudice, black women are implied by proxy.

Black women get kidnapped,raped,murdered,etc out here everyday B, but no one gives a f*ck, including black people.& Don't you dare show me some lone thread about Renisha Mcbride as proof that black woman lives matter,I'm not here for the BS

Black men suffer more violence than black women. Russian women make less today and have more dosmestic violence than African Ameriacn women. Cacs in the 1800s faced more violence than blacks do today. Yet black men today know and cacs in the 1800 knew what was important. They knew that focusing on divisive bullshyt was a distraction. Crime is crime and men bear the brunt of it. But no man will cut off his nose to spite his face, which is exactly like you suggest. 1700 cacs knew that forging ahead and claiming America was the most important thing. Divisive issues about the mafia, the dosmestic violence (worse than today), the female whining, etc were ignored. Increasing the white man's share of the land, killing the Indians and the rest was of utmost importance. And now the cacs rule the world. So as history dictates, the BS you're talkin about strictly does not matter.

I'm not here for the BS.& Once again, this so called "black female strength," is a problem.This idea that black women are not allowed to be human and feel REAL human feelings is not a good thing so please stop highlighting it as if it's something good.& All this "black way," things you're talking about is complete non sense and make you sounds like an idiot,so I'm not going to entertain it.

As I have already explained, history shows black female strength and the black way is the tent that has kept the black people upright. You have not addressed my historical claims because you have no answer to them. Instead you resort to ad hominem insults. Speak to my argument and provide real counterarguments, not conjecture. Your assertions that black women are not "real humans" are laughable. We are all real people and many black women would say so. To a c00n like yourself, I suppose that anything which rails against your c00nery makes you feel like a "fake human". That twisted ideal is your own and not worth addressing.

& YES,people should complain when they are carrying a community who sh*ts on them.:what: Black women go hard for black men any & all the time but it's not reciprocated & never will be. That "mule," quote is a very popular quote by Zora Neale Hurston for a reason.She been observed how black women get treated.

Sexist experience does not justify or validate c00nery like black men shooting blacking doesn't. All blacks benefit when we fight for the community and all suffer when we do not. Are things perfect? No, but they will never be. Zora Neadle Hurston, you and the like advocate black women cut their nose for spiting their face. They characterize black peoplehood as "muling" like a coward characterizes fighting for your country the same way. Men don't win for hurting themselves and making up funny words to describe it.

& I can't believe I'm daring to entertain your stupid ideology that lighter skin people are the problem.This is NOT true.The problem are people who sh*t on dark skin whilst uplifting light skin.By your your logic,an "ideal," black community would then therefore be one with out light skin. :what: There is colorism EVERYWHERE,among MANY ethnic cultures.DF?Now it's verified you're a dumb ass.Don't quote me again.

An ignorant paragraph which befits an ignorant c00n. First, most black countries already do not have significant light skin populations. I know this might seem shocking to you, a peasant that has never left her state let alone explored the world, but remember that most blacks aren't American. Most have never even been slaves and live in homogeneous racially similar black countries:


Second, the fact colorism correlates with admixture presupposes that admixture is the cause. The introduction of difference within groups causes differences within groups. Preliminary studies on multiculturalism has concluded similar effects. Robert Putnam, Harvard researcher, concludes:
"In recent years, Putnam has been engaged in a comprehensive study of the relationship between trust within communities and their ethnic diversity. His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30 000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups."

So science implies the introduction of ethnic difference itself CAUSES negative social effects (there's a long list of shyt associated with low distrust), exactly what I implied vis-a-vis colorism. Yall c00ns need a Harvard researcher to tell you what I derive in my own head like a computer. :russ:
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All Star
May 12, 2012
Never have I put white men on a pedestal.& I also remember seeing that picture on LSA,the only reason I remember it is because I tried to google her headband & earrings. :mjlol: & I do not "wish to breed my blackness," out.I'm not out here intentionally looking for "other."If it happens it happens.

I'm not the one that's dividing black men & women my dear.Black men did that and continue to do that when they make songs with lyrics such as "beautiful black women I bet that b*tch look better red," or "I can't stand no black ass b*tch," for the world to see how they truly feel about their kind.They "divide,"black men and black women when they tell black women they "look pretty to be dark."That's what THEY do.

You are spreading propaganda and applying that to the black race which is stupid and childish. You just cited some lyrics and applied that to everyone? fuk outta here c00n.
I also have heard that line said to me before but once again im not gonna act like a c00n and start labeling black women. You are just as ignorant as the lyrics you are citing and all of you are a shame to the black community. Its funny though you bring up the music because the white corporate heads are the ones who choose to release it. I don't hear you talking about this track:

Keep caping for massa


Jun 21, 2012
So given a poll, I wonder how many blk men on TheColi have preferences for brown and dark skin on women vs., lighter skin on women.

Quite frankly I think that our community has internalized white beauty standards and associate whiteness with femininity and darkness with masculinity. This is why lighter skinned men get played and most blk women like darker men, while women with darker skin are deemed as masculine.

To me it's undeniable and this idea of darker skin on a female as a negative is everywhere in our media, music, television...but people here see differently?
I'm not even dark skinned and I see this mess. It won't get better by denying it.
I'm not saying that every dude should be socially shamed into liking every type of black female, but some of the ignorance I've heard expressed by some dudes both online and in real life is crazy.,.

To be honest I've seen some of the most horrible stereotypes attributed to dark skinned blk women b4 some dudes even know them.
But whatever. Maybe we're all making it up...,

Also it's not just our skin but our hair and features altogether.
I know blk Americans, whose genetic ancestors primarily came from West Africa, who will go nuts over East Africans. Smh

This nonsense is so entrenched in us that most don't even realize how it looks...
Nope this is a fallacy.

I understand you've heard about a single incident where a little black boy called a little black girl "too dark"

I understand that you've observed an attractive light skinned girl get attention rather than a dark skinned girl at the club...

I understand that Essence Magazine, Sister 2 Sister, black women novels, talk shows,discussion groups, and movies have discussed the idea so often that it's ingrained in you to believe it...regardless of what occurs in the real world...

The cold hard reality that black women can't seem to accept, is that a black man's initial attraction to a black woman is not based on her color but on her figure. Yup.

As crass as it may sound, if a black woman has a HUGE butt and a small waist, she will garner attention from black men regardless of hair type, skin complexion, or facial features.


Jun 21, 2012
You clearly do not value black men, and yes you do put white men on a pedestal under the guise that they "Treat their women better" and you had that white man/black woman couple's picture on your hard-drive. You clearly long for their attention and affection and wish to wash your hands of the black community via breeding your blackness out.


She does this in EVERY black male/ black female oriented discussion.

A lot of it is over hyped gibberish and they do it to sell the idea to themselves rather than to the actual people they are talking to.

WHat I have noticed is that BW like her, who are ALL over internet forums, never ever, ever take this discussion of "white males treat their women better" over to White Male/WHite Female forums....because they know what would happen. :whistle:...those white dudes that they gas up would be quick to throw up picks of Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and proceed to tell her to take her " weave wearin' monkey azz" (their words...not mine) back over to the hip hop forums...

A lot of those white dudes would give them a reality check very quick...and a lot of those white women would laugh them out of the room after bringing up how their "prized" white men are fukin the secretary and molest their daughters at night.
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Bedwench & Armchair Militant Killer
Jun 20, 2013
She does this in EVERY black male/ black female oriented discussion.

A lot of it is over hyped gibberish and they do it to sell the idea to themselves rather than to the actual people they are talking to.

WHat I have noticed is that BW like her, who are ALL over internet forums, never ever, ever take this discussion of "white males treat their women better" over to White Male/WHite Female forums....because they know what would happen. :whistle:

A lot of those white dudes would give them a reality check very quick...and a lot of those white women would laugh them out of the room.

Thats why we need to stop letting them have this discussion in our spaces. Threads that spread this kind of propaganda need to get locked and the members banned. But nope black men are expected to entertain the bullshyt and the mind fukk in the places where we congregate. No other group gets put through this kind of shyt. :mindblown:


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
You are spreading propaganda and applying that to the black race which is stupid and childish. You just cited some lyrics and applied that to everyone? fuk outta here c00n.
I also have heard that line said to me before but once again im not gonna act like a c00n and start labeling black women. You are just as ignorant as the lyrics you are citing and all of you are a shame to the black community. Its funny though you bring up the music because the white corporate heads are the ones who choose to release it. I don't hear you talking about this track:

Keep caping for massa

Exactly she's being willfully obtuse. Like there isn't dark skin praise in rap music. She's just not looking for it.

Andre's verse from Tha Carter IV:
Pulled her ponytail to my body, she’s the only girl that was smart enough to call me Mr. Benjamin in the middle of a wild party
Skin was cinnamon, I pound it harder, how come the only girls that are thought of
Are the light ones? Well, tonight, then, we gon’ do it, do it, do it for the dark ones

Tupac in Keep Your Head Up:
“Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots”

Oh boo hoo, you heard one bad comment. Kinda like when @MarsPunka brought up that Kelly Rowland recieved comments for being dark skinned, when she still got wifed by a black man anyway.