White Yale student reports black classmate to campus police for napping in dorm

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
It's not, he's just a cog in #thepattern

Location: TORONTO
Ethnicity: #thepattern

Benjamin Obeng

Toronto, Canada Area
Import and Export

It's funny, when it's African American men, it's automatically really us, but when it's an African man/woman or an AA woman, y'all slick try to shield them and say it was a troll.
In the case of the instagram comments about nigerians at the J Cole concert: Troll with anime avatars. Africans still attacked AAs.
This actual c00n is an actual Toronto African. Go do work.

@Lifejennings you are a bytch.

Benjamin Obeng-Apori

This is his Facebook and I was wrong. He was for Carly fiorna for president before he went trumpet.

He was c00ning so hard I figured it was an actual cac behind the account



Oct 26, 2015
No doubt, they are racist dumbasses. This is society no matter how wrong...it is what it is:yeshrug:

But blantanly disrespect a cop and not being compliant with their commands is the quickest way to be in a real bad situation. There’s 2 specific times where I was with someone getting fukked with by the cops and he started raising his voice, pacing and cursing at them. I basically told him to shut the fukk up before he (and me being guilty by association) got dealt with. My friend was not in the wrong, the cops definitely were. But I wanted to nip it in the bud and descalate the situation before he ended up on the news.

People really don’t grasp we live in a police state. They can do what they want, when they want and to whoever they want with little to no repercussions. Better act accordingly cuz you won’t beat them.

Society is programmed to hate cops , but the reality is they take care of the people , if ya grandma getting her house broken into who she gonna call
Apr 11, 2014
So black ppl with a Yale degree vs Black ppl with HBCU degree will get a 6 figure paying job from a company because of the Yale degree being on their resume?

A cac with no degree will get that 6 figure job at said company over the black person with a Yale degree.

Breh, that degree doesn't mean anything in this world thus I never understood why a black person would attend these cac schools instead of going around your own and being at a HBCUs

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. Ivy League school is much more highly prestigious than any other school.

If you honestly believe a white person with no degree would get a 6 figure job while a black graduate from Yale can’t get that same job...:mjlol:

Let me break something down for you. My ex girlfriend is a hiring recruiter for the largest commercial real estate brokerage firm IN THE WORLD. So they get some real heavy hitters.

All she did is look at resumes and conduct interviews. Minorities by far an and away were more likely to get considered for positions than whites. She basically had one stack for whites and one for minorities. They minorities always got the first look.

She openly passed on people just because they were white. I’d sit with her at night and she prioritized minorities with similar degrees and experience over whites. This is common practice with large firms and they push diversity extremely hard. They do have quotas and if they don’t meet them, there are ramifications. She also worked for one of the big 4 accounting firms in HR. Similar story.

Go to any major IT firm. Like Amazon’s IT dept. Almost all minorities. My buddy is Indian and it’s a running joke they don’t hire whites. I’m sure there are plenty of whites with no degree there while black graduates from Yale are getting passed over:comeon:


Feb 21, 2015

This is why I don't trust white liberals


*white women's rights

Pretty sure she was part of the "more than half of college educated white woman" to have voted for Trump.

From an article that was published on this website:
From the Editors: A note on Sarah Braasch - TheHumanist.com

We have removed the article “Lift the Veil, See the Light” by Sarah Braasch (published in the Sept/Oct 2010 issue of the Humanist magazine) from our website after it was brought to our attention that it contains racially offensive argumentation. The article was part of a point-counterpoint on the topic of laws barring Muslim women in France from wearing face-covering veils. In the article in question, which argues for the ban, the author equates the small number of slaves who wanted to remain with their owners after emancipation with women who choose to be “slaves” in abusive, misogynistic, or otherwise patriarchal religious traditions. She makes this analogy–which we have judged to be inaccurate and racially offensive–to argue that if human beings are conditioned or forced to accept indignity, suffering, and an inferior position in society then that society has an obligation to make laws to correct that. While the author’s final point is one some humanists might champion, the analogy to American slavery is definitely not.

The Humanist published two articles from this author as an outside contributor (not a staff member or regular blogger)–this one and another from a year prior which we are also reviewing. We regret that this material remained up as long as it did and appreciate its offensive content being brought to our attention.

And this site felt it okay to keep her racialist views published until the backlash against her today.
Last edited:


Apr 5, 2015
I love how karma works..

When you plague the world with bullshyt, it all comes down back onto your front door

She wasn't her first offense

While she walks those halls she's already labeled, judged, looked as a vile human being. Who would take her classes seriously now? Any school that hires her will be looked at has support of a racist.

Funny part is all of those Ivy League schools have that undertone cac of cacish attitude. Filled with a bunch of frustrated kids whose parent made life a lot easier compared to the common person but still have to go out and find line of work and contribute to society instead of eating off the plates of their parents like they've always have had the option to do. So they see sisters like her and transition their issue onto others. I hope this sister sues this school and get's this behemoth who is upset at the world for making her ugly fired.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra

*white women's rights

Pretty sure she was part of the "more than half of college educated white woman" to have voted for Trump.

From an article that was published on this website:
From the Editors: A note on Sarah Braasch - TheHumanist.com

We have removed the article “Lift the Veil, See the Light” by Sarah Braasch (published in the Sept/Oct 2010 issue of the Humanist magazine) from our website after it was brought to our attention that it contains racially offensive argumentation. The article was part of a point-counterpoint on the topic of laws barring Muslim women in France from wearing face-covering veils. In the article in question, which argues for the ban, the author equates the small number of slaves who wanted to remain with their owners after emancipation with women who choose to be “slaves” in abusive, misogynistic, or otherwise patriarchal religious traditions. She makes this analogy–which we have judged to be inaccurate and racially offensive–to argue that if human beings are conditioned or forced to accept indignity, suffering, and an inferior position in society then that society has an obligation to make laws to correct that. While the author’s final point is one some humanists might champion, the analogy to American slavery is definitely not.

The Humanist published two articles from this author as an outside contributor (not a staff member or regular blogger)–this one and another from a year prior which we are also reviewing. We regret that this material remained up as long as it did and appreciate its offensive content being brought to our attention.

And this site felt it okay to keep her racialist views published until the backlash against her today.

Amadioha/Ogun will reveal them all :mjgrin:

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
So black ppl with a Yale degree vs Black ppl with HBCU degree will get a 6 figure paying job from a company because of the Yale degree being on their resume?

A cac with no degree will get that 6 figure job at said company over the black person with a Yale degree.

Breh, that degree doesn't mean anything in this world thus I never understood why a black person would attend these cac schools instead of going around your own and being at a HBCUs

You really believe this huh? I'm out.