Who created this lie that white people like dark skin better than black men?


Tia Mowry Bandwagon
Oct 29, 2014
The Dirty South
shyt is unbelievable. they so hardheaded. i would consider colorstruck to be those parents that shyt on their childs dark skin color and never get called out about it...why yall dont ever go after them? because they are your elders and your supposed to respect them/

most of us are brown skin complexion on average and we like most of those girls. dark skin chicks are actually alot less common and there are numerous threads on here of guys basking in their beauty...

but breh if you bring that up the predictable retort is gonna be that in those posts we are only talking about lust
This is why black men should not give a damn about black women like @WHIPPEDCream and @A Woman's Opinion opinions on colorism. She can justify thirsting after a light skinned dude by saying things like "Bone structure." She can say that with a straight face too. It's sad and pathetic, matter of fact it's damn insane.

But when black men bring up Beyoncé, Tia Mowry, or Candice Patton it's because we're colorstruck. No, it's because those three girls do not have a lot of bodies under their belt, are classy, and are not whores. Yea I get Beyoncé portrays herself as a whore in her music, but that's just music. She's just getting her money.


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
:russ: "intensity of his eyes"....& "good bone structure"

I couldn't even begin to imagine a black male using that as an excuse if they ever went embarassingly hog wild over some Sports Illustrated/Play Boy bunny with light skin and blue eyes...sorry :russ:

(and just for the record...I'll note that it wasn't JUST BW showing him praise...)

I'm going to use the Black Woman's colorism logic here...

Had he been dark skinned with the exactly same bone structure with dark eyes...he wouldn't have been considered as attractive.

He wouldn't have been hyped up because historically American Society has always propt up lighter skinned males.

Black women have always observed light skinned and white men in positions of wealth and masculinity. and therefore they have been brainwashed to find them more attractive on a lower standard....

See how that sounds :beli:
:francis: "light skin men masculinity"
:whoo:actually in my experience dark skin men have a monopoly on masculinity in the black community. Light skin men seem to always get the fuccboi sferiotypes. Although you are right about light skin men being seen as "moving up the ladder".


Feb 2, 2015


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
What about the dark skin girls who attempt to fight light skin girls for no reason? Or the dark skin girls who project their insecurities onto dark skin black boys by calling them "burnt" and "Dark as fukk?"
:ohhh:tommy sogomayor
Well they're the most powerful country in Europe and would be more prosperous if not the USA stonewalling them. The USA is an abberration created of many different countries. The US' population dwarfs Russia's and Putin is still doing what he wants. Real talk, if not for the USA, Russia would basically own the rest of Europe (literally) and Russians all the better for it. That's evidence enough that success can be coupled with hypermasculinity.

That said, it was you that charged black masculinity as "hypermasculinity". Black men's masculinity is commonplace throughout the world and genetically derived, like most personality characteristics.It's only "hyper-masculinity" b/c it's different to other race's norms.

And you were up here implying cacs were superior to nikkas not too long ago. What the switch up? :heh:
You could pretty much say the same thing about Germany and Japan. America and Britain kept growing empires in the 20th century in check. The Anglo-American alliance was undefeatable


Feb 2, 2015
What are these "studies" you speak of? Post them please.

I am not talking about hiring for jobs or a worker. Of course they play the colorism game, and the closure a person looks for white, the better. It's called "passing" and was addressed in the "light girls" documentary.

I am talking about white men who are actually willing to seriously date a black woman. (Which isn't a lot of them. I never said it was.) they are not as likely to play the colorism, good hair game like black men are. A lot of The white men who are attracted to black girls like them black ness and their hair. (Call it a fetish, whatever)

Black is black to them. That is all I am saying.

No it's not. Plenty of white men are willing to date light-skinned black or mixed women but would never date a fully black woman. Same could be said for white women, in relation to black men. White people are most definitely colorist with regards to dating/mating.


Feb 12, 2015
So given a poll, I wonder how many blk men on TheColi have preferences for brown and dark skin on women vs., lighter skin on women.

Quite frankly I think that our community has internalized white beauty standards and associate whiteness with femininity and darkness with masculinity. This is why lighter skinned men get played and most blk women like darker men, while women with darker skin are deemed as masculine.

To me it's undeniable and this idea of darker skin on a female as a negative is everywhere in our media, music, television...but people here see differently?
I'm not even dark skinned and I see this mess. It won't get better by denying it.
I'm not saying that every dude should be socially shamed into liking every type of black female, but some of the ignorance I've heard expressed by some dudes both online and in real life is crazy.,.

To be honest I've seen some of the most horrible stereotypes attributed to dark skinned blk women b4 some dudes even know them.
But whatever. Maybe we're all making it up...,

Also it's not just our skin but our hair and features altogether.
I know blk Americans, whose genetic ancestors primarily came from West Africa, who will go nuts over East Africans. Smh

This nonsense is so entrenched in us that most don't even realize how it looks...


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
White people through brainwashed c00ns and uncle/auntie toms of course. This needed an 8 page discussion? :what:

It's simple

White massa tells the lighter slaves they're a little more human than dark slaves.

Dark and light slaves believe it.

Dark slaves put light slaves on a pedestal because massa told them too

Female dark slaves are offended

Female light slaves enjoy the attention too much to speak out

Creepy fetish seeking massa has a thing for "exotic" dark beauty

Female dark slaves interpret this as validation and love

Female dark slaves promote that massa loves them more than male slaves ever could

Female dark slaves does this while generalizing and completely ignoring the fact that millions of male slaves weren't buying the bullshyt massa told them about lightness to begin with and still adore their dark female queens.

All the slaves are distrustful and mad towards one another

Massa capitalizes on this economically, and this case, romantically, and continues to win while we hate each other.

The end

Note: feel free to swap the genders around. I speak from the perspective I chose because I'm a man and that's what I observe and relate to most. But the story works the same regardless of gender.


African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
When white people date blacks they typically date dark skin blacks Whether its male or female. I hardly ever see a white man or woman with a light skin black when it comes to an interracial Relationship. And whitemen like black women they just arent willing to admit it (some arent). ive been hit up by all sorts of white men on social media.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

So we can complain about racism but we can't complain about colorism?:sas1: You're clearly one of those black men in which if a black man is not the victim you don't care.& This bull sh*t that "black women are very strong," is a part of the reason they are in a f*cked up situation to begin with.Be strong FOR WHAT?Black women are not treated how they should be treated in the black community,which is why they don't seek help because of this idea that they need to be "strong."

& This is how things "always should be.":russ: Are you serious right now?

When Zora Neale Hurston said "the n*gger woman is the mule of the world," she told no lies.She was basically implying that sh*t always end up being on the black woman's shoulders,which is true.This is not a GOOD thing.& Your sick thought somehow sees this as a badge of honor?"Riding," for a community who treats you like sh*t is some how something to take pride in?I'm for black women feeling like they don't have to be a mule in the black community.It's not year 1901,miss me with the "Strong black women," BS.This is not "small," but oh yeah I forgot if the victim is not a black man dying by the hands of a white man it's "small," or "not important."

& F*ck the cause.:yeshrug:

I never said one can't complain of colorism; I said that black peoplehood comes first. Complaining about colorism and trying to use those complaints to undermine black people is like complaining about a modest-but-improving alliance and trying to undermine a war effort on that account. History and the status quo speaks for why black female strength is important. Strong black women have helped steward blacks to survival amongst the death of many other peoples. Virtually ever group in the Americas are dead b/c of the cac. But blacks live on. Weak women the Native women are dead and gone. If the black way didn't work, we would be too.The fact blacks thrive while others die off is testament enough of what a help strong femalehood is. So yes, things should continue as before, with adjustments to improve quality of life. This is what the majority of black people--whom aren't American--are doing anyway. You, on the other hand, would have us go the way of others, and pay for it. History, reality, damn your ill thought process yet you persist like a blind man walking into a volcano. Delusional at the last.

Black female treatment is subjective and has no bearing on black peoplehood besides. Women herald black people and black men do the same, then all the better. No man or woman should complain for shouldering his people, nor call himself a "mule" for doing so, or claim his group a "burden". This is just code for abdicating responsibility and trying to justify anti-blackness (words of a c00n). It's still 1901 in that there is still some way to go for blacks. So the march continues.

Black men are targeted like Native men were targeted. When black men are dead, blacks are dead in the same way. So in truest and cleanest fact, c00n, every black male victim is important for the same reasons I just mentioned. The non-blacks target black men precisely because they know black men's importance. This does not mean black females are less important, merely that both are important.

If the Natives had banded together and held the the damn Aztec empire against the Spanairds, they would perhaps be alive today. Instead the aforementioned happened and where are they now? They abdicated their responsibilities or never knew those things as they fought amongst themselves. The cac won by keeping to his word and his responsibilities. You way is their way. Go that way in peace but don't try to advocate it, c00n.

I find this idea hilarious.I'm surprised lighter skin people have not be offended by this?You are basically saying that light skin people are the problem.I am definently against colorism & I'm not sure what "pro-swirl," means but if it means that I feel that people should date whom they want,then yes that's me.The problem are not light skin people,the problem are people who engage in colorism.I don't care if my child is light, mixed, or dark.At the end of the day,it's going to be my child.

So you have no issue with colorism then. Let me be frank: there is no real colorism in black societies as most blacks are around the same brown-to-black hue with similar facial range. Colorism begins to rear its head when blacks intermix with non-black races. Hence the black features' begin to twist, turn and diverge, causing division and mistrust. In other words, IR relationship drive division amongst blacks. In virtually every mixed society, blacks are at the bottom. It is only in their own societies--that of Africa and the black Carribean--that dark skins rule anything. So if you are against colorism, then you should be against swirling. It doesn't matter what light skins say either.


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
This is why black men should not give a damn about black women like @WHIPPEDCream and @A Woman's Opinion opinions on colorism. She can justify thirsting after a light skinned dude by saying things like "Bone structure." She can say that with a straight face too. It's sad and pathetic, matter of fact it's damn insane.

But when black men bring up Beyoncé, Tia Mowry, or Candice Patton it's because we're colorstruck. No, it's because those three girls do not have a lot of bodies under their belt, are classy, and are not whores. Yea I get Beyoncé portrays herself as a whore in her music, but that's just music. She's just getting her money.

:stopitslime: I appreciate all beauty.

When white people date blacks they typically date dark skin blacks Whether its male or female. I hardly ever see a white man or woman with a light skin black when it comes to an interracial Relationship. And whitemen like black women they just arent willing to admit it (some arent). ive been hit up by all sorts of white men on social media.

It's the same way with me...when it comes to guys that hit me up,I thought it would be majority black guys who hit me up on social media,but nope,I can honestly say it's 50/50 when it comes to the amount of white guys & black guys who hit me up.However in real life,it's mainly black dudes who approach me & when white men in real life do approach I don't know where they are trying to take things...like this one white dude literally just introduced himself to me and that was it.:heh:

They are not as bold as black men in my opinion.