White people are FREAKING OUT about “critical race theory”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Gov. Ricketts says he is 'opposed to critical race theory'
Sara Gentzler World-Herald Staff Writer
16-20 minutes
Gov. Ricketts says he is 'opposed to critical race theory'

Gov. Ricketts: 'I'm opposed to critical race theory'

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts decried critical race theory on a call-in radio show Monday, encouraging parents to engage locally

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts this week said he is “opposed to critical race theory,” voicing an increasingly common opinion among Republican politicians.

The governor was asked about the concept Monday on his monthly call-in radio program, during which he didn’t explicitly call for legislation related to the theory and public schools but encouraged parents to get engaged.

But an associate professor of history and ethnic studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln said the definitions the governor offered on the air reflect a lack of understanding of the theory and literature on it.

At the foundation of critical race theory is that race is a social construct used to oppress and exploit people of color, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

Academics use the approach to look at how our understanding of race and white supremacy have impacted our past, structures — such as laws, politics, economics and society in general — and present, according to Jeannette Jones, the associate professor.

Jones, who spoke to The World-Herald in her capacity as a scholar, not a university employee, said she was first introduced to the theory in graduate school, after a book co-edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw was published in 1995.

The concept’s roots reach back decades, but the phrase “critical race theory” has lately assumed a starring role in political discourse, especially around public education. Left-leaning watchdog group Media Matters for America, which monitors conservative media, found this week that Fox News’ month-over-month mentions of the theory have more than doubled since February.

Those who say they oppose critical race theory have often called it divisive and anti-American.

At least 16 states are considering or have signed into law bills that would limit the teaching of certain ideas linked to “critical race theory.”

Critics of the backlash argue that the bills amount to censorship and could have a chilling effect on the speech of educators and students.

In explaining the theory, Jones said it is used not only to help people understand how racism and white supremacy operate, but also how to find ways out.

She offered a metaphor: If you get a math problem wrong, you go back and check your work to understand where you made a mistake, or you won’t be able to get the right answer.

“America needs to go back and check its work,” she said.

Ricketts characterized the theory in much different terms on the radio Monday.

It started with a caller named James from Raymond, Nebraska, asking Ricketts where Nebraska stands as a state on the theory.

“Well, I’m opposed to critical race theory,” the governor replied.

“It’s a Marxist theory ... it’s really un-American, about how it teaches us to think about ourselves as a country,” Ricketts said.

Regarding legislation, Ricketts said no state senator has picked up the issue, but that could change next year.

Later in the show, a second caller, Howard of West Point, referred back to the exchange and asked the governor to define his concept of critical race theory.

“So, the critical race theory — and I can’t think of the author right off the top of my head who wrote about this — really had a theory that, at the high level, is one that really starts creating those divisions between us about defining who we are based on race and that sort of thing and really not about how to bring us together as Americans rather than — and dividing us and also having a lot of very socialist-type ideas about how that would be implemented in our state,” Ricketts said, recommending the caller read about it.

Rather than looking at how people are different, he advocated for finding “common ground” and “how to come together as Americans.”

Presented with the governor’s definitions, Jones said she didn’t “hear a firm understanding of the objective of critical race theory.”

“I hear a lot of innuendos,” she said, adding that it is common for someone who’s asked for the definition not to know it.

“I think most of the people who are using it (the term) now don’t even know what it is. So, when they’re asked to define it, they don’t even know how to define it,” she said. “I think that’s important for us to grapple with.”

In response to Jones’ observations, Ricketts sent a statement that included the Encyclopedia Britannica definition of critical race theory, which states: “Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”

“Critical race theory is an attack on our country’s core values,” Ricketts said in the statement. “The American founding is based on the idea that ‘that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’”

The governor encouraged Nebraskans to work with school boards and other “appropriate governing bodies to support efforts to ban teaching this theory to young kids in our schools.”

Crenshaw, who was among those who helped popularize critical race theory in the 1970s and 1980s, said Republicans are twisting the concept to inflame racial tensions and motivate their base of mostly White supporters.

Jones and others believe the criticism of critical race theory may be representative of a backlash to the reckoning seen in 2020 regarding race, justice in policing, and more.

“It’s not dividing us,” Jones said of critical race theory. “It’s actually meant to heal us.”

This report includes material from the Associated Press.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Republicans' dishonest war against 'critical race theory'
Conservatives are suppressing free inquiry about American history

Illustrated | iStock


Ryan Cooper
May 14, 2021
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For years now, conservatives have been spinning a narrative that the left is trying to destroy academic freedom. Easily "triggered" liberal "snowflakes" on campus are too sensitive to the rigorous arguments of speakers like Milo Yiannopolis and Ben Shapiro, and so "woke mobs" shout them down instead of engaging with their facts and logic.

It's a load of nonsense. But meanwhile, conservatives (naturally) are waging an actual assault on academic freedom. They are whipping up a frenzied moral panic about something they call "critical race theory," attempting to use state power to muzzle left-wing academics and suppress the study of history and racism, which they intend to supplant with their own delusional propaganda.

First it's important to understand what critical race theory actually is. As Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic explain in their book Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, it is an academic movement originating in studies of racism and the law. In general, such scholars argue that racism is common and structures everyday life; that it tends to benefit both rich and poor whites; that race is a social construct instead of some biological fact; that racism is highly varied and expressed in ever-shifting forms; and that people of color generally have a special knowledge of their own oppression.

More broadly, critical race theorists often interrogate the underlying structures and biases of legal systems and arguments. In one famous paper, for instance, then-Harvard Law professor Derrick Bell argued that the famous Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education may not have been so much about high-minded legal principle but rather the perceived self-interest of white elites. Jim Crow had simply become too disruptive, and too much of an international embarrassment, to be countenanced any longer. "Racial justice — or its appearance — may, from time to time, be counted among the interests deemed important by the courts and by society's policymakers," he wrote.

Now, one can quibble with several of these arguments, and indeed, like any academic school of thought, these theorists are routinely squabbling with one another about various points. There is no unanimous set of views, and at bottom, critical race theory is just another intellectual movement in the classic Enlightenment tradition — a bunch of professional scholars making arguments using reason and evidence, mainly in books and academic journals. Until recently it was quite obscure.

The conservative picture of "critical race theory" bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality. Much like "cancel culture," which is now just a mindless catchphrase conservatives use to deflect blame for anything from trying to overthrow the government to stuffing a racehorse full of steroids, their version of "critical race theory" is a made-up bogeyman being used to whip up a screeching panic among the conservative base so as to suppress honest discussion about American history and racism.

The immediate context here is that the George Floyd protests have inspired many schools to reexamine their curricula, which are very often out of date or an outright whitewash of history. The study of Reconstruction in particular is still influenced by the baldly racist Dunning School, which libeled the brief post-Civil War multiracial democracy in the South as corrupt and tyrannical, hence justifying Jim Crow apartheid. In response, many school districts and universities have incorporated new scholarship, to take better account of the manifestly ongoing problem of racist injustice.

Importantly, little of this is about critical race theory per se, which is fairly arcane and more for graduate and law students (though there is a lot of overlap in topics, and some broader influence). We're not talking about interrogating the legal theories and argumentative structure of Supreme Court decisions here, it's mainly bog-standard history and elementary social science — stuff like Black Americans' hugely disproportionate rate of incarceration and economic deprivation, the legacy of racist housing policy, how slavery and Jim Crow worked, and so on.

In response, Republican legislators have proposed sweeping attacks on free scholarship and inquiry. As Adam Harris writes at The Atlantic, the Idaho legislature has passed a critical race theory suppression bill that would prohibit public students from being compelled to "personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to" several vague beliefs, including the idea that groups might be "inherently responsible for actions committed in the past by other members" of the same group. Arkansas has banned state contractors from conducting trainings that promote "division between, resentment of, or social justice for" racial or gender groups. A New Hampshire Republican has proposed a bill that would ban schools or state contractors from advocating "race or sex scapegoating" or arguing that the U.S. is "fundamentally racist." Several other states have passed similar laws, or are considering them. At the national level, 30 congressional Republicans have co-sponsored two bills, the Combatting Racist Training in the Military Act and the Stop CRT Act, which would basically prohibit anti-racism or diversity training for federal employees or members of the military.

The wording of all these laws is extremely vague, in part because conservatives haven't actually read any of the critical theory books, but mainly because the point is to instill fear in teachers and censor any viewpoints other than their own. "Because it's so ambiguous, I think administrators and instructors will try to be more safe than sorry, steer clear of any of these difficult, controversial topics," University of Utah professor Edmund Fong told ABC4.

It is ironic that self-appointed defenders of the Western Tradition are so afraid of a bunch of obscure academics. Rather than confronting these dread critical race theorists and defeating them with their own arguments, they would use state power to shut them up by force. Conservatives are so triggered by any discussion of the reality of American history that they instantly try to cancel anyone who doesn't hew to the comforting lies they learned in grade school — that America is the bestest country on Earth and has never done anything wrong, ever.

"Critical race theory is a divisive ideology that threatens to poison the American psyche," Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) said at a news conference announcing his anti-anti-racism bill. "For the sake of our children's future, we must stop this effort to cancel the truth of our founding and our country." America good, two legs bad. (As an aside, I should note that critical race theory is not nearly as anti-American as these hysterical demagogues assert; a great deal of the work is attempting to get the U.S. to live up to its founding egalitarian creeds.)

The whole charade is a worrisome sign of the utter intellectual bankruptcy of the Republican Party. The GOP now has a completely instrumental relationship with facts and argument, moving from one position to the exact opposite without the slightest hesitation. What is "true" for the conservative movement depends entirely on what is most convenient in their quest for total power.
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Jun 15, 2012
This is a critical topic that’s getting overlooked here because:

1) OP is unpopular
2) The Coli hates education
3) The Coli hates all the same stuff the GOP hates (see #2)
4) ADOS posters can’t see the value in CRT because they haven’t been told to (see #2 & 3)

There is no pathway to reparations without confronting this issue head on.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
It all makes sense now, they take a word and associate it with everything they don’t like

(communism, socialism, woke.) because some of these words make no sense in the context they use them in and it’s fuxking confusing.

saying black people don’t like being called the nword is critical race theory to them

These people are masters of deception


Sep 15, 2014


Nov 20, 2013
ok. Jus know that its the new boogey man for Cacs. 2022 elections looking scary.
They had to pick something to galvanize idiot cacs to vote against their best interest. If it wasn’t this they would create some bullshyt like they always do:yeshrug: