I never said one can't complain of colorism; I said that black peoplehood comes first. Complaining about colorism and trying to use those complaints to undermine black people is like complaining about a modest-but-improving alliance and trying to undermine a war effort on that account. History and the status quo speaks for why black female strength is important. Strong black women have helped steward blacks to survival amongst the death of many other peoples. Virtually ever group in the Americas are dead b/c of the cac. But blacks live on. Weak women the Native women are dead and gone. If the black way didn't work, we would be too.The fact blacks thrive while others die off is testament enough of what a help strong femalehood is. So yes, things should continue as before, with adjustments to improve quality of life. This is what the majority of black people--whom aren't American--are doing anyway. You, on the other hand, would have us go the way of others, and pay for it. History, reality, damn your ill thought process yet you persist like a blind man walking into a volcano. Delusional at the last.
Black female treatment is subjective and has no bearing on black peoplehood besides. Women herald black people and black men do the same, then all the better. No man or woman should complain for shouldering his people, nor call himself a "mule" for doing so, or claim his group a "burden". This is just code for abdicating responsibility and trying to justify anti-blackness (words of a c00n). It's still 1901 in that there is still some way to go for blacks. So the march continues.
Black men are targeted like Native men were targeted. When black men are dead, blacks are dead in the same way. So in truest and cleanest fact, c00n, every black male victim is important for the same reasons I just mentioned. The non-blacks target black men precisely because they know black men's importance. This does not mean black females are less important, merely that both are important.
If the Natives had banded together and held the the damn Aztec empire against the Spanairds, they would perhaps be alive today. Instead the aforementioned happened and where are they now? They abdicated their responsibilities or never knew those things as they fought amongst themselves. The cac won by keeping to his word and his responsibilities. You way is their way. Go that way in peace but don't try to advocate it, c00n.
So you have no issue with colorism then. Let me be frank: there is no real colorism in black societies as most blacks are around the same brown-to-black hue with similar facial range. Colorism begins to rear its head when blacks intermix with non-black races. Hence the black features' begin to twist, turn and diverge, causing division and mistrust. In other words, IR relationship drive division amongst blacks. In virtually every mixed society, blacks are at the bottom. It is only in their own societies--that of Africa and the black Carribean--that dark skins rule anything. So if you are against colorism, then you should be against swirling. It doesn't matter what light skins say either.