White HBCU Student Starts Campaign Where Black Women are the Beauty Standard

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Aug 17, 2013
One of my white bros pulls more black women than me. Especially if we are together.

If he approaches with me, 95% of the time while showing me attention even if there's attraction between us she'll go for my homie. I think they really like white dudes with black friends.

Hell I remember in high school this bad light skin in me and the same homies class sat at our table and we were tryna see who could smash first. Light skin chick was choosing my boy, I was like :ohhh: and she said sorry music fiend, I've already tried chocolate, I want vanilla.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Dude says the n-word :sas2:.

I see women on here ignoring this :mjpls:
Jan 26, 2015
I want to add that most of these cac lovers(negros and negresses) taping and thirsting for massah online appear to be middle to upper middle class and that's not a coincident...i'm looking at these young c00ns twitter/Instagram and judging by their neighborhoods and latest trendy fashions or gadgets these or Baldwin Hill ass nikkas not common blacks Americans but our upper class:comeon:.unlike many hood blacks whom refused to fully conform to the white power structure middle class to privileged blacks were raised be and descend from a long line of white cock buffers and house nikkas which is why most of them were able to achieve economic achievement in one of the most anti black countries in the world while so many of their peers are stuck in poverty and disenfranchisement...These ignorant middle class bedbucks and wenches are so quick embrace wiggas and other cacs/non blacks biting our culture cause they were raised around /been sucking white dikks as long as they can remember, relate to them and or also posers and leeches whom use .hood or conscious black culture they can't truly relate to whenever it's convenient to them...their parents most likely taught them there is no race but the human race ,work/c00n hard enough anything is possible in Murikkka, and the art of strategically kissing white ass..there ancestors were the house slaves whom served massah so loyally they were freed left in his will and are the backbone of old money AA families/upper class and the all lives matter nikkas marching so that they can live next to cacs during the Civil Rights era:scust:...the apples doesn't fall from tree....don't get me wrong there are white worshiping sambos in the hood but they are far as common as suburban and buppie nikkas...let's be clear drooling over and shamelessly licking cac boots online isn't a black problem it's a middle class to upper class c00n problem:ufdup:
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I want to add that most of these cac lovers(negros and negresses) taping and thirsting for massah online appear to be middle to upper middle class and that's not a coincident...i'm looking at these young c00ns twitter/Instagram and judging by their neighborhoods and latest trendy fashions or gadgets these or Baldwin Hill ass nikkas not common blacks Americans but our upper class:comeon:.unlike many hood blacks whom refused to fully conform to the white power structure middle class to privileged blacks were raised be and descend from a long line of white cock buffers and house nikkas which is why most of them were able to achieve economic achievement in one of the most anti black countries in the world while so many of their peers are stuck in poverty and disenfranchisement...These ignorant middle class bedbucks and wenches are so quick embrace wiggas and other cacs/non blacks biting our culture cause they were raised around /been sucking white dikks as long as they can remember, relate to them and or also posers and leeches whom use .hood or conscious black culture they can't truly relate to whenever it's convenient to them...their parents most likely taught them there is no race but the human race ,work/c00n hard enough anything is possible in Murikkka, and the art of strategically kissing white ass..there ancestors were the house slaves whom served massah so loyally they were freed left in his will and are the backbone of old money AA families/upper class and the all lives matter nikkas marching so that they can live next to cacs during the Civil Rights era:scust:...the apples doesn't fall from tree....don't get me wrong there are white worshiping sambos in the hood but they are far as common as suburban and buppie nikkas...let's be clear drooling over and shamelessly licking cac boots online isn't a black problem it's a middle class to upper class c00n problem:ufdup:

There are plenty of black middle class people that refuse to bedwench and kiss ass to white folks. There are hood folks like K Michelle that bedwench on the regular. It's not a class thing, it's a mentality thing.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
many millennial college aged blacks dont know how the world works

when this cac gets out of college, works for whites and see the value of his whiteness, he'll separate himself from nikkas with the quickness. thats what cacs like him do

That be funny when he does that with a HBCU undergrad degree :dead:

His white bosses aka family friends will be like :skip: "how were the black women like?"
Jan 26, 2015
There are plenty of black middle class people that refuse to bedwench and kiss ass to white folks. There are hood folks like K Michelle that bedwench on the regular. It's not a class thing, it's a mentality thing.
possibly but the majority of the bedwenches /bucks showing their ass/ and reinforcing white supremacy online middle class kids:comeon:K Michelle don't count cause she's an entertainer(most nikkas in the industry are tap dancers) and didn't start to wench for publicity until years into her career and whom's to say she wasn't raised in a middle class home...alot of spoiled middle class blacks imitate dysfunctional/stereotypical hood culture:yeshrug:
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Man, after this f'd up episode, I'm going to start checking out the Root to vent. I'm now convinced that the media manipulation/conspiracy is real. Look at the shows and how we are portrayed. Maury - yeah, there may be one white trash trailor cac couple, but to that one, there are three AA, and the producers coaching them to act ratchet. Even that judge show with the sista Lauren Lake Paternity Court is meant to portray how black men are deadbeats. Add Scandal, etc with the promotion of IR, and gay black men only being shown in TV and after a while, and the constant barrage by the media of showing only negative images of black men - which is still a small percentage of us with the majority of us being straight- its brain washing by the cac media. Couple that with the unequal enforcement and bias of the law and the court system, unfair housing and benefits programs favoring single families lead by women, lack of job hiring due to discrimination, etc. its no wonder these "woke" HBCU women start to look outside.

America hates masculinity because masculinity fights back against the powers that be. Especially black masculinity that created the NOI and The Black Panthers. They want us Native American status.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
possibly but the majority of the bedwenches bucks/wenches professing their love or massah online /showing their ass are middle class kids:comeon:K Michelle don't count cause she's an entertainer(most nikkas in the industry are tap dancers) and didn't start to wench for publicity until years into her career and whom's to say she wasn't raised in a middle class home...alot of spoiled middle class blacks imitate dysfunctional/stereotypical hood culture:yeshrug:

Many hood folk also shyt on black positivity and knowledge of self. If you talk to them about Dr. Claude Anderson plan for black empowerment, they hit you with the :what: face, or they may even fight you for "preaching." :snoop:

Ignorance is rampant among us, and even spitting the truth will get you a lot more hate than necessary.


Mar 13, 2014
of course he does....those nikkas at Howard probably gave him a crown and a throne after he did the dab , Hillary won the blk community over from the dab

i might hire a white boy to run my business in the future, and trick black folks into supporting black business :patrice: actually a interesting idea...(lightbulb)
:francis: all facts
damn my nikka you be coming with straight fire on here :mjlol:
Jan 26, 2015
Many hood folk also shyt on black positivity and knowledge of self. If you talk to them about Dr. Claude Anderson plan for black empowerment, they hit you with the :what: face, or they may even fight you for "preaching." :snoop:

Ignorance is rampant among us, and even spitting the truth will get you a lot more hate than necessary.
i never denied any of that but the fact remains as proven by the OP some of the most lost blacks are middle to upper middle class oreos:manny:ignorant hood blacks(field nikkas) slave mentality usually manifest itself in more self destructive ways(criminality/thug culture) where as more privileged blacks (house nikkas express their slave mentality through loud and public displays of their Stockholm syndrome by loudly expressing of their love and affection of massa(cacs) though c00ns from both sides of the economic ladder or prone to tap dance for whitey or embrace thug culture usually the Balwin Hill ass nikkas toming it up online

don't know much about brother Anderson outside the fact he preaches black economic empowerment but the fact he has been able to reach such heights by his own admission working under/for cacs makes him a suspect reformed house nikka and uppidity Tom DuBbois nikkas like him don't want problems with hood nikkas:aicmon:i honestly would't be surprised if his daughters were wenches:russell:
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Well in our community is just don't work like dat.

My hypothetical says....that if a White Woman went to Howard, "praised" BM, exclusively stated that she went there because she's more "comfortable" around blacks, preferred to date Black Men and thought that they weren't "appreciated" enough and therefore set out to start a business on that "appreciation" thereby leading her to get positive responses from BM in large numbers and tons of attention for it...we would never hear the end of it from sistren at Howard.

There would be all kinds of protests, discussion groups about colorism, and "brainwashing", future black female directors and writers would write poems and movies about the issue years from now on campus, there would be a slew of books analyzing the black male mind and what we can do to "change" it. And years ago, it would have been the topic of discussion on every black female talk show with "footage" for the audience.

We'd ALL be brought to a court room like Saddam and asked to answer for our War Crimes lol

I'm telling you...when it's the reverse...there's a complete double standard and the consequences are :wow:for BM.

If you were a BM who did that for WW...your career would just about be over...BW would boycott it and shut it down...and WM would "systemically" make sure it never got off the ground.


Ladies, where art thou? @Golden @agnosticlady @Missy85
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