White women cant find educated white men either

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Don't split hairs. Don't move the goal post on what's black. Oprah got some Native American in her, maybe 8% but she black for all intents and purposes.
now i'm moving goalposts :mjlol:

you just a lost nikka.... first i can't have black kids if they came out my black dikk unless the woman is black :ohhh:

then when it's noted malcolm x's mom was half white... you skate on by that answer if he's considered black :francis:

but you make a point to tell me we ain't tiger (who just broke down his heritage, asian mom, black dad) :patrice:

then tell me to make up some asian, white, black kid who ain't really back :ohhh:

then you say oprah is part native but she's black :jbhmm:

but i'm the one moving shyt around :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

so lets get your final answer.... at what percentage of blackness does one start and stop being black.... we need exact numbers... 50% ain't good enough... but 92% is correct? where are you getting your dna breakdowns??? are we expected to be able to eyeball these breakdowns? from how many feet away?

the streets want to know :pachaha:

Congrats bro. you're a 60k rock star

i was thinking i was doing ok and well above what most americans don't make in a two person house... no rock star... but good enough to be better than avg :yeshrug:

sorry i don't set low bars

you should let me groom you... your anger lets me know you're not happy in life... even though you pretend like you truly are :dame:

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
I dunno boo:patrice:Where'd you hear 75% from? There's a fundamental truth in what you're saying about the way African societies are structured, I just think you're overstating it a bit.

Books from the public library when I was younger. There are also internet search engines. Please feel free to research on your own. They compromise about 50% in commercial farming though.


Women are of vital importance to rural economies. Rearing poultry and small livestock and growing food crops, they are responsible for some 60% to 80% of food production in developing countries.

Due to legal and cultural constraints in land inheritance, ownership and use, less than 20% of land-holders are women. In North Africa and West Asia, women represent fewer than 5% of all agricultural landowners; while across Sub-Saharan Africa, they make up 15%. This average masks wide variations between countries, from under 5% in Mali to over 30% in Botswana. Latin America has the highest share of female agricultural holders, which exceeds 25% in Chile, Ecuador and Panama.

In developing countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, women typically work 12 to 13 hours per week more than men; yet, women's contributions are often 'invisible' and unpaid.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Of course there are but it's likely working class or poor white wimmenz. Only black women In the middle classes educated are encouraged to hook up with 12 step drug program larry.
By the age of 23, 49 percent of black men, 44 percent of Hispanic men and 38 percent of white men have been arrested for non-traffic-related crimes, according to a study published this month.

only 13% of black men have a felony at that

this is what the fukk i'm saying love... in all seriousness... i'm not sure who shaped your view of us... but the facts say you are ALL wrong... there's literally 93% of black men who have no felonies and more than half have no record whatsoever... and as you see... hispanic and white ain't far behind

maybe you need to check the black men in YOUR life


Aug 16, 2014
now i'm moving goalposts :mjlol:

you just a lost nikka.... first i can't have black kids if they came out my black dikk unless the woman is black :ohhh:

then when it's noted malcolm x's mom was half white... you skate on by that answer if he's considered black :francis:

but you make a point to tell me we ain't tiger (who just broke down his heritage, asian mom, black dad) :patrice:

then tell me to make up some asian, white, black kid who ain't really back :ohhh:

then you say oprah is part native but she's black :jbhmm:

but i'm the one moving shyt around :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

so lets get your final answer.... at what percentage of blackness does one start and stop being black.... we need exact numbers... 50% ain't good enough... but 92% is correct? where are you getting your dna breakdowns??? are we expected to be able to eyeball these breakdowns? from how many feet away?

the streets want to know :pachaha:

i was thinking i was doing ok and well above what most americans don't make in a two person house... no rock star... but good enough to be better than avg :yeshrug:

sorry i don't set low bars

you should let me groom you... your anger lets me know you're not happy in life... even though you pretend like you truly are

Let's see where is Malcolm x getting his bone marrow transplant from?

About the grooming... I grew up with a dad and very very dotting grandpa. Go find someone as broken as you to sexually exploit.


Aug 16, 2014
By the age of 23, 49 percent of black men, 44 percent of Hispanic men and 38 percent of white men have been arrested for non-traffic-related crimes, according to a study published this month.

only 13% of black men have a felony at that

this is what the fukk i'm saying love... in all seriousness... i'm not sure who shaped your view of us... but the facts say you are ALL wrong... there's literally 93% of black men who have no felonies and more than half have no record whatsoever... and as you see... hispanic and white ain't far behind

maybe you need to check the black men in YOUR life

Being arrested for a crime doesn't mean anything. Black women have to live by that "give a brotha a chance" credo

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Let's see where is Malcolm x getting his bone marrow transplant from?

About the grooming... I grew up with a dad and very very dotting grandpa. Go find someone as broken as you to sexually exploit.
so now we determine black people by where we get bone marrow :dead:

let just agree to disagree on race ratios boo boo

you're dad and grandpa obviously didn't raise you not to hate their kind (black men) i'd say they get F's for that... but i :salute: for trying

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Being arrested for a crime doesn't mean anything. Black women have to live by that "give a brotha a chance" credo
you don't have to do anything... see these are the things i'd teach you

how to ignore the other 49% and focus on the great qualities of the other 51....

and even if that number was 5%..... i'd still let you know you're a beautiful person who should smile at the fact she didn't settle for less.... and will hold out until death, before settling for less than the top 5%

instead you're just a bitter broad on an internet message board... crying about the ways you hate black men.... secretly waiting for one to come save you :francis:


Aug 16, 2014
you don't have to do anything... see these are the things i'd teach you

how to ignore the other 49% and focus on the great qualities of the other 51....

and even if that number was 5%..... i'd still let you know you're a beautiful person who should smile at the fact she didn't settle for less.... and will hold out until death, before settling for less than the top 5%

instead you're just a bitter broad on an internet message board... crying about the ways you hate black men.... secretly waiting for one to come save you :francis:

This is what I'm talking about. I live in a Pakistani Somali area in England and these people get married everyday all year round. None of these women are being "saved" and none of these men are "saving" they are just moving into the next part of their lives as dictated by religion culture values.

Black men have such bleak and debased view of (black) women and such a deviant idea of his role as a man that marriage family commitment is seen as some charity to an otherwise undeserving person.

Nikka you don't save women. You build with then. You make them wives mothers and they rear your seed. Your seed is your pride.

This is why black men have such shytty romantic experiences with all women. Y'all mentality is fukked. address your abandonment issues.


Aug 17, 2014
Of course there are but it's likely working class or poor white wimmenz. Only black women In the middle classes educated are encouraged to hook up with 12 step drug program larry.
Shut ya stupid ass up.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
This is what I'm talking about. I live in a Pakistani Somali area in England and these people get married everyday all year round. None of these women are being "saved" and none of these men are "saving" they are just moving into the next part of their lives as dictated by religion culture values.

Black men have such bleak and debased view of (black) women and such a deviant idea of his role as a man that marriage family commitment is seen as some charity to an otherwise undeserving person.

Nikka you don't save women. You build with then. You make them wives mothers and they rear your seed. Your seed is your pride.

This is why black men have such shytty romantic experiences with all women. Y'all mentality is fukked. address your abandonment issues.
:mjlol: you are hilarious... i haven't met many who are willing to go down with the ship like you are... but dammit it's commendable

first of all.... i meant save you from your bitter life... if you had a good man, steady dikk, and a happy life... you wouldn't be on here trying to chastise men for what they doing out here

my seed is my pride... and i don't care who he came out of, he's MY pride... MY dna... MY responsibility

these men are saving these women... saving them from a life of loneliness, bitterness, and pain.. you know... what you're going through now

that man to marry you will be doing YOU a favor.. unless of course you make more money and have more suitors we don't know about.. which isn't the case in even 25% of marriages

i don't have any abandonment issues... got both parents... huge family... life is good baby... women in my life are good baby.. the life in my life is good baby

when i meet the woman that makes all the rest obsolete... and makes me WANT AND NEED to marry her for the rest of my life, i'll be with her

i think this, get married.... it'll improve life... it's what black people need to do... is KILLING black people

1. black people are LOWER than whites and hispanics when it comes to marrying outside their race

2. blacks get married the least

3. blacks get divorced the most

now why in my right mind would i sign up to 1. find a black woman, 2. marry her before i'm ready, so i can 3. end up in a divorce and lose my shyt

when i can just date her, get ALL the same benefits, and NONE of the risk


Aug 16, 2014
:mjlol: you are hilarious... i haven't met many who are willing to go down with the ship like you are... but dammit it's commendable

first of all.... i meant save you from your bitter life... if you had a good man, steady dikk, and a happy life... you wouldn't be on here trying to chastise men for what they doing out here

my seed is my pride... and i don't care who he came out of, he's MY pride... MY dna... MY responsibility

these men are saving these women... saving them from a life of loneliness, bitterness, and pain.. you know... what you're going through now

that man to marry you will be doing YOU a favor.. unless of course you make more money and have more suitors we don't know about.. which isn't the case in even 25% of marriages

i don't have any abandonment issues... got both parents... huge family... life is good baby... women in my life are good baby.. the life in my life is good baby

when i meet the woman that makes all the rest obsolete... and makes me WANT AND NEED to marry her for the rest of my life, i'll be with her

i think this, get married.... it'll improve life... it's what black people need to do... is KILLING black people

1. black people are LOWER than whites and hispanics when it comes to marrying outside their race

2. blacks get married the least

3. blacks get divorced the most

now why in my right mind would i sign up to 1. find a black woman, 2. marry her before i'm ready, so i can 3. end up in a divorce and lose my shyt

when i can just date her, get ALL the same benefits, and NONE of the risk

Don't say blacks get divorced the most. Black men get divorced the most.
Yes I am hilarious and yes I am bitter due to a cold. I'm off sick today so get used to it.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Don't say blacks get divorced the most. Black men get divorced the most.
wrong.... i thank you for keeping me awake on this graveyard shift boo boo.... but WRONG...

look baby, you can just do what i do.... before making a point and hitting send.... just google it first... save yourself

you can look as this chart.........


or you can read the official gov statistics.... either way :francis:

Marriage and divorce: patterns by gender, race, and educational attainment : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

black women are the most divorced of any gender or race.... and women also file for 75% of divorces..... so who again isn't doing the divorcing??? i'll wait :feedme:


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
wrong.... i thank you for keeping me awake on this graveyard shift boo boo.... but WRONG...

look baby, you can just do what i do.... before making a point and hitting send.... just google it first... save yourself

you can look as this chart.........


or you can read the official gov statistics.... either way :francis:

Marriage and divorce: patterns by gender, race, and educational attainment : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

black women are the most divorced of any gender or race.... and women also file for 75% of divorces..... so who again isn't doing the divorcing??? i'll wait :feedme:
