The problem is his documentaries are also full of non-sense and inaccuracies....
Thank you so much for saying this. I always find it odd when people praise them -- when most of it is inaccurate and just him saying shyt.
The problem is his documentaries are also full of non-sense and inaccuracies....
Thank you so much for saying this. I always find it odd when people praise them -- when most of it is inaccurate and just him saying shyt.
When a speaker in his documentary said that modern day Ghana was the same as Ancient Ghana I took it out my DVD player and threw it in the bin.....![]()
This is why Tariq tries to dodge the “leader” title. Not only do we not protect our leaders, we’re very disloyal in the overall sense. We turn on our “leaders” and even help the enemy set the leaders up. It’s happened to every single homegrown so-called black leader that we’ve ever had.
These old clips from his Mack lesson days used to try and discredit his support within the community are going to be futile as long as dude stays independent/grassroots. As long as dude doesn’t become reliant on the system then he can’t be torn down by shyt like this. That’s the only good part about it.
YoungmargeliaFleek$$ negged you for your post in the thread "White women are more oppressed than Black women" ~ Tariq Nasheed. With the following comment: Negged cac
Axolotl negged you for your post in the thread "White women are more oppressed than Black women" ~ Tariq Nasheed. With the following comment: chill
That's his problem.actually , i get what he's saying but he's all over the place with it, never took the guy serious anyway but lol if you take his words for gospel
As long as tariq nasheed continues to piss off these demonic right wing conservative white supremacists and call them out and use his platform to speak out against racism and bigotry i will support him. I don't agree with his statement here but you will not see me speak out against it in public because thats exactly what these demonic white supremacists want. in their mind right now they are cheering on black folks hating on tariq because it helps their agenda.
These b*stards don't call out alex jones, ben shapiro and trump despite all the sick and demonic things they say and do and they stay on code, so i will stay on code too. If these white supremacist demons wont give an inch and criticize people like crowder, the altright etc then i wont criticize tariq nasheed i will stay on code.
Tariq is only a leader based on his actions, not what he says. He’s out here getting shyt done which is leading by example. You trying to discredit the positive things that he does using some 10+ year old clips of his personal opinions is what’s pathetic. You don’t have anything to offer the black community. You’re of no service at all. Yet here you are trying to tear someone who is down.You three sound very pathetic. You're just dumb followers.
You must hold your leaders accountable for stupid actions, otherwise all you have is a dictatorship that won't look out for the people. Aside from that, Tariq could never be a leader, no competent Black leader pass the age of 18 would even utter such nonsense because they know it is not true and are smart enough to understand this society and how it operates.
Where are all of your posts calling out black liberals/feminists and their anti-straight black male campaign? This “straight black men are the white people of the community, black women’s real oppressors” narrative has been spread by black women for the last 50 years and people like you are responsible for it. You’re full of shyt. At least Tariq didn’t say this on some white mainstream publication at the behest of whites.Have you ever seen Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro, or Trump utter "Black women are more oppressed than White women"?![]()
I've noticed that people claim they hate swirlers and white people
But they sure do seem to love the products of them
They are in a sense but it depends on the content. Whtie women have a better community behind them, better schools, better opportunities, better foods but it comes at a catch that can't get shyt without a white man taking care of them.
White women aren't the voice of their community.
Black women honestly have more freedom, kinds pushed more in the workplace, grants and aid given to them to help them achieve, more support from their fellow sisters to achieve, can't be ceotozed because the critism comes mostly To us black men.
Yes in a sense Tariq is right depending on what a white woman does with her privilege, if she gets a good suitor she's more set but she has to confine more to what white men want while black women can literally donas they choose and we get the blame.
This is Tariq in a nutshell... he knows how to hustle the public with his superficial black power talk.