White people are FREAKING OUT about “critical race theory”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Part 2:

The Civil Rights Movement
Why white people didn’t like it: It was communist, anti-white and had the word “rights” in it.
Legislators opposed the Civil Rights Act because it was “Marxist.” The House Committee on Un-American Activities investigated the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for communism. The FBI did, too.

In a 1964 New York Times survey, a majority of white people said that the “Negro civil rights movement had gone too far,” and a quarter of those people said their resentment was growing. They were right. Two years later, a 1966 Harris Survey, revealed that 85 percent of white respondents thought civil rights demonstrations “hurts the negro.”

Apparently, to white people, fighting racism is worse than racism.

Angela Davis
Why white people didn’t like her: She had an afro. She was a member of the Communist Party. Mostly it was about her afro.
The people who rail against “cancel culture” never acknowledge that cancel culture is a right-wing creation. Like when Angela Davis was canceled from her job as a professor at the University of Los Angeles California because she was a member of the Communist Party. Or when she was falsely charged with murder and kidnapping because she was a member of the Communist Party.

Of course, being a member of the Communist Party is bad.

Hey, remember the time a member of the Ku Klux Klan was on the Supreme Court?

Good times.

W.E.B. Dubois
Why white people didn’t like him: He was smart, Black and used the word “white people” a lot.
Hmmmm...Let me see if I can go way back in history and find something on W.E.B. Du Bois being called a Marxist. It’s gonna be hard. I’ll probably have to dig into the archives of a defunct newspaper from years...Oh, wait:

And if you think I’m kidding about white people not thinking Black people were smart, according to the National Opinion Research Center, it was not until 1963 that 50 percent of white people believed “Negroes” were born with the same intelligence as whites.

Why white people don’t like it: Because white people might find out about some of the things white people did, which is racist.
The fight against what politicians have deemed the Marxist, Un-American 1619 Project is actually a fight against teaching the history of slavery more accurately. And it is not new. White people said the same thing about teaching abolition. The United Daughters of the Confederacy said the same thing about the Civil War. White school districts in the North and South said the same thing about Jim Crow. And Black History Month.

Plus if white kids learn about America’s racist past, they might start saying: “I’m not going to do that again,” and then, what will happen to white people?

Why white people didn’t like it: Because Black kids carry venereal disease and Jesus didn’t like race-mixing, plus, it’s communist (see above photo). And big government is un-American.
In 1955, when Brown v. Board of Education was decided, the majority-white people did not agree with integrated schools or integrated neighborhoods, according to the National Opinion Research Center. In 1965, a decade after Brown v. Board, most white people didn’t agree with integrated schools or neighborhoods. In 1975, it was the same.

In 2021, in school districts from Alabama to New York, it is still the same.

Colin Kaepernick
Why white people don’t like him: He’s a Marxist, communist, racist, rich athlete who flaunted his politics in our faces by silently protesting out of sight until someone noticed.
Colin Kaepernick is the greatest example of Republican hypocrisy. They hate cancel culture after they canceled Colin Kaepernick. They don’t want politics in sports but cheer when politicians protest sports. They claim to like peaceful protest but derided Colin Kaepernick for protesting peacefully. They love freedom of speech but...

I think you see where I’m going.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Why white people didn’t like him: He was a communist. He was anti-white. He was a Marxist.
In 1966, a majority of white Americans had a negative opinion of King. When he died in 1968, 75 percent of Americans disapproved of him. Now they love him...

Because he’s dead.

Why white people didn’t like it: It was communist and racist against whites.
Remember when I said 92 percent of white people had a negative view of the Black Panther Party in 197o. The interesting thing about that survey is 82 percent of white people had the same view of the NAACP.

But that’s gone, now. Oh, wait...

Why white people don’t like it: Because it is communist and socialist.
According to the Republican Party, universal healthcare is communist. Or maybe it’s Socialism...except it’s sometimes Marxism. In any case, it’s definitely un-American, mostly because it’s called “Obamacare.”

They love the Affordable Care Act.

Why white people don’t like it: Come on, bruh.
(See history.)

The March on Washington
Why white people didn’t like it: It’s communist, racist and anti-white.
In August 1963, days before the March on Washington, the event’s unfavorability rating was 80 percent, according to a Gallup poll. That’s probably because 85 percent thought that “the communists” were involved in “the demonstrations over civil rights.”

This is why we must never ignore white people.

While we should never, ever do what white people collectively want, history has shown us that if something is good for Black people, white people will hate it. And if they vilify something as racist, communist or anti-white, you should take a second look because, nine times out of 10, it might be worth considering. When it comes to freedom and equality, the easiest thing to do is to see what white people have to say...

Then do the opposite.

Or, if that’s too confusing, simply ask yourself:

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