White People are the embodiment of Evil (Must See Video)


Jul 2, 2015











Apr 6, 2017
Ya'll should read up on the skin trophy trade that whites used to do and actually still do to this day. After whites would do their lynchings, which was pretty much a town holiday for white folks as they would have picnics, live music, and bring the children to watch. Sidenote: the word picnic gained popularity in America around these times as it literally meant to pick a ****** to lynch.

But anyway the skin trophies were pieces of skin cut off the freshly mutilated dead or sometimes still alive bodies of black folks that were hung or burned alive or both. The black male genitalia was actually the most prized trophy to take and in the most demand. These skin trophies were kept with guarded family heirlooms or displayed proudly in homes and passed down generation to generation or traded for other trophies or things of value.

More recently in 2014 there was a public official in TN who went on record as proudly having a skin trophy from a black lynching victim in 1896 in order to intimidate a black man who was wanted to sue the town fire dept. Story is here:

Tenn. official 'threatened' blacks with skin 'trophy' he saved from 1896 lynching

Young Turks did a story on it too:

Also recently a story about a professor talking about this stuff and one his students said his father had a trophy purse made with black skin but his father would not let him take it to class or even photograph it.

Opinion | Nat Turner’s Skull and My Student’s Purse of Skin

Obviously white folks don't talk about this part of slavery/jim crow era a lot as they want to keep this secret as they still have many many black skin trophies out there locked away. Hell your white neighbor might have one but you'd never even know


Jul 2, 2015
White people lack empathy for brown people, brain research shows.

New research from the University of Toronto-Scarborough shows that white people’s mirror-neuron-system fires much less, if at all, when they watch people of colour performing motor tasks, and I’m not at all surprised. For years, I just assumed that this was true, and that someone just had to do a study to prove it.

After the United States invaded Iraq and massacred tens of thousands of Iraqis, worldwide terrorist recruitment skyrocketed, as well as terrorist attacks targetting the U.S. and coalition countries. Terrorist leaders cited the Iraq invasion and the deaths of Iraqis as the reason for the attacks. However, White Americans did not buy it, believing it to be a smokescreen for some other reason. It must be Islam, they reasoned, as they grasped at straws.

I then realized that the vast majority of White Americans could not empathize with brown people at a very basic level. For most White Americans, the death and violence of thousands of brown bodies was just part of some abstract ethical argument to position oneself as morally superior to the United States. For most White Americans, brown people dying just meant flickers on the television screen about something happening far away. They didn’t feel the overwhelming anger and sadness they would normally feel when someone they know dies without reason. They couldn’t see the full reality of what death means, when the people who die are brown.

I have seen white people complain online that they cannot see the facial expressions of (East) Asian faces. For many white people, East Asians are like emotionless robots who are efficient at machine-like things like number crunching. Some white people argue that while East Asians may be able to play musical instruments beautifully, they play music without soul.

Most white people just don’t see us as humans. When brown people die through violence, or East Asians express joy or sadness through our faces, most white people’s brains just don’t register the human connection between our bodies and their bodies. When we watch movies and TV shows and read books featuring white protagonists, we have to put ourselves into white people’s shoes to understand the stories and feel the emotions of sadness, laughter, and pride. But people of colour are rarely the protagonists in the media that white people watch, so they rarely or never have to imagine themselves as us.

When I watch some medical shows about a white person undergoing surgery, and the surgeon uses a sharp knife to break open pink skin, uses other instruments to yank out bloody tissue, or uses bloody string to sew up wounds, I can’t help but to squirm. My hands and arms unconsciously cover up the part of my body that corresponds to the area being operated on, as if protecting that part of my body from being penetrated by imaginary surgical instruments. From a purely rational perspective, this makes no sense. If I watch a (white) person being operated on from a third-person perspective, why should my body react as if it is my own body being traumatized?

Mirror neurons are a theoretical construct to explain this type of basic bodily empathy in terms of neurons (brain cells). In macaque monkeys, the neurons in the part of their brains that control bodily movement fire (or activate) when they perform bodily movements. However, neuroscientists discovered that these same monkey brain regions also fire when monkeys watch other monkeys perform the same actions. This discovery was revolutionary, because something that previously could not be explained by science—empathy—may be finally understood in terms of things happening in the brain. When a human empathizes with another human, it corresponds to her neural firing “mirroring” the neural firing of the other person, whose neurons would be firing because she would be performing the task itself.

In the recent neuroscience study on racial empathy by Jennifer Gutsell and Michael Inzlicht, they simply found physical evidence that white people have difficulty empathizing with non-white people:

The participants – all white – watched simple videos in which men of different races picked up a glass and took a sip of water. They watched white, black, South Asian and East Asian men perform the task.

Typically, when people observe others perform a simple task, their motor cortex region fires similarly to when they are performing the task themselves. However, the UofT research team, led by PhD student Jennifer Gutsell and Assistant Professor Dr. Michael Inzlicht, found that participants’ motor cortex was significantly less likely to fire when they watched the visible minority men perform the simple task. In some cases when participants watched the non-white men performing the task, their brains actually registered as little activity as when they watched a blank screen.

Note that nothing about this study suggests anything about racial empathy or lackthereof being hard-wired. The human brain is a living, dynamic organ made up of billions of living, changing neurons. An important concept in neuroscience is brain plasticity, which is the capacity of the brain to change with learning through the reorganization of neural connections. Studies on brain activity are about what the brain is doing, not about the brain being stuck or frozen in some permanent state. Brains don’t do that, unless they are dead.

The article also notes:

The trend was even more pronounced for participants who scored high on a test measuring subtle racism, says Gutsell.

Obviously-racist white people have more difficulty empathizing with people of colour than less-racist white people. This is not surprising. Lack of empathy is linked to racism.

However, the team says cognitive perspective taking exercises, for example, can increase empathy and understanding, thereby offering hope to reduce prejudice. Gutsell and Inzlicht are now investigating if this form of perspective-taking can have measurable effects in the brain.

Or we can break down the white-centric media and education systems that use only white people as a model of humanity. Maybe the researchers should test if people of colour really dehumanize white people as much as white people dehumanize us.


Jul 2, 2015


Apr 6, 2017
White people lack empathy for brown people, brain research shows.

I concluded that long ago, the proof is literally all around us everyday. From the fact that every time a pretty white girl goes missing it's National news for weeks, but barely a peep on the local news if a black girl goes missing because they know white folks couldn't give a shyt about it. To the fact that blacks will never get major roles in movies like whites do because whites simply cannot empathize with black characters. A black person can go watch something like the LOTR movies, and it's literally an all white cast, and it's fine because black people have the ability to look past skin color and immerse themselves in the story and empathize with the characters. White people simply cannot or don't have the ability to do this. Like Black Panther is the closest we've ever gotten to an all black cast in a major motion picture and they still had to cast white characters in lead roles for whites to be able to empathize with upon viewing.

Also and more importantly it explains why we will never have UHC in this country. White people have 0 empathy for sick POC. Also they feel that if even 1 black person benefits from UHC then it's not worth having even if it means their fellow less fortunate white brethren suffer too. But then again even the poor white folks would rather stay sick and die then to share their UHC with poc so :yeshrug:.

This is why the "my taxes aint going to help those lazy people out" argument comes out the second UHC is brought up. It's because the first thing that comes to their mind is that all blacks are lazy and if we get UHC then white taxes will pay for lazy blacks and browns care. And they would all rather pay out the ass or stay sick and die then to help 1 black person get free health care.

Sick world we live in, literally.