Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
an article highlighting some of my sentiments and other gaping plot holes in last night's episode:

FEB 15, 2016 @ 11:27 AM 5,329 VIEWS
Last Night's Episode Of 'The Walking Dead' Was Riddled With Inconsistencies

1. The rocket launcher.

The opening moments of the episode were some of the best in the show. The entire scene with the biker gang—Negan’s goons—is a real nail-biter. But let’s think about how they got out of this scrape. Daryl is taken to the back of the tanker by one of the bikers to see what other goodies they have…in the back of a tanker? Where exactly are they supposed to keep stuff in the back of a tanker? It’s a tanker. There’s gasoline in it. It’s not the back of a flatbed. Did they have the rocket launcher strapped to the back with velcro? Where were they keeping it?

Furthermore, we’ve got the back of the tanker maybe ten feet beyond where Abraham and Sasha are standing. Only the one goon is talking. There’s a dozen other goons all sitting there doing two things: Pointing their guns and listening. But nobody hears Daryl and the biker fighting just a few feet away? The entire scene—which includes Daryl being stabbed—happens out of sight and noiselessly? And then the rocket launcher just appears out of nowhere? (It had to be in the truck, not at the back, but we’re just supposed to ignore this.)

2. The kid Sam was talking at the very end of the midseason finale, but was quiet in the midseason premiere.

This bothered me a lot when I watched the midseason premiere but I completely spaced putting it in my review. The end of the midseason finale (prior to the “hidden” scene) shows Rick and company leaving the house covered in zombie guts. As they depart the little boy, Sam, starts saying “Mom! Mom!” and we’re left hanging in truly one of the most awkward cliff-hangers I’ve ever seen on TV.

But in the midseason premiere we’re shown a completely different scene. They retconned the kid talking and now he’s doing just fine, quiet as you please until…well, until something snaps. What happened to him talking right at the beginning? We’re just supposed to pretend that didn’t happen?


Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

3. Day turns suddenly to night.

Another thing I forgot to mention that irked me was the sudden time lapse in last night’s episode. It’s bright day when everything gets going, but by the time Sam freaks out it’s nighttime. Now, if I’m not mistaken the total inhabited area of Alexandria is actually quite small. Even moving at a Walker’s pace, they would be able to cross that distance pretty quickly. So why is it that it goes from sunny afternoon to total darkness so quickly? There’s not even a sunset.

It’s jarring. If they’d been moving across Atlanta, or through the woods, and we had a larger space to traverse I could buy it—but Alexandria is tiny.

4. Would you give your baby to Father Gabriel?

I liked that Gabriel and Eugene and the cowardly Alexandrians all found their courage together last night and finally stood up and fought back. Good for them!

But I wouldn’t let that wimpy, sniveling, conniving, dishonest priest take my baby. No way. At the very least I’d send Carl along with him. I’d send Sam and Ron, too.

Actually, if I were Rick or if Rick were being smart rather than just doing what the writers tell him to do, I’d have everyone go back to the church first together. Then I’d regroup and go out again with just the adults after making sure the kids were all safe. I mean, if Gabriel can get there so easily, why not have everyone go there? Why does Rick’s plan rely on taking children with them that can’t even drive to begin with?

It doesn’t make any sense! Rick wouldn’t do that, and he wouldn’t give Judith to Gabriel!


Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

5. Don’t just do something, stand there!

In my review, I pointed out how Rick could have easily knocked the kid out when he started blowing their cover and simply carry him to safety. But even barring that drastic a solution, he could have done something. But nobody reacts, or they all react strangely, when the kid freaks out.

When he’s bitten, Jessie—his mother—simply stands there screaming. I don’t know about you, but if one of my kids got bitten by a zombie I’d probably react completely irrationally and dive in there, pull the horrible creature off with every ounce of my strength.

In other words, assuming the kid isn’t stopped, the scene still goes down really strange. Everyone just stands around. And sure, they’re trying not to blow their own cover, but I think at the very least once a woman starts screaming like that you’d figure your cover was blown. Rick could have grabbed her, slapped her or something, anything to snap her out of it—not just to save her, but to protect himself and his son and Michonne.

A more realistic scene would have shown Sam starting to wail, then getting pounced on by zombies, followed by Jessie diving into the fray—too far gone too quickly for Rick to do anything. He would have immediately had to go in and hack her hand off to save Carl. Nobody would have stood around looking ridiculous.


Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

6. Maggie wasn’t actually in any danger.

One of the big things that bothered me last night was Glenn’s foolish rescue attempt for Maggie. He goes running into the zombie horde shooting off way more bullets than his gun would actually hold, drawing the zombies toward him. That’s all fine and good, but instead of drawing them further into town where he could find his own escape route, he draws them toward the fence, backing himself into a corner. Again, I get why he’s being a bit reckless to save Maggie, but it doesn’t make sense for a seasoned survivor like Glenn to make that big of a mistake in the process—not when other options were available.

But even worse is the fact that Maggie was actually pretty safe up there, and Glenn had plenty of time to formulate a better plan. Sure, the platform was rickety and might fall, but there was a perfectly serviceable walkway up on the fence itself that wasn’t rickety or in danger of falling at all. Enid walks along said walkway to get to Maggie’s platform.

Maggie could have simply walked out on that walkway to safety and waited. I’m not sure what Glenn’s plan was with using a rope, since going down from the platform would have meant going straight into the zombies. If they planned to climb down the other side (assuming no zombies were on the other side) then Maggie could have probably made the jump. Sure, it would hurt, but she could have made it without Glenn running to his death.


Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

7. Abraham and Sasha probably would have killed Glenn, too.

That spray of bullets that saved Glenn’s life and mowed down all the zombies around him? There’s no way Glenn would have made it through that unscathed. They were shooting at zombies who were surrounding him, yet not one single stray bullet even so much as grazed Glenn. I don’t think that’s how it works. This wasn’t a series of precise shots, either (though we know Sasha is a great marksman.) It was literally spray-and-pray.

8. Daryl wasted a precious rocket to light the pond on fire.

A lighter, a match, anything would have sparked up that gas-covered-pond and lured the zombies in. But Daryl chose to go all Rambo and use up another of their precious few rockets instead. For no reason. When every bullet is precious, I have trouble believing Daryl would waste a rocket. I mean, it makes for some fun, dramatic TV but it’s seriously stupid behavior.


Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Anyways, there are probably more inconsistencies that I’ve missed or forgotten, but we’ll just leave it at this for now. Yes, I’m surprised nobody else died. No, I don’t think that the Wolf guy would change so quickly though I kind of liked how that played out and gave Carol pause. I can forgive some of these slight transgressions anyways.

But stuff like Sam talking in one episode and that not happening in the next, and the tanker scene are pretty huge gaps in believability. It’s something the show keeps doing over and over again. I almost said it’s something that The Walking Dead “struggles with” but that’s not quite true. I don’t get the impression that the producers wrestle with these questions at all, and simply go from one season to the next making the same mistakes over and over again.

Maybe they have no reason not to. Fans don’t seem all that bothered. Ratings don’t suffer. I just wish we had more situations that were created by believable character flaws, rather than characters acting in unbelievable ways to force the narrative.


Almost all of that is spot on.
Especially the boy talking as the cliffhanger, then completely reshooting the scene for this episode. Absolutely terrible.

My guess as to why that is done... JUDITH.

In the comics Judith dies with Lori, so is not apart of this scene. As soon as they go outside the boy panics and wants to turn back. He starts saying mommy just like in the cliffhanger. Thats shot for shot how it happens.

The difference with the show, is they can't do a fight scene with Judith there cause she would start crying or be hurt. So they have to now add an extra scene to dismiss her character. So instead of it jumping off immmediately like its supposed to, that entire ridiculously out of place scene with them all standing still near a bush talking in a crowd full of zombies where Gabriel takes the baby is basically just there to write Judith out of the episode so they can get to the action.

Ideally it goes from them stepping off the porch right into him saying 'mommy' right into the jumpoff... which is what happens originally. All the extra lets stand near a bush and talk is there to try and wrap up tv plotholes.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
Almost all of that is spot on.
Especially the boy talking as the cliffhanger, then completely reshooting the scene for this episode. Absolutely terrible.

My guess as to why that is done... JUDITH.

In the comics Judith dies with Lori, so is not apart of this scene. As soon as they go outside the boy panics and wants to turn back. He starts saying mommy just like in the cliffhanger. Thats shot for shot how it happens.

The difference with the show, is they can't do a fight scene with Judith there cause she would start crying or be hurt. So they have to now add an extra scene to dismiss her character. So instead of it jumping off immmediately like its supposed to, that entire ridiculously out of place scene with them all standing still near a bush talking in a crowd full of zombies where Gabriel takes the baby is basically just there to write Judith out of the episode so they can get to the action.

Ideally it goes from them stepping off the porch right into him saying 'mommy' right into the jumpoff... which is what happens originally. All the extra lets stand near a bush and talk is there to try and wrap up tv plotholes.

I thought the same thing, very obviously a plot device to get Judith out of the way and leave Rick/Michonne/Carl/Andersons alone for the death and eye scene. Because it doesn't even make sense as to why Gabriel would take Judith and Carl not go. At this point we have never even seen Gabriel defend himself against walkers so why would anyone trust that he could get through the horde with her to the church? What if she started to cry? It would have made more sense to at least send Carl with them as backup. Rick and Michonne could easily protect the Andersons between the two of them. But they needed Judith and Gabriel out of the scene so :manny:


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up




Aug 30, 2013
Disclaimer: I have not watched this show since Season 3 or whenever that bullshyt at the farm took place,

so my question is why weren't they wearing the rotten flesh covered ponchos from the beginning?

A child gets killed and everybody in an uproar now? :comeon:

Watch a zombie show and expect zombies to be picky brehs. :skip:
Jan 26, 2015
Almost all of that is spot on.
Especially the boy talking as the cliffhanger, then completely reshooting the scene for this episode. Absolutely terrible.

My guess as to why that is done... JUDITH.

In the comics Judith dies with Lori, so is not apart of this scene. As soon as they go outside the boy panics and wants to turn back. He starts saying mommy just like in the cliffhanger. Thats shot for shot how it happens.

The difference with the show, is they can't do a fight scene with Judith there cause she would start crying or be hurt. So they have to now add an extra scene to dismiss her character. So instead of it jumping off immmediately like its supposed to, that entire ridiculously out of place scene with them all standing still near a bush talking in a crowd full of zombies where Gabriel takes the baby is basically just there to write Judith out of the episode so they can get to the action.

Ideally it goes from them stepping off the porch right into him saying 'mommy' right into the jumpoff... which is what happens originally. All the extra lets stand near a bush and talk is there to try and wrap up tv plotholes.
yeah i noticed that assumed the opening scene was shortly after Sam's breakdown from the mid season finale's last scene and he had shut up/calmed down by then until having a flashbacks about lost it again after having flashbacks to Carols threats:manny:that theory the mid season finale/opening scene was re shot to protect Judith cause it it would be hard to rationalize her surviving that situation sounds plausible though':patrice:
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Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
I'm up to date on the Comic and been reading them before there was a TV show, but what the fukk is up with dudes in here talking about shyt from the comic, name dropping shyt and telling people to just wait for some shyt? Cot damn, it's like you nikkas can't wait to spoil some shyt for the people on here who havent read them, just talk about the show, shyt.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
so is he more a killer after the accident

(No spoilers, all of this already happened seasons ago)

Yes, but he is a cold blooded killer way before this.

He was supposed to be the one that kills the serial killer child, not Carol.

While Rick and everyone is debating what to do with the child after they discover he has been mutilating small animals and eventually kills his sibling, Carl realizes the adults aren't gonna do what needs to be done cause they have a soft spot for kids. So he sneaks into where they are holding the kid, murders him, then sneaks back to his own tent. This is back when he is like 8 or 9 maybe.

Carl has killed at least 20 people in the comic. Living people, not zombies. Maybe more... but 20 easily.
Rick treats him like a partner. He takes him out on missions over anyone else except Michonne.




Rick kills a shytload of people right in front of him execution style. He never flinches.
After he almost gets raped Rick is killing his attackers and Abraham tries to turn his head so he can't see but Carl turns his head back cause he enjoys watching his dad kill them.


He is a complete product of the post apocalyptic world cause he barely remembers the world before that.
So once he loses his eye he totally goes off the deep end.


May 13, 2012
I'm up to date on the Comic and been reading them before there was a TV show, but what the fukk is up with dudes in here talking about shyt from the comic, name dropping shyt and telling people to just wait for some shyt? Cot damn, it's like you nikkas can't wait to spoil some shyt for the people on here who havent read them, just talk about the show, shyt.
The Carl spoilers way all the way outta line. As somebody who isn't up on the comics, that was some bullshyt so many ppl frivolously spoiling the eventual outcome of one of the most :damn: scenes of the season


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
The Carl spoilers way all the way outta line. As somebody who isn't up on the comics, that was some bullshyt so many ppl frivolously spoiling the eventual outcome of one of the most :damn: scenes of the season

The mods gotta clean that shyt up, I feel bad for yall dudes who havent read and then come in here and these dumb asses can't help themselves because they feel some level of superiority and like telling the future.