Black men don't "fetishize". Snowbunny is not the same as what cacs do. And the male-female dynamic is different. The cacs see themselves in a white supremacist light. If a cac only wants a bw for white supremacist nonsense, black men are not OK with that, no matter what happens with cac females. One is not the other.
We don't fetishize white women sexually. Black men date white women because of European beauty standards and self hate, belief that she won't have an attitude, the black dude would be too lame for black girls etc.
It's white men who fetishize white women with black men. 80% of black men interracial porn is bought by white men and they'll pay black men to fukk their wives like @Chris.B was doing. Don't be proud of being a fetish miss![]()
Actually my argument would be that most white people only use black people for sex and fetishize us unless they are one of the rare non racist ones.
going to help you delusional bedwenches out , ive know enough white guys to know your statement is full of shyt , blondes with blue eyes are ultimate prize for white men they prefer it . yeah they like brunettes and red heads too but at the end of the day the majority of them would choose a pretty face , in shape blonde and blue eyed women with reasonable boob size over any other women . they might like a attractive brunette but their first choice would always be a attractive blonde women . except the exceptions.
that's why non whites and brunette women like to dye their hair blonde so much
and white men shyt on gingers like you say black men shyt on dark skin women
Miss black men and black women both need to understand that we are seen as fetishes to them most of the time and the ones who dont see us as that are rare.Well to me it once again takes any accountability from black men...
She didn't win, cac. She's pretty enough to get any black man she wants, and in Atlanta there are more than enough rich black men for her. More black men are with her shade than any cac anywhere on the planet. Black men value dark skin most of all. This black women devalued herself for some dumpy cac when she could have had the world, as any white women with her appearance invariably does.
So what I'm getting from this thread is some of you think black women ain't shyt and that no one wants them but us.
And that when they do get "another", it's because the "another" settled.
Y'all some fukking idiots who are trying to justify why you feel light skin > dark skin or that dark skin is masculine by using shyt like height and the fact that I prefer my own race
What's actually funny about the whole "what about white, asian, etc." is that I have dated a white guy before so
And I never stated I had a bias, I said I PREFER. I've had a crush on guys shorter than me before as well
I even stated that I prefer dark skin guys but I've liked light skin guys before and even follow a couple I find attractive on instagram (shout out to @dietrichriley1)
Preference doesn't mean exclusivity nor does it mean I would reject someone for not living up to the physical preferences I have.
All backed up by zero facts... And I never said most black chicks are with whites, I said most the black chicks I know and/or see that are with white guys are darker, not light skin.Where do you live that most black chick with are whites? You must live in LA (or somewhre close to it) where the black population per capita rate is at Canada levels and bw don't try to date bm and vice versa. As respects your light-dark skin question, cacs rate light skin as more attractive than dark skin (going as far back as the 1950s). They rate non-black features as more attractive than black features (unanimously, no matter where they are). Thus they see light skins are more attractive than dark skins (it's not even a question as far as the data is concerned). However it might be that light skins are not easy or willing to date them, since light skins have more suitors in general (i.e. less desperation).
If a white man snatches up a black women she will be dark or brown skin with natural hair. Black men hate dark skin and natural haired black women, and a light skin women seems to be the only type of black women black men say are wife material.
They swarm over him like flies because they see him as cool and better than their "boring" "unexciting" men.
Do you believe that black men are the Kings of Earth or the original man? Answer yes or no.
Do you believe black men inherently possess high levels of swag than other races of men? Yes or no?![]()
Miss black men and black women both need to understand that we are seen as fetishes to them most of the time and the ones who dont see us as that are rare.
That is key to our success.
They didnt care about our rights aka the rights of both black men and women until we did something.
Learn from history miss.
So your basically saying that all the men who post here are like abusive men?The dynamics between black men and black women are comparable to the dynamics of an abusive relationship in my opinion.Everything these men are saying in this thread are the same responses that abusive men say to abused women.
"No one is going to want you but me,"
"You're unattractive to everyone else,etc only I will want you"
& What do abused women do in abusive relationships?They stay because they've been told this and believe that no one else will want them besides their abuser. & It takes abused women several times before they ultimately leave.
So basically you lack the ability to see the difference between c00ns and real black men?It would be all great & dandy if black people could come together & "kumbaya," & fight our oppression from white people but sorry that is not going to work revo....Me, as a new generation dark skin black woman in the black community see how this so called "black community," really is.The same people who want me to "fight," for them are the same people sh*tting on my kind (dark skin black women).& If me speaking up about how my own community rejects my kind is "divisive," then that's just how it's going to be.
My argument wasn't even about the preference dumbass, it was about people viewing dark skin as masculine as simply writing someone off as unattractive because they have dark skinYou probably to dumb to get the point so here is my last comment on this
Light vs dark skin is not a black only phenomenon. Black women also have prejudicial skin tone, racial preferences. Everyone has some form of nonideal dating preference. It is a pointless exercise to try and legislate dating choice or demonize someone for their preference.