I loved TFA, but I have to deduct some serious points for the fact that it felt like a quasi-reboot of ANH. Same reason Jedi feels so inferior to me because they rehashed the Death Star, I have to believe they even realized it themselves as Han goes "another Death Star?" in the new flick.
Sith just had a lot going for it
Starts off with the illest opening since the original, that drum was insane. Leading into a dope spacebattle. Anakin/Obi seeing the Jedi in their prime. The politics between the Jedi/Palpatine, Anakin being put in the middle. Then it all goes to hell with Order 66. That sequence alone is unparalleled in the saga.
There's so much shyt that went well in that film.
TFA was dope but it's the least creative film in the saga. It gets by on ill visuals, good acting and a dope script. Storywise even Phantom did more for the "Star Wars universe" than this film did.
To me that's not forgivable, it might not reach the lows of Episode I (too much to list), II (akward script) but it's far less creative and plays it very safe. It's the laziest story of the bunch.
My ranking :
A New Hope
If Clones had like one more big rewrite I would've put it above Jedi. If TFA had more balls it could've fukked with my
big three.