best episodes of the season they wrap up alot of stuff in the finale but there still alot of unanswered question for next season
Yo Diana is
killing the captain girlfriend off
Kids love me ha
at her trying to make her parents do it
to the captain i hope Nick kills his ass turning his back on Nick & crew
Bonaparte told Adalind she cant take off the ring so what happens if she do
when he turned Adalind stone
you put your hand on my mommy
The mind control power she has to make people do whatever she want
They really underestimating how powerful she is
Monroe and Rosalie about to have them some type of mix baby that going to piss off wesen
that don't believe in that type of thing
So the magic wand turned Eve/Juliet is human again
& healed Nick after he took shots to the chest
So how long til they use the wand to heal Wu
i just laugh dude looks like a stone age caveman when he turns
I bet either the wand get destroy before they can use it on Adalind or Nick is going to accept Adalind
as an Hexenbiest
Cant see Nick getting back with Juliet even if she is human again and is sorry since she did set his mom up to get killed and just sat there as his mom scream for life.
if the wand can bring people back from the dead can't they use it to bring back
Meissner they need all the help they can get
So is the captain the next in line to control black crawl since Bonaparte is dead