So is Juliet/Eve no longer emotionless
Why would she get at Adalind like

you better not hurt Nick or i will killed your ass
Diane is fukkin

she was mad as fukk at Adalind because she wouldn't stay
Then changing her voice
Them giving Wu a story line turning him into a werewolf
That shyt was dirty how they killed dude mom who was a werewolf a few episodes back dude told them like look don't hurt her. They make a potent to knock her out or slow her down if i remember and they didn't even attempt to use that shyt they just shot her ass in the chest like damm. They could of shot her in the leg or something and gave her the potient had her son

So if Adalind didn't join black claws they was going to kill her and Nick son Kelly and her so pretty much she joined them to protect Kelly and be with Diane again
What the hell is the captains end game is he really going all in with black claws or what. I can't see him just turning his back on Nick and the crew just like that after everything they been through.