Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6


All Star
May 17, 2013
And I don't understand how Morgan's shyt is hard to comprehend...

Before he was going crazy trying to kill any and everything around him. He was basically a wolf

Now, he's not. So him not killing leads him to not wanting to turn into a murder-junky like he was before.

He still whipping multiple people's asses at the same time with ease and hes still fukking up zombies while being one of their strongest characters.

Glenn ain't killed a single human during this entire show and no one ever said shyt:martin:
It's hard to comprehend because it isn't consistent and the show is reaching to make comparisons without giving examples. Morgan was never like a Wolf and that's where his ideology falls flat.

I have no problems believing Morgan would never kill again, but only if the shows writers could have done a lot better than the very loose explanation that we got.

Morgan has never shown remorse for taking a life or shown any remorse for a life that's been taken around him. He literally watched 5 people he broke bread with get butchered alive and let the attackers go. Yet he lives by this "All Life Is Precious" code. How am I as a viewer suppose to understand or "comprehend" what this dude is all about if his actions are so inconsistent to his beliefs.

Remember Morgan is the one that introduced us to this world in episode 1. He told us how it is and how to survive and was a character people could RELATE to.

He's not that character anymore, hes 100% unrelatable and unrealistic. I mean dude went from a normal citizen to an armored up survivalist with trust issues (a somewhat natural progression given the circumstances) to a Buddhist monk with Donatello like bo staff skills?? I'll be honest I drank the Kool-aid too at first but just look how they're slowing destroying one of the last good characters of the show. Morgan's gonna get someone from the crew killed and were gonna be forced to hate him for it and then he'll eventually die...

To fix this whole problem all the writers had to do was literally make Morgan a Wolf. Make it to where he left his "clear" phase met these people and briefly traveled with them sacking camps killing innocent people and looting. We would truly see the ruthlessness of Morgan and the blood on his hands. Then he could have left for a scouting run and stumbled upon the monk dude from the house in the forest. Then all that stuff happens and it changes Morgan to how he is now. Morgan decides not to go back to the Wolfs but goes and eventually runs into Daryl like regular. Daryl takes him back to Alexandria, yada yada yada, the wolfs attack Alexandria, Morgan doesn't kill AND lets them go, no different than what normally happened and even still kidnaps that one in the cell too. All that still happens but at least now we have a better and more reasonable explanation as to why he won't kill again, why he let the wolves go and why he kidnapped one and wants to change him like the monk did. If Rick or the crew found out that Morgan used to be with the Wolfs that could add some sizzle to the story as to how they would react, they may think he lead them there etc etc... All this turns Morgans stupid and unjustifiable actions and beliefs into realistic and relatable outcomes.


May 25, 2015
"Tara!! You almost died once for these people! What the hell were you doing?!?!" :damn:

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
And I don't understand how Morgan's shyt is hard to comprehend...

Before he was going crazy trying to kill any and everything around him. He was basically a wolf

Now, he's not. So him not killing leads him to not wanting to turn into a murder-junky like he was before.

He still whipping multiple people's asses at the same time with ease and hes still fukking up zombies while being one of their strongest characters.

Glenn ain't killed a single human during this entire show and no one ever said shyt:martin:
It isn't hard to comprehend, it's just stupid and selfish.
His no killing philosophy helps Morgan maintain his fragile sanity but it endangers everyone else in Alexandria. If Morgan wants to live this way then he has every right but he needs to pack his shyt and go wander the zombie apocalypse solo because he is a hindrance to any group trying to survive in this show's reality.
Jan 26, 2015
this season has been okay so far but 2 glaring inconsistencies this last episode borderline ruined it for me:
-i'm really supposed to believe the hundreds of zombies surrounding them were too occupied dining on Nicholas guts to notice or get to Glenn and weren't aware of him until he moved Glenn's body off of him and scooted under the dumpster:comeon:What stopped the zombies from gnawing on Glens face which was out in the open and unprotected.:aicmon:then after miraculously making it under the dumpster unscathed even while being noticed by several zombies whom pursued him after killing a couple the hundreds of hungry undead gave up and left:shaq2:why were there like 8 corpses around the dumpster the next day...last i checked Glenn only killed 3 walkers at most.:what:

-then there is the scene when Glen randomly stumbled across the a walker whom got bit and tried to give note to his wife to Michonne the previous episode.:stopitslime:last i checked wasn't this cac being ripped apart and devoured by dozens of walkers at that gate:dwillhuh:outside a lttile flesh hanving on bones nothing should be left of dude but when we see him again outside of a a litltle wear adn tear he's basically whole:mindblown:

Crack Daniels

Under New Management
May 2, 2012
this season has been okay so far but 2 glaring inconsistencies this last episode borderline ruined it for me:
-i'm really supposed to believe the hundreds of zombies surrounding them were too occupied dining on Nicholas guts to notice or get to Glenn and weren't aware of him until he moved Glenn's body off of him and scooted under the dumpster:comeon:What stopped the zombies from gnawing on Glens face which was out in the open and unprotected.:aicmon:then after miraculously making it under the dumpster unscathed even while being noticed by several zombies whom pursued him after killing a couple the hundreds of hungry undead gave up and left:shaq2:why were there like 8 corpses around the dumpster the next day...last i checked Glenn only killed 3 walkers at most.:what:

-then there is the scene when Glen randomly stumbled across the a walker whom got bit and tried to give note to his wife to Michonne the previous episode.:stopitslime:last i checked wasn't this cac being ripped apart and devoured by dozens of walkers at that gate:dwillhuh:outside a lttile flesh hanving on bones nothing should be left of dude but when we see him again outside of a a litltle wear adn tear he's basically whole:mindblown:

I mentioned before it makes zero sense that most walkers have little visible damage when we've seen them tear people to shreds when they get hold of em. Also I'm pretty sure they should've been able to smell Glenn under that dumpster even if they couldn't see him....writers pretty much said fukk it at this point :yeshrug:
Jan 26, 2015
I mentioned before it makes zero sense that most walkers have little visible damage when we've seen them tear people to shreds when they get hold of em. Also I'm pretty sure they should've been able to smell Glenn under that dumpster even if they couldn't see him....writers pretty much said fukk it at this point :yeshrug:
yep considering it's been established walkers react to the actions other walkers you would expect the herd to notice the few whom chased Glen under the dumpster and joined in:comeon:the plot holes would be still be annoying but more tolerable if this was a zombie action comedy/parody show like Z Nation but but i expect more from TWD considering it takes itself to seriously most times:childplease: