Well in our community is just don't work like dat.
My hypothetical says....that if a White Woman went to Howard, "praised" BM, exclusively stated that she went there because she's more "comfortable" around blacks, preferred to date Black Men and thought that they weren't "appreciated" enough and therefore set out to start a business on that "appreciation" thereby leading her to get positive responses from BM in large numbers and tons of attention for it...we would never hear the end of it from sistren at Howard.
There would be all kinds of protests, discussion groups about
colorism, and "brainwashing", future black female directors and writers would write poems and movies about the issue years from now on campus, there would be a slew of books analyzing the black male mind and what we can do to "change" it. And years ago, it would have been the topic of discussion on every black female talk show with "footage" for the audience.
We'd ALL be brought to a court room like Saddam and asked to answer for our War Crimes lol
I'm telling you...when it's the reverse...there's a complete double standard and the consequences are

for BM.
If you were a BM who did that for WW...your career would just about be over...BW would boycott it and shut it down...and WM would "systemically" make sure it never got off the ground.