This is true..Feminism using black and latino men as the boogie men to sell their agenda . I can see why some brothers want nothing to do with the white womans feminist movement.
But honestly, I have no idea why black women would want a part of the modern day feminist movement.
Although it's completely understandable and absolutely neccessary as a movement to help to make sure the rights of women are acknowledged and protected, it saddens me that they aren't hip to the game that it is yet another pro-white agenda.
When Beyonce is decried as an individual who shouldn't be represented as a voice for feminism by white feminists but a white male who simply puts on a t-shirt with a pro-feminist slogan is heralded as a hero for feminism...that's all you need to know about what it's really about.
White feminists would rather champion the rights of white gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, cis-genders, gender neutral persons, and other "POCs" (I hate that term for many reasons), before the rights of black people.
They were maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad silent when Mike Brown got killed and protesters were getting tear gassed in Ferguson by cops. Maybe a retweet/reblog or two out of liberal white guilt, but other than that, their silence pretty much sums up how they feel about the plight of black people. From what I've observed on social media, they would rather care about the representation of white women in the video game industry, comic book industry, and other meaningless industries that are white male dominated and have little to no minority representation where blacks are almost non-existent and other non-problems that the first world bears then the civil liberties, human rights, and socioeconomic progression of black people.