And I'm tired of people coddling victims instead of teaching them to look within themselves to find the reasons why they get bullied to begin with. The shyt is wack, there are people with legit problems but we're goin on crusades for weak ass shyt like this? Why does the kid even want to kill himself to begin with? That's what the concern should be, not a bunch of people that would typically clown somebody for doin some clown shyt. If you're gonna be the kind of parent that allows this shyt then do right by your child and teach them how to have some thicker skin.
People get bullied because they're different (e.g do not fit constructed social norms like him watching my little pony things SOCIALLY and ARTIFICIALLY associated with female things rather than biologically ) and he seems to understand that. Yeah, that sucks. People are dikks and are scared of anything different (this manifests in many forms, racism, xenophobia, sexism, ect) mainly because humans have a primitive mentality that is still carried on from evolution and is often subconsciously activated. They SHOULD comfort him, and teach him how to stand up for himself. He shouldn't change himself because a bunch of a$$holes are scared of difference.
He wants to kill himself because he feels bullied and lonely, he feels the world doesn't support him, and unfortunately he's very right at that.