Organize the non obvious

Almost every race and culture contains art about their specific underworld involving vice and power

They actually touched on this a little in The Sopranos with the HUD scam. It's very overt at 07.52I don't think anyone is taking a "that was then, this is now" stance on this or other mob films. That said, the racism and long-term socio-economic impact of their reigns is something rarely touched on and an angle worth exploring. Although I wonder if a narrative dion would be the best vehicle for that message.
They actually touched on this a little in The Sopranos with the HUD scam. It's very overt at 07.52
Thanks for the correction breh. I guess I was really just lumping in all white mob movies, whether its about the russians, irish, italians or cowboy outlaws.
This thread is a long time coming. After seeing all of the commercials and seeing the following interview, I finally reached mymoment with Italian mob movies
Personally, I'm tired of this shyt. We can't even get a damn movie based in Egypt to portray black character. But we have to sit through the glorification of the Italian mob which held back the advancement of black and brown people throughout the US since the Reconstruction era?
Can you imagine a movie about Tookie Williams or King David in which their stories are characterized as "shakespearean tragedies?" Can you imagine a muhfukka in a hollywood interview for Tookie Williams, proudly proclaiming that he was Tookie's character witness or proudly stating that he was "in awe of his mystique?"
Why the fukk are we okay with a movie about a South Boston gangster form the 70s - 90s as if Boston isn't notorious for racial segregation/the mob isn't one of the biggest enforcers of racial segregation north of the mason dixie?
Yeah it like Jessie and frank James. They're all scumbags who murdered and stolre but they're revered by most Americans.
But if they were black it'd be different no doubt.
Also, at this point I hate the love affair of Scarface amongsgt rappers.
They are revered by many if not most Americans. As is the whole supposed "wild west" eraLOL @ revered
Notorious =/= revered
They are revered by many if not most Americans. As is the whole supposed "wild west" era
I stand by whayt I said.
You're nuts.