The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
now i'm moving goalpostsDon't split hairs. Don't move the goal post on what's black. Oprah got some Native American in her, maybe 8% but she black for all intents and purposes.

you just a lost nikka.... first i can't have black kids if they came out my black dikk unless the woman is black

then when it's noted malcolm x's mom was half white... you skate on by that answer if he's considered black

but you make a point to tell me we ain't tiger (who just broke down his heritage, asian mom, black dad)

then tell me to make up some asian, white, black kid who ain't really back

then you say oprah is part native but she's black

but i'm the one moving shyt around

so lets get your final answer.... at what percentage of blackness does one start and stop being black.... we need exact numbers... 50% ain't good enough... but 92% is correct? where are you getting your dna breakdowns??? are we expected to be able to eyeball these breakdowns? from how many feet away?
the streets want to know

Congrats bro. you're a 60k rock star
i was thinking i was doing ok and well above what most americans don't make in a two person house... no rock star... but good enough to be better than avg

sorry i don't set low bars
you should let me groom you... your anger lets me know you're not happy in life... even though you pretend like you truly are