Ohhhh, dude, I forgot about Force Unleashed! I had just posted about how it's the only Star Wars game I want right now.- Force Unleashed - fucc Fallen Order
That and Republic Commando 2
Ohhhh, dude, I forgot about Force Unleashed! I had just posted about how it's the only Star Wars game I want right now.- Force Unleashed - fucc Fallen Order
Power Stone
Max Payne
They already announced a max Payne remake.Damn I miss the 360 era!
Splinter Cell - If they could somehow mix Chaos Theory and Blacklist into something stealthy but not too slow or fast.
Prototype - I look at Prototype 2 and Spider-Man 2018 and just say smashed them together and keep it rated M.
Saints Row - I hate that they keep milking the franchise but damn, why not give people Saints 1 and 2 again.
Sleeping Dogs - Honestly, just give us a sequel.
The Warriors - I know that it's a game based on 40 YEAR OLD movie but the stuff they added as a prequel and expanding the gangs and lore at the same time. Would love a beat em up brawler game set in the 80's aftermath of the film. I just know that the more "progressive" crowd would hate the 80's vernacular and mindset in some areas.
WCWWF No World Mercy/Revenge 2000 - Combine all four games and give it TNA Impact graphics and I'll buy it.
Max Payne - Would they go the route of pretty graphics or ground up like RE2? I also don't know how the graphic novel pages would go over either.
Scarface The World is Yours - Just give it a GTA budget and give me co-op. Loved this game.
Left 4 Dead - These 2 games made 15 damned years ago are still loved and played till this day. Stop with the Valve can't count to 3 joke and give us L4D3!
This a good one but creating and fleshing out all those character would take ages in development time todaysuikoden