White man confirms Black people have been in America thousands of years before Slavery


Aug 18, 2013

10 Pieces of Evidence That Prove Black People Sailed to the Americas Long Before Columbus - Atlanta Black Star

Columbus Himself

According to renowned American historian and linguist Leo Weiner of Harvard University, one of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the fact that Black people sailed to America before Christopher Columbus was a journal entry from Columbus himself. In Weiner’s book, “Africa and the Discovery of America,” he explains that Columbus noted in his journal that the Native Americans confirmed “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.”

Before Columbus, the Moors were in America | Rasta Livewire

Christopher Columbus is believed to have discovered the New World, his route was not a straight westerly route as one might expect. His route consisted of four legs. The first leg took him southwest to the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. After arriving at the Islands he changed sails from a lateen sail to a square sail. The lateen sail was designed to tack against the wind. The square sail could only sail with a following or side wind, but it was stronger and faster with less wind. This change would only have been performed if you knew you had a following or a side wind. This indicates that Columbus received feedback from someone who traveled this route before. The second leg of Columbus’s route had a following or side wind twelve months out of the year. If he had gone west from Spain he would have encountered head winds the entire trip. The third and fourth leg returned him along a northern route home. So why did he travel to Africa? Other previous expeditions led by Europeans and or Vikings, traveled northwest. These facts are a strong indication that Columbus was aware of the winds and the currents off the coast of Africa. These facts are still disputed by some historians

This travel must have been deliberate if these vessels were loaded “with merchandise.” Although much later, this would coincide with the stories of voyages out of Africa. Later on Columbus’s third voyage he noted the presence of Africans in Panama. Even Ferdinand Columbus said that his father told him he had seen Africans north of Honduras

I wonder why they don't teach this in school :jbhmm:

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
This shyt is from 97 breh.:mjlol: Without watching the vid I thought for sure this was some shyt you just learned in 2016.

No wonder how people on here be getting spells put on them.

Props for researching history though, better late than never.

The Blackout

F-ck Da Mods
Dec 7, 2016
This will explain and answer the question in the other thread about 'where are all the slave ships'?

My theory is that America didn't ship nearly as many "slaves" from Afrika as they say (I mean I don't believe anything they say) and majority of us were already here and then enslaved. We were already in the Mexicos and the Carriibeans when they arrived.

& to think about it, it wouldn't make a lot of sense for Cacs to admit that these so called "savages" who know nothing had done already circumnavigated the world and was already here. Then they would not be able to use the narrative of "we bought you here bc you were animals in Africa" or the same ol "go back to Africa" tactic they like to use.

Van Sertima has been preaching this for forever. But of course it would take a white man to confirm this