When a speaker in his documentary said that modern day Ghana was the same as Ancient Ghana I took it out my DVD player and threw it in the bin.....![]()


When a speaker in his documentary said that modern day Ghana was the same as Ancient Ghana I took it out my DVD player and threw it in the bin.....![]()
c00ningThis thread is too emotional and hard to see from a factual standpoint because you people don't understand what oppression is and how culture and community ties into everything.
No one can tell me black women are oppressed I just don't believe it. Are they stereotyped? Yes but oppressed? No.
Culture is poor Spanish men usually at the bottom of the financial papers having a higher marriage rate than black people when black males by percentage make more money. So what is making these Spanish women marry poor? Culutre and community but also fear plays a part of it. She literally gains little marrying Spanish males but going elsewhere is certainly not guaranteed to be better and who knows how other races of men see her. She has a sense of fear leaving her men even with them usually being poor.
Y'all can't tell me shut black women do what they want when they want period, their is not equivalent to Oprah of other races so why is she pushed so much and why does she and all these educated black women seem to downplay black males?
No white women could talk like this towards white males, even with all the white serial killers ww ain't saying nothing. White men pay their damn bills.
Y'all can get butt hurt all day the ONLY thing that will slow a BW down is kids outta wedlock period.
WW look free as he'll but are punished when they get outta line, ask the fat white women how is white males benefiting her?
This thread is too emotional and hard to see from a factual standpoint because you people don't understand what oppression is and how culture and community ties into everything.
No one can tell me black women are oppressed I just don't believe it. Are they stereotyped? Yes but oppressed? No.
Culture is poor Spanish men usually at the bottom of the financial papers having a higher marriage rate than black people when black males by percentage make more money. So what is making these Spanish women marry poor? Culutre and community but also fear plays a part of it. She literally gains little marrying Spanish males but going elsewhere is certainly not guaranteed to be better and who knows how other races of men see her. She has a sense of fear leaving her men even with them usually being poor.
Y'all can't tell me shut black women do what they want when they want period, their is not equivalent to Oprah of other races so why is she pushed so much and why does she and all these educated black women seem to downplay black males?
No white women could talk like this towards white males, even with all the white serial killers ww ain't saying nothing. White men pay their damn bills.
Y'all can get butt hurt all day the ONLY thing that will slow a BW down is kids outta wedlock period.
WW look free as he'll but are punished when they get outta line, ask the fat white women how is white males benefiting her?
Here is the end game.
There are some blk men who are so mentally raped that they want to eliminate white men and take their place with white women at their sides. Blk women remind them too much of their blkness they want to eliminate so blk women gotta go. Thus they attempt to associate blk women with white men and cape for white women.
White women are the most protected group in America. The largest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. Least likely to be incarcerated, identified as Behavior problems, regardless of how they act. Largest recipients of child support and alimony and have caused entire towns to be razed to the ground for perceived disrespect to them.
Blk men were literally swinging from trees b/c of one word from them. These bytches call the cops on ya'll for BREATHING and identify little black boys as behavior problems and as having disabilities simply for being different, thus being leaders in the school to prison pipeline.
If a white woman so much as accuses someone of rape, that is enough to have entire careers thrown away while R.Kelly and sexually abuse middle schoolers on a video tape and get away with preying on blk girls b/c they blk while female. White women are so protected that even despite being the drivers of blk male lynching and torture like Emmit Till, they can STILL get blk men to cape for them and hate or hold disdain for their own women.
I don't follow these online personalities but this type of shyt goes beyond toxic.
c00ns have taken strange fruit and remixed that shyt into smoothies for the millennium.
I'm not going to watch this video, but did he really agree with this sentiment? If so, some of y'all need to get a fukking grip and get off the internet. How the hell are white women more oppressed than Black women? I don't want to play oppression Olympics, but y'all see a few Black women (aren't representative as a whole) marry whites and suddenly Black women have more clout. WTF? If that were TRULY the case, the first Black woman to have ever been raped, sodomized, etc. would've ended racism at the first chance she had. Black women have absolutely no real political power. I don't care what reasons he provided. Trash statement. Y'all didn't like it when that c00n said Black men were whites of the Black community, so how is this any different?
Says it all.
"I didn't watch..."
"Too long didn't read"
Yet speak on the topic. Ignorance comes with a sense of pride in 2018. It's sad
Tariq is only a leader based on his actions, not what he says. He’s out here getting shyt done which is leading by example. You trying to discredit the positive things that he does using some 10+ year old clips of his personal opinions is what’s pathetic. You don’t have anything to offer the black community. You’re of no service at all. Yet here you are trying to tear someone who is down.
This thread isn’t about disagreeing with dude on merit or principle. It’s just about tearing him and his work down, hence all the “told y’all Tariq ain’t nothing but a fraud” posts from the suspected troll/agent crew. There’s plenty of things that I disagree with Tariq on and I’ve never bit my tongue when I felt like he was wrong but you can’t discredit what the man does and stands for because you don’t like or agree with what he said in a video over 10 years ago.
Where are all of your posts calling out black liberals/feminists and their anti-straight black male campaign? This “straight black men are the white people of the community, black women’s real oppressors” narrative has been spread by black women for the last 50 years and people like you are responsible for it. You’re full of shyt. At least Tariq didn’t say this on some white mainstream publication at the behest of whites.