Type Username Here
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Are you fukking kidding me?
@Type Username Here as a brasileiros how do you feel about the aforementioned statements? Accurate?
I can understand what he is saying, since you and I have had this discussion ourselves before. I just feel like it's a cop out at times.
Politics play a role. Greed and power play a role. Blow backs, foreign policy, etc.. Those all play a role.
But if at the end of the day you convince a group of people to do an action by pointing towards a piece of text in a holy book, how is religion not to blame? The puppet master might using religion as the strings to make the puppet move, but it doesn't change the fact that the strings are helping facilitate the moving.
As far as Shogun goes, I think he forgets all of the actions of the Church that don't involve direct war. South America has been laid to waste by the Catholic Church, and it goes on until this day. How many countless Central/South Americans and Africans needlessly died because the Church, up until recently, advocated not using birth control and contraceptives? How many new AIDS victims or starving Children dead were a result of that? How many gays are being killed around the world because of what the bible says about homosexuality? What does politics have to do with that? Wherever the European forces landed, the Catholic Church came with it, and the Church brought a lot of violence with it.
I think we tend to forget how much politics and religion were intertwined, especially during the Middle Ages. You literally had monarchies claiming they had a right to rule based on Divine Rights. People actually believed that.