Where were Kobe's parents?

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
I can kinda see both sides of it. My pops and I had beef before I got married, not because of who I married, but because I didn't invite a lot of people from his side of the family. I didn't know them n1ggas like that, and we were limited to 175 people at our reception. If we went over 175 people, then we would have to pay more. So outside of friends and family and loved ones, a lot of the ones on his side didn't make the cut. He was salty, and said "I'm not coming to the wedding". I was like "this ain't about you, tho" and "if you don't wanna come then :manny:" Went on and got married, my uncle (his brother) walked my moms down the aisle.... We got over it, we both bull headed when it comes to our stances. So in a sense I can kinda see Kobe's side when it comes to who he married or how he decided to do it. But I can also kinda see where his peoples is salty cause of how he got his in laws living. If that's HIS money, he should be able to dictate what they get. I would feel some type of way if I had my mother in law or extended in laws living better than my peoples. And if my wife tried to insist that I bless them more than my peoples, then we'd have a problem right there :ufdup:

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
Breh from the rumors I have heard over the years it is about a lot of stuff from the money to old girls family to old girls mom.

From the rumors I heard back in the early 2000s and late 90s. Like I said these are just rumors.

Kobe was messing with Vanessa and another girl. Kobe's parents told him to stop messing with Vanessa because she was underage. Well the story goes that Vanessa's mom always been a come up artist and believed on marrying up or having her kids marry up so she could be taken care of.

So the rumored story goes is that vanessas mom threatened to go to the media and tell Kobe is messing with an underage girl if Kobe doesn't marry her. Kobe's parents call Vanessa's family bluff and tell Kobe don't marry her and he should have listened to them to not mess with her because she was too young.

Kobe and Vanessa waits till she turns 18 (she was a month away from 19 when they got married) and get married against Kobe's parents wishes.

Then you have the rumor that Vanessa mom gets whatever she wants and Kobe takes care of all of his in-laws from cousins to siblings.

Supposedly it is a power struggle between Kobe's mother and Vanessa's mom. But of course Vanessa's mom has been the one winning the war for the last 15 years.

Also another rumor is that Vanessa's mom basically upgraded everything when Vanessa married Kobe....she upgraded her total life style and even divorced Vanessa's dad or step dad (can't remember the story) and got her a better looking man.

Now you throw the other well known stories like situation with Colorado (which I am sure his parents were hot over) and Vanessa filing from divorce (which I know Vanessa's mom was not pleased with if believe the rumors that Kobe takes care of her) in there and you got a volatile story.

But as I said this is all rumors that I have heard over the last say 18 to 20 years.

Remember some of this stuff was hinted at during the whole sexual assault/rape charge. Cause the media, regular folks and folks on the internet was digging big in his life during this time time.

Yep they was saying kobe was thinking about divorcing vanessa before the Colorado incident

Kobe Bryant was considering divorcing his young wife almost four months before he allegedly raped a teenage hotel employee at a posh Colorado spa, it was reported yesterday. The five-time NBA All-Star contacted a divorce lawyer in March - and when the Los Angeles Laker's wife, Vanessa Bryant, found out, she had to be rushed to a California hospital, Newsweek said. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, Calif., has said only that an "adult woman" was brought to the hospital by ambulance from the Bryants' Newport Beach home on March 5 and placed on life support. Vanessa Bryant, 21, has stood by her husband in public, appearing with him at the July 18 news conference in which Bryant tearfully admitted only to committing adultery. But Newsweek - which offers new details from Kobe Bryant's camp about the encounter - said the Bryants' marriage was falling apart before the athlete met the blond concierge. Bryant, 25, is to appear in a Colorado court Thursday to hear prosecutors lay out their case against him. If Bryant's lawyers decide to waive the hearing and go straight to trial, the hoops superstar still must appear for a bail hearing. According to Newsweek, Bryant - an athlete with a choirboy image who once told teammates, "I would never get into trouble like Mike Tyson" - had begun hanging out and drinking with his three bodyguards, at their encouragement, and talking to women. Sources close to Bryant said he and the concierge began flirting shortly after he checked in on June 30. She gave him a tour, delivered food to his room and agreed to return after work. The two had sex but Bryant grew anxious because he was not using a condom, Newsweek said. At one point, she allegedly yelled for him to stop - which Bryant's sources said he did. She was crying hysterically and insisted on leaving, and Newsweek reports that a panicked Bryant tried to keep her in the room until she calmed down. She left, promising to return, but never did. That account is starkly different from the one offered by friends of the accuser. One friend told Newsweek the woman was "attacked as soon she walked through the door" and there was "aggressive groping with no warning, followed by sex.



Jan 25, 2016
Yep they was saying kobe was thinking about divorcing vanessa before the Colorado incident

Kobe Bryant was considering divorcing his young wife almost four months before he allegedly raped a teenage hotel employee at a posh Colorado spa, it was reported yesterday. The five-time NBA All-Star contacted a divorce lawyer in March - and when the Los Angeles Laker's wife, Vanessa Bryant, found out, she had to be rushed to a California hospital, Newsweek said. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, Calif., has said only that an "adult woman" was brought to the hospital by ambulance from the Bryants' Newport Beach home on March 5 and placed on life support. Vanessa Bryant, 21, has stood by her husband in public, appearing with him at the July 18 news conference in which Bryant tearfully admitted only to committing adultery. But Newsweek - which offers new details from Kobe Bryant's camp about the encounter - said the Bryants' marriage was falling apart before the athlete met the blond concierge. Bryant, 25, is to appear in a Colorado court Thursday to hear prosecutors lay out their case against him. If Bryant's lawyers decide to waive the hearing and go straight to trial, the hoops superstar still must appear for a bail hearing. According to Newsweek, Bryant - an athlete with a choirboy image who once told teammates, "I would never get into trouble like Mike Tyson" - had begun hanging out and drinking with his three bodyguards, at their encouragement, and talking to women. Sources close to Bryant said he and the concierge began flirting shortly after he checked in on June 30. She gave him a tour, delivered food to his room and agreed to return after work. The two had sex but Bryant grew anxious because he was not using a condom, Newsweek said. At one point, she allegedly yelled for him to stop - which Bryant's sources said he did. She was crying hysterically and insisted on leaving, and Newsweek reports that a panicked Bryant tried to keep her in the room until she calmed down. She left, promising to return, but never did. That account is starkly different from the one offered by friends of the accuser. One friend told Newsweek the woman was "attacked as soon she walked through the door" and there was "aggressive groping with no warning, followed by sex.


sounds like bullshyt :martin:


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
Shameless bump because I told no lies..... I should be repped more....

If you read the newly published Kobe article from ESPN..... It comes straight from the horse's mouth why him and his parents aren't speaking



Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
I can kinda see both sides of it. My pops and I had beef before I got married, not because of who I married, but because I didn't invite a lot of people from his side of the family. I didn't know them n1ggas like that, and we were limited to 175 people at our reception. If we went over 175 people, then we would have to pay more. So outside of friends and family and loved ones, a lot of the ones on his side didn't make the cut. He was salty, and said "I'm not coming to the wedding". I was like "this ain't about you, tho" and "if you don't wanna come then :manny:" Went on and got married, my uncle (his brother) walked my moms down the aisle.... We got over it, we both bull headed when it comes to our stances. So in a sense I can kinda see Kobe's side when it comes to who he married or how he decided to do it. But I can also kinda see where his peoples is salty cause of how he got his in laws living. If that's HIS money, he should be able to dictate what they get. I would feel some type of way if I had my mother in law or extended in laws living better than my peoples. And if my wife tried to insist that I bless them more than my peoples, then we'd have a problem right there :ufdup:
nah, you sound like a fucc boy my dude


From The Eastside with Love
Nov 21, 2012
The fact that Kobe doesn't hide from his troubles with his family and marriage is incredible. His desire to put basketball over all is :wow: I hope he can mend the relationships now that basketball is behind him


Nov 29, 2012
kobe's parents hate him and vanessa's weirdo bisexual brothers/cousins always hanging around too :scust:

after the game kobe was hugging all these random mexicans i was like who the fukk are---- oh wait its prob vanessas flamboyant ass greasy brothers/cousins :scust:

thats why he has no friends.
he wants to attribute it to him being so "competitive" and being so focused on basketball :usure:... yea sure.

Jordan is twice the a$$hole kobe is and yet he has plenty of friends and is always out getting drunk/playing pool/dancing with pawgs :troll: /high as a kite dressed like shyt with oakley and a bunch of other of his :flabbynsick: homies

if he killed himself within 5 years nobody should be surprised.