Again...You are not following me.
First of all what you are saying is incorrect. Most male high schoolers cannot even run a 50 second 400m. In fact most male high school track athletes in general cannot even run a 50 second 400m. The key is MOST. Obviously, the elite boys H.S track all-americans would thrash women on the world class level. But A typical boys varsity runner from your average high school would have a tough time hanging with the best females in the world. Natasha Hastings would incinerate your average boys varsity 400m runner. The same could be said about a number of running events.
However with the 800m not AS much. A decent boys 800m runner would kill the best women at an international stage. All im saying is that internationally, womens 800m times are rather slow compared to everything else that women normally run at the world class level. Unless of course you're a woman that looks like a dude.
There is nothing to not follow about what you are saying.
What is really happening is you don't like the point that I made and countered, which is that despite your contention, world class women elite sprinters actually can't and won't routinely dominate boys in high school. They won't, I shown evidence that the best of just the US high school boys, dominated times put up by the best women, who are doping, in the world. This points to biological differences in boys and women, that show they are simply on a higher physical standard, despite, your contention of the opposite.
So we simply disagree, and whereas you want to talk about your feelings, I've used actual facts.
Now I can go online and pull up a local meet in the 100m, where you will have young men who race multiple meets a day, putting up times equal too or faster than the majority of women world game and olympic times.
I know what you were saying, about the 800m, I'm just saying that men don't only have an advantage in the 800m, they have an advantage at every distance.