White people are FREAKING OUT about “critical race theory”


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
You are as black as bird shyt is white

Furious keyboard typing on some goofy hip hop forum do absolutely nothing to stop white supremacy or advancing CRT. You guys are just fishing for daps but are otherwise useless

Atleast those parents got off their ass and went down to the schoolhouse to complain :manny:


May 21, 2012
whatever it's called, it needs to be taught. kids dont know their ancestors did some heinous shyt and suffered through some heinous shyt.

just the other day I learned from fukking BBC about the MOVE bombing in 1985. the police in philly dropped a fukkin bomb on a building. they labled a bunch of black hippies/separatists as terrorists.

if that's what counts as terrorism, the capital insurrectionists are terrorists. and republicans trying to sweep that event under the rug is exactly why CRT needs to be taught. these cacs are ACTIVELY hiding this shyt from books and education
A lot of this stuff, I learned about in my own research like the MOVE bombing or the bombing of Black Wallstreet or Police Gangs etc.

The more I learned about the all encompassing hate these motherfukkers can have and how society has yet to do anything meaningful about it
the more I feel angry at the establishment.


Sep 15, 2014
A lot of this stuff, I learned about in my own research like the MOVE bombing or the bombing of Black Wallstreet or Police Gangs etc.

The more I learned about the all encompassing hate these motherfukkers can have and how society has yet to do anything meaningful about it
the more I feel angry at the establishment.

Its a feature not a bug as you already know


Nov 20, 2013
Furious keyboard typing on some goofy hip hop forum do absolutely nothing to stop white supremacy or advancing CRT. You guys are just fishing for daps but are otherwise useless

Atleast those parents got off their ass and went down to the schoolhouse to complain :manny:


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Furious keyboard typing on some goofy hip hop forum do absolutely nothing to stop white supremacy or advancing CRT. You guys are just fishing for daps but are otherwise useless

Atleast those parents got off their ass and went down to the schoolhouse to complain :manny:
:mjpls:You sound miserable. Why are you in this thread then? :mjtf:You need some attention? There are adults in here having grown up conversations about the American education System...a topic that concerns our race and just as importantly the education our black children have been taught and will be in the future. The indoctrination given to black children should be a concern to any black adult. So move yo little dumb ass on. Go read the Bible and pray or some shyt


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
There are adults in here whining endlessly about the American education System

Fixed that for you. :mjlol:Adults don’t have useless conversations they have no intention of acting on

For you crybabies everything is a crisis for others to solve and you are basically put in the position of a helpless child


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Fixed that for you. :mjlol:Adults don’t have useless conversations they have no intention of acting on

For you crybabies everything is a crisis for others to solve and you are basically put in the position of a helpless child
You don’t know any of us or what we do in our communities. I have a family and I’m active in my community and super involved in my children’s education including going to meetings, volunteering amd so on...It’s a forum, that’s the point. A place where you exchange and share ideas and discuss things. Again why are you here :wtf:

you not fooling me with that :mjpls:


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
Fixed that for you. :mjlol:Adults don’t have useless conversations they have no intention of acting on

For you crybabies everything is a crisis for others to solve and you are basically put in the position of a helpless child
Wait so you assume that since we are discussing a topic on racism, that we are being lazy, soft, and acting as helpless children. Even though you don’t know who we are or what we do in real life in regards to our communities... Bet :mjpls:

not replying back to you Cody/Josh


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Lawmaker wants to ban CRT, I asked him what it is

Whitmire: Alabama lawmaker wants to ban critical race theory, so I asked him what it is
By Kyle Whitmire | kwhitmire@al.com
Updated 6:15 PM; Today 8:49 AM

State Rep. Chris Pringle (left) wants to ban critical race theory from being taught in Alabama schools, colleges and universities. I asked him what CRT is, and well, the results weren't pretty. (Mickey Welsh/Montgomery Advertiser via AP)AP

This is an opinion column.

There’s been a lot of talk about critical race theory lately, and I’ve felt at a loss. I’ve heard so many conflicting things about critical race theory, I’ve gotten more and more confused.

So I did what middle-aged white men are prone to do — I asked another middle-aged white man. But not just any. I called an Alabama lawmaker, state Rep. Chris Pringle, R-Mobile, who wants to make it illegal to teach critical race theory in Alabama.

The 2021 Alabama legislative session ended last month, but Pringle is already primed for the next one. He recently pre-filed a bill — almost eight months before the next session is scheduled to start — and he’s been talking it up on the radio.

So what does his bill say?

“It’s pretty simple,” Pringle said. “All it says is you can’t teach critical race theory in K-12 or higher education in the state of Alabama.”

That is a short bill, if not a simple one. But it didn’t answer my question: What is this critical race theory educators would be forbidden to teach? Pringle has seen enough legislation to understand the law requires specificity. Many bills begin by laying out their legal definitions. How would his bill define critical race theory?

“It basically teaches that certain children are inherently bad people because of the color of their skin, period,” Pringle said.

That sounded very serious, indeed. Nazi-like, even. So I asked Pringle if there were any critical race theorists he could point to who have been spreading such toxic garbage?

“Yeah, uh, well — I can assure you — I’ll have to read a lot more,” he said.

I began to get the feeling that Pringle didn’t know as much about critical race theory as I had hoped. Were there other examples he could give me where critical race theory was being put into practice?

“These people, when they were doing the training programs — and the government — if you didn’t buy into what they taught you a hundred percent, they sent you away to a reeducation camp,” Pringle said.

Pringle was a little difficult to follow but this sounded serious. These people — whoever they were— sounded terrifying, and if there were reeducation camps operating in America, that would be big news someone like me should get to the bottom of. I asked Pringle, who were these people?

Pringle is a Realtor, a homebuilder and general contractor and he dug through what he called his “executive suite” (the cab of his pickup truck) looking for an article he’d read. After a few moments of silence, he began to speak again, this time a bit haltingly.

“Here’s an — it doesn’t say who it was, it just says a government that held these — these training sessions …”

Pringle trailed off and I told him that, if he liked, he could send me a link to the article, but then he began to speak again.

“The white male executives are sent to a three-day re-education camp, where they were told that their white male culture wasn’t their —” he trailed off again.

I was worried that we’d lost our connection. These sorts of conversations sometimes end abruptly, but Pringle was still on the line and after a little more hemming and hawing he retreated to a common safe-space of politicians who’ve crawled too far out on a limb: He just wanted to start a conversation, he said.

“I introduced a very brief version of the bill to start the conversation, but it’s very difficult in this cancel society to have a frank discussion about racism in this country and this country’s history,” he said. “I mean, history is being rewritten and I’m not exactly sure of the accuracy of what’s there now and what they’re trying to change it into.”

This was news to me, as I’d seen lots of lawmakers try to talk about race and history in the Alabama State House, but for whatever reason, they were always the Black lawmakers. It was the white lawmakers who usually tried to change the subject. I wanted to ask Pringle about this, but suddenly he was no longer at a loss for words and I didn’t want to interrupt.

“This is still the greatest country that’s ever, ever been in the history of the world,” he said. “And the radical left is trying to destroy that and tear us apart and divide this country based on race and class, which is exactly what they do in communist countries.”

After bragging to me how he had BS-ed his way through his college political science classes by parroting the liberal bilge his professors wanted to hear, Pringle then said he had to get back to his day job and that he had employees waiting on him at a job site. So I let him go.

(I texted Pringle later to ask if he could share it with me. “Sorry but I can’t find it again,” he said. “Must have deleted the link.”)

I had been on the phone for about 15 minutes with someone who should know what they’re talking about before making laws against things, but I was still confused about this supposed radical leftist plot. When I couldn’t get an answer from a middle-aged white man, I took the logical next step. I asked a middle-aged Black man, Alabama Democratic Party chairman and state Rep. Chris England.

England was cordial enough, but I got the impression I was interrupting what had been, until then, a nice vacation at the beach.

According to England, he hadn’t been familiar with critical race theory, either, until his colleagues across the aisle began making so much noise about it. That’s when he began to research it.

“Critical race theory has been around since the ’70s and it’s never been taught in K-12,” England said. “It’s post-secondary education theory that is only discussed in masters level classes.”

If that’s so, I asked, what’s really going on here?

“It’s just politicians trying to manipulate people to garner campaign contributions and votes, whipping them up with something that has no basis in merit or fact,” he said.

But England wasn’t just talking about critical race theory. He was talking about all the political straw men that get dragged out every election cycle. (Remember Common Core?) And there always seems to be a new one.

“All anybody really wants to be taught in their schools is the accurate and true representation of American and world history, and that includes America’s sordid history with race,” England said.

That sounded reasonable, if altogether different from what Pringle seemed so agitated about. It was almost as if they were talking about two different things. Perhaps there had been some sort of mix-up.

Pringle had said he wanted to have a conversation. Would England be OK with sitting down to talk about it with Pringle and his party?

England said he would, but he sounded more eager to get back to his beach vacation.

“These conversations should start where people are, rather than where you want them to be,” he said. “And the last place educational policy should be made — where you decide what teachers should be teaching in the classroom — is in the Legislature.”

Kyle Whitmire is the state political columnist for the Alabama Media Group.

You can follow his work on his Facebook page, The War on Dumb. And on Twitter. And on Instagram.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Southern Baptists sidestep direct attack on critical race theory

Southern Baptists sidestep direct attack on critical race theory
By Greg Garrison | ggarrison@al.com
Updated 5:27 PM; Today 5:11 PM

Southern Baptists gather in a convention hall at the Music City Center in Nashville on June 15, 2021. (Photo by Greg Garrison/AL.com)

Despite calls from some members for a harsh condemnation of critical race theory, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution on racial reconciliation that was more broad and general.

The resolutions committee’s statement “on the sufficiency of scripture for race and racial reconciliation” says Southern Baptists “reject any theory or worldview that finds the ultimate identity of human beings in ethnicity or in any other group dynamic.”

The Rev. James Merritt, chairman of the resolutions committee, made a direct appeal for the 15,680 messengers to not focus on critical race theory.

“If some people were as passionate about the gospel as they are about critical race theory, we’d win this world to Christ tomorrow,” Merritt said.

“I didn’t find CRT in the Bible,” Merritt said. “Wait, I did. It’s Christ Returns Triumphantly.”

The resolution emphasizes the need to focus on the Bible, he said.

“We reject any theory that goes against the worldview that our problem is anything other sin and the solution is anything other than salvation,” Merritt said.

“There is a world watching out there,” he said.

“It doesn’t take a lot of effort to blow up a bridge. One stick of dynamite will do it. To build a bridge, it takes hard work.”

Kevin Apperson, a messenger from North Las Vegas Baptist Church, had approached a microphone and called the resolution on racial reconciliation “vague” and “nebulous,” and argued for a direct critique of critical race theory. He said the resolution “never has the courage to call it by its name” while making indirect reference to critical race theory.

“If we do not have the courage to call a skunk a skunk, let’s not say anything,” Apperson said.

At the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham, the last time the denomination met, they passed a statement on critical race theory that did not condemn it but said such theories of systemic racism must never supersede the gospel.

Here is the statement that passed on Tuesday:


WHEREAS, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so

that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 states, “All Scripture is totally true and trustworthy” (Article I); and

WHEREAS, “God created man in his own image” (Genesis 1:27); and

WHEREAS, “From one man [God] has made every nationality to live over the whole earth” (Acts 17:26); and

WHEREAS, In his prophetic vision John saw “a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number,

standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9-10); and

WHEREAS, “Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned”

(Romans 5:12); and

WHEREAS, “Through faith [we] are all sons of God in Christ Jesus … There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you

are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-28); and

WHEREAS, “God … has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 states, “Christians should oppose racism” (Article XV); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 15–16, 2021, affirm the

sufficiency of Scripture on race and racial reconciliation; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our agreement with historic, biblically-faithful Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in all forms; and

be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that finds the ultimate identity of human beings in ethnicity or in any other group

dynamic; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that sees the primary problem of humanity as anything other than sin against God and

the ultimate solution as anything other than redemption found only in Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, We, therefore, reject any theory or worldview that denies that racism, oppression, or discrimination is rooted, ultimately, in

anything other than sin; and be it further

RESOLVED, That, understanding we live in a fallen world, we reaffirm the 1995 Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th

Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention, which includes, “That we apologize to all African-Americans for condoning and/or

perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether

consciously (Psalm 19:13) or unconsciously (Leviticus 4:27),” applying this disposition to every instance of racism; and be it finally

RESOLVED, We affirm that our reconciliation in Christ gives us the opportunity and responsibility to pursue reconciliation with others so

that we can display and share the hope of the gospel with the world.